1.Then,it is pointed out that the high humid weather distinctly varies with regions and seasons;this characteristic makes the driving environment more complex,brings bad effects to drivers psychology and thus .同时指出:高湿天气具有明显的区段性差异和季节性差异;该差异将会使驾驶环境变得复杂,给车辆的行驶和驾驶人员的心理带来很不利的影响,直接影响着交通安全。

1.a high visibility cab gives greater crew comfort, with tinted windows to reduce the glare.高清晰度的驾驶室为驾驶人员提供舒适的驾驶条件,淡紫色的玻璃可降低眩目的目光,
2.Emphasis and Strengthen the Integrated Diathesis Education for Agricultural Machinery Drivers;应重视和加强农机驾驶人员的综合素质教育
3.One who operates or is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight.飞行员在飞行中驾驶或有资格驾驶飞机的人
4.A Study on Bus Drivers: The Relationship among A-type Personality, Driving Behavior and Accident公交驾驶员A型人格、驾驶行为及事故的关系研究
5.a safe driver, worker, goalkeeper谨慎的驾驶员、 工人、 守门员.
6.a relief driver, crew, etc轮换的驾驶员、 乘务组人员等.
7.a flight in which the aircraft pilot is unaccompanied.由一个飞行员驾驶而没有其他人陪伴。
8.Our pilot comes in and says to me,"You're wanted on the phone."驾驶员跑过来跟我说:“有人要你接电话。”
9.The Construction of the Personality Model of Metro-Drivers;地铁驾驶员职业人格特征模型的建构
10.The Research of Drivers Tired Inspection Based on Face Recognization;基于人脸识别的驾驶员疲劳驾驶检测技术的研究
11.The Relationship of Road Accidents with Motorcyclists Riding Behaviors,Personality and Alfitudes Towards Safety;摩托车驾驶员驾驶行为、人格、交通安全态度与事故的关系研究
12.An astronaut flies a spacecraft and a pilot flies an aeroplane.宇航员驾驶宇宙飞船,飞行员驾驶飞机。
13.There are two mechanical pilots on the plane to take chage in case the human pilots cannot fly the plane.飞机上有两部机械自动驾驶仪,一旦驾驶员不能驾驶飞机时,它们能取代人操作。
14.The driver of an automobile, especially of a getaway car.汽车驾驶员汽车驾驶员,尤指驾车逃跑的司机
15.The driver's compartment in a racing car.驾驶舱赛车中的驾驶员隔舱
16.The raised seat for the driver of a coach or carriage.驾驶座马车中高出的驾驶员座位
17.Research on Driving Simulator for Driver Fatigue Testing驾驶员疲劳测试驾驶模拟器系统研究
18.Flight crew and autopilot control actions are also recorded.机组人员和自动驾驶仪的操作也被记录下来。

bridge watchkeeper驾驶室值班人员
3)marine navigator船舶驾驶人员
1.Investigation of Hearing Impairment among Motor Vehicle Drivers;机动车驾驶员听力损伤的调查分析
2.Analysis of Motorcycle Drivers Physical Examination before Driving in Lengshuitan District of Yongzhou City from 2003 to 2005;2003~2005年永州市冷水滩区摩托车驾驶员上岗前职业健康检查结果分析
3.A epidemiological investigation on low back pain of truck driver in plateau;高原汽车驾驶员腰痛的流行病学调查
1.The effect of 8 hour driving on sEMG signal changes of lumbar muscles and the tibialis anterior muscles in middle-aged male taxi drivers;8h驾驶工作对中年出租车驾驶员腰腿部肌肉sEMG变化的影响
2.Study on hypertension and its risk factors among drivers;汽车驾驶员的高血压危险因素分析
3.The Psychological Investigation of Bus Drivers.;公交驾驶员心理卫生状况调查分析
