1.This article describes the maneuvering measures of seagoing-vessel from the vessel s activity rules and the methods of the ship s collision avoidance at a short distance in the restricted visibility,and makes some relevant recommendations.本文从能见度不良船舶的行动规则及近距离避让两方面着手,阐述进江海轮在能见度不良时的操纵避让措施并提出相关建议,以使船舶驾引人员能从中得到启发,对进江海轮在能见度不良时的安全航行有一定的参考价值,对驾引人员的实际应用亦有一定的参考意义。

1.In 1947 you traveled by ship because that was the way you got to Europe.1947年我们乘海轮去欧洲,是因为只有海轮可乘;
2.sea-way( deep inland waterway along which ocean-going ships can sail)海道(海轮可驶入的内陆深水航道).
3.The customs officers rummaged the ship suspected to have contraband goods.海关人员仔细搜查了一艘有走私嫌疑的海轮
4.Marine Engineering and Log《轮机工程与航海》
5.Mediterranean-United States Gulf lines地中海-美国海湾班轮
6.conference line vessel参加海运同盟或班轮公会的班轮
7.Study on Marine Engineering Management s Optimization of Ocean Salvage Tugboat Baihai Jiu 159;北海救159轮轮机管理优化的研究
8.ships that ply the South China Sea南中国海的定期班轮.
9.Danish Sailors and Firemen's Union丹麦海员与轮机员工会
10.The tugboat tugged the freighter into the harbor.拖轮把货船拖进海港了。
11.change-over channel steamer海峡轮船(指航行于英国
12.The shore was dimly seen only in outline.海岸只有轮廓清晰可见。
13.ships that ply(across)the South China Sea(经)南中国海的定期班轮.
14.The ship steamed at twelve knots.轮船以时速12 海里行驶。
15.Does the steamer call at Shanghai harbour?轮船在上海港停靠吗?
16.The `Titanic' went to the bottom, ie sank.‘提坦’号客轮沉入海底了.
17.IceBergs can send Big ships to the Bottom of the sea.冰山能使巨轮沉没海底。
18.Icebergs can send big ship to the bottom of the sea.冰山能使巨轮沉没海底

seagoing vessel海船,海轮
4)railway ferry boat跨海轮渡
5)"Liaohai" vessel"辽海"轮
1.North China Sea Rescue Bureau dispatched vessel and rescue helicopter to participate in rescue, and all of 291 passengers and 49 crews on "Liaohai" vessel were saved successfully.烟台开往大连的巨型客滚船“辽海”轮在距离大连客运港约10余海里的大连三山岛附近海域, 汽车舱突然起火,并随后发生爆炸。
6)metocurine chloride海轮碱II

持海轮宝【持海轮宝】 (物名)摩尼珠之名。无量寿经上曰:“以月光摩尼持海轮宝之王而庄严之。”