
1.sandy algal biosparite砂质藻屑生物亮晶灰岩
2.sandy algal biomicrite砂质藻屑生物微晶灰岩
3.sandy intrasparite砂质内碎屑亮晶灰岩
4.sandy intramicrite砂质内碎屑微晶灰岩
5.Sandy soils along the coast have relatively large spaces between the sand grains.沿海地区的砂质土壤,砂粒间的空隙也相对较大。
6.Thin layers of sandy shale, and carbonaceous fragments are locally present.局部出现砂质页岩薄层和碳质碎屑。
7.This sandstone unit is commonly thick-bedded and massive, with silty and carbonaceous laminations.该砂层单元通常为厚层或块状,具粉砂质和碳质纹层。
8.Technical requirements and test methods of sand for ordinary concrete普通混凝土用砂质量标准及检验方法
9.This lagoon "divider" consist of sand.泻湖这个“分水岭”是由砂质物构成的。
10.There is sufficient sand available to blanket the unconformity.这里有充足的砂质物铺盖不整合面。
11.Kentish rag肯特郡产坚硬砂质石灰岩
12.lithic arkosic wacke岩屑长石砂岩质杂砂岩
13.lithic subarkosic wacke岩屑亚长石砂岩质杂砂岩
14.Centre for Heavy Crude and Tar Sands重质原油和沥青砂中心
15.having the abrasive texture of sandpaper.有砂纸的研磨质地的。
16.subfeldspathic lithic arenite亚长石质岩屑砂屑岩
17.The channel is filled with noncompactible sand, or with sand and gravel.水道内由不可压实的砂或砂砾物质充填。
18.The Realesearch of Argillaceous Siltstone Improving Exploitment for Thin Narrow Sand Body Oil Field泥质粉砂岩对改善窄薄砂体油田开发作用研究

argillaceous sandstone泥质砂岩
1.Research on rock mechanic characteristics of slight weather argillaceous sandstones in Sichuan Basin;四川盆地区红层弱风化泥质砂岩力学特性试验研究
2.But the clean sand model through which we can calculate for- mation water resisitivity is unsuitable for argillaceous sandstone.地层水电阻率是测井解释中一个极其重要的参数,以纯地层条件推导的用于确定地层水电阻率的自然电位理论模型不适合泥质砂岩地层。
3.The argillaceous sandstone reservoir has a large distributed area in Linnan oilfield.高泥质砂岩油层在临南分布面积较大,过去在测井解释中将这类油层多解释为水层或油水同层,没有投入开发。
3)Sand coating砂质涂料
4)calcareous sandstone钙质砂岩
1.Discussion on distribution characteristics of calcareous sandstone in Shihongtan uranium deposit and its genesis;十红滩铀矿床钙质砂岩的分布特征及成因探讨
5)shaly sands泥质砂岩
1.Generalized matrix-conducting pore combination resistivity model in laminated and dispersed shaly sands;骨架导电的混合泥质砂岩通用孔隙结合电阻率模型研究
2.Experimental research of dispersion properties on shaly sands with different fluid properties is the petrophysical basis to evaluate the water cut or low resistivity oil-bearing formation using complex resistivity logging technique.通过水驱水、水驱油、油驱水的岩石复电阻率频散特性的实验研究,发现泥质砂岩的复电阻率频散特性受含油饱和度的影响较大,受地层水矿化度的影响较小,尤其是异相电阻率,受地层水矿化度的影响更小;与含水泥质砂岩相比,含油泥质砂岩的相角相对较大,且随着含油饱和度的增加而增大;含水岩石和含油岩石在频散特性上存在着较大差异。
3.The complex resistivity of patial-water saturated shaly sands has been investigated under reservoir condition.文章研究了泥质砂岩在模拟地层条件下驱替时的复电阻率特性。
6)moulding sand quality型砂质量
1.It was analyzed in detail how the working efficiency of ventilating-dusting system attached to the returned sand cooler influenced the moulding sand quality and castings quality, and the improving measures were also proposed.简单介绍了K·W气流预紧实高压造型线及其通风除尘设施,详细分析了双盘冷却器通风除尘系统工作效率对型砂质量和铸件质量的影响,指出了现用通风除尘系统存在的问题,同时给出了改进措施。
