1.Application of NITM in the Design of LiuYang River Tunnel新意法在浏阳河隧道参数设计中的应用
2)new meaning and new usage新意义和新用法
3)ADECO-RS approach"新意法"(ADECO-RS法)
1.Lecture-note theses are characterized by the ambiguous argument,lack of originality,vague and general content of an easily-vanishing dim impression,unwieldy and poorly-knit structure.讲义型论文具有论点不清,缺乏新意;内容空泛,浮光掠影;体系庞大,结构松散等三个主要特点。

1.An excellent literary supplement editor should possess such consciousness as scheming consciousness、 creative consciousness、 polity consciousness、 aesthetic consciousness and devoted consciousness.优秀的文艺副刊编辑应具各策划意识、新意识、品意识、美意识、梯意识。
2.Her performance has become stale.她的表演没有新意了.
3.to toast the bride and groom举杯向新郎新娘致意
4.Stylistic Interpretation of the Post New Trend Novels;意格·意图·意匠·意味——后新潮小说文体解读
5.Is your new car satisfactory?你的新汽车使你满意吧?
6.I try to keep up on the news.我尽力持续地注意新闻。
7.the proud owners of a new house得意洋洋的新宅主人.
8.Are you pleased with the new flat?你对这套新公寓满意吗?
9.and were more eager to try new things.也更愿意尝试新事物。
10.willing to take risks and try new things.愿意冒险、尝试新事物。
11.A new idea entered into her head.她想出了一个新的主意。
12.The water treatment was new, now,时下,水疗法是个新玩意,
13.Her new husband was also content.她的新郎也很满意。
14.Wish you a happy New Year and the best of everything.祝你新年快乐,万事如意!
15.We had no hostility toward the new neighbor.我们对新邻居毫无敌意。
16.the Government's contemplation of new measures政府采取新措施的意图.
17.Being open-minded is important,愿意接受新思想很重要,
18.He is brimful of new ideas.他有很多新的本意。

new meaning and new usage新意义和新用法
3)ADECO-RS approach"新意法"(ADECO-RS法)
1.Lecture-note theses are characterized by the ambiguous argument,lack of originality,vague and general content of an easily-vanishing dim impression,unwieldy and poorly-knit structure.讲义型论文具有论点不清,缺乏新意;内容空泛,浮光掠影;体系庞大,结构松散等三个主要特点。
5)minds and rules意法
1.Zheng Banqiao created plenty of works in his whole life, most of which contained the ideas of esthetic and creation, such as the idea of eye and mind, the thought of the minds and rules, the concept of elegance and popularity.郑板桥在审美创作中关于心眼、意法、雅俗方面的阐述 ,丰富了中国古典文艺理论。
6)innovative consciousness创新意识
1.Fostering the innovative consciousness of educational administrators in college;高校教学管理者的创新意识培养
2.The Thinking About Setting Up Innovative Consciousness of Document Management;树立档案管理工作创新意识的思考
3.Fostering innovative consciousness and redesigning learning environment in English teaching;在英语教学中培养创新意识与重建学习环境

新意1.新的意义﹑见解﹑想法。 2.新意境。