蠕变柔量,creep compliance
generalized creep compliance广义蠕变柔量
1.The fundamental solution of boundary elements for viscoelastic boundary value problems has been discussed based on the creep compliances and the generalized creep compliances.基于蠕变柔量和广义蠕变柔量概念,讨论了一种新的粘弹性问题基本解的构成方法。
3)tensile creep compliance拉伸蠕变柔量
4)bulk creep compliance体积蠕变柔量
5)isochronous creep compliance等时蠕变柔量
1.It is shown that,within the aging times considered in this paper,both E and σf increase linearly with lgta,while the isochronous creep compliance decreases with lgta in a linear manner.通过单轴拉伸和蠕变测试,分析了物理老化时间对PMMA瞬时弹性模量、断裂强度以及等时蠕变柔量的影响。
6)isotropic creep compliance各向同性蠕变柔量
