1.This essay researches the cultural intension of golf and provides theory reference for the feasible analysis.从高尔夫运动的特点入手,探讨了高尔夫运动的文化内涵。
2.Through the analysis of the connotation and developing progress of golf culture,it makes academic research basis for improving the academic research of our country and probing into the rules of the market developing of the golf industry.通过对高尔夫文化的历史演变和社会发展特征的分析,为进一步发展和完善我国高尔夫运动的理论研究,探讨高尔夫产业市场发展的基本规律,奠定理论研究基础。

1.the starting place for each hole on a golf course.高尔夫运动开球的地方。
2.golf troller高尔夫运动用的手推车
3.equipment used in playing golf.高尔夫运动中使用的装置。
4.Discussion on Social Developing Feature of Our Golf Sport Industry;试论我国高尔夫运动的产业发展特征
5.Research on the Quality of Leisure Life of People Participated in Golf高尔夫运动人群的休闲生活质量研究
6.Golf Community Development:the Study and Research on Golf Communities in China高尔夫运动与社区开发——我国高尔夫体育社区设计研究与探讨
7.Motive and Trend of Social Development of Golf Industrialization;高尔夫运动产业化社会发展的动因与趋势
8.strike in playing a putt, as of a golf ball.轻击高尔夫球使运动。
9.golf is a humbling game.高尔夫球是卑微的运动。
10.play a putt, in golf.在高尔夫球运动中轻轻地击高尔夫球入洞。
11.Which sport do you like most, golf or bowling?你最喜欢什么运动,高尔夫还是保龄球?
12.Mini golf is a popular sport played by everyone.迷你高尔夫是大家都喜爱的一项运动。
13.I have a special liking for golf.我特别喜欢高尔夫球运动。
14.play a chip shot, in golf.高尔夫球运动中切削击球。
15.Golf is something that gets in the blood.高尔夫球是一项迷人的运动。
16.play a shot; hit a ball; as in golf, hockey, etc..射中;击球;在高尔夫球,曲棍球等运动中。
17.He plays golf to the exclusion of all other sports.他打高尔夫球,其他运动一律不参加。
18.Ladie's Professional Golfer's Association of America美国女子职业高尔夫球运动员协会

1.Study on Situation of Golf Development in China;我国高尔夫球运动开展现状研究
5)golf shoe[服]高尔夫运动鞋

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