1.Landscape Spatial Pattern Change Analysis of Funing County, Qinhuangdao;抚宁县景观空间格局变化研究

1.Survey of Ancient Kiln-sites at Panzhuang in Funing County,Hebei;河北抚宁县潘庄古瓷窑遗址调查简报
2.Study of Urban Space Form--Take Funing County as an Example浅谈城市空间形态研究——以抚宁县城为例
3.Language Use and Bilingual Teaching of the Korean Village in Funing County of Hebei Province;河北省抚宁县朝鲜族村的语言使用状况和双语教学
4.Qingyuan County is in Liaoning province, east of Fushun city. It is a small town with a population of 80,000.清原县位于辽宁省内,抚顺市东,是一个人口仅有8万的小县城。
5.Once, when working as a county magistrate, he wrote on one of his bamboo paintings:在潍县任县令时,给巡抚画了一幅竹子,题句曰:
6.The Analysis and Illumination on Present Situations of the Reform and Implementation of Junior Middle School Music Lesson in Xin Fu District in Fushun City of Liaoning Province;辽宁省抚顺市新抚区初中音乐课程改革实施现状调查
7.Research on Comprehensive Regionalization of Geological Disasters in Fushun Urban District and Fushun County Based on GIS基于GIS的抚顺市区暨抚顺县地质灾害综合区划研究
8.Zhenning Bouyeizu Miaozu Zizhixian镇宁布依族苗族自治县
9.On the Household Registration System of Haining County at Zhejiang Province,(1946-1947)1946—1947年海宁县的户政
10.A 51-year-old woman delivered twin daughters recently in Fushun of Liaoning Province.最近,在辽宁抚顺,51岁的老年妇女生了双胞胎。
11.A Study on the Consoling Job in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region and North China Anti-Japanese Base Areas;陕甘宁边区及华北抗日根据地优抚工作研究
12.The Design and Realization of Synthetical Management Information System for Fusong County Finance Bureau;抚松县财政局综合信息管理系统的设计与实现
13.Countermeasures on Scientific Development of Ecological Economy in the Counties of Mountainous District in China;山区县域生态经济科学发展对策——以吉林省抚松县为例
14.On Development Innovation and Supporting System of Agricultural Industry in Zhongning County,Ningxia Autonomous Region;宁夏中宁县枸杞产业发展创新与配套制度
15.An Investigation of Early Education in Muosuo Matriarchal Families in Yongning Village Ninglang County Yunnan Province;云南宁蒗县永宁乡摩梭母系家庭幼儿教育调查
16.In the border area there are altogether five county committees, in Ningkang, Yunghsin, Lienhua, Suichuan and Linghsien.边区共有宁冈、永新、莲花、遂川、酃县五个县委。
17.An Analysis on the Current Status of Rural Finance in the Underdeveloped Countries of Province--Take Shouning Country as an Example欠发达县域农村金融现状分析——以寿宁县为例
18.Trace Fossils from the Xuzhuang Formation (Middle Cambrian) of Liujiang Basin (Funing, Hebei Prov.) and their Depositional Environments河北抚宁柳江盆地中寒武统徐庄组遗迹化石及沉积环境

1.Danihe Br-Sr-H_2SiO_3Potable Natural Mineral Water in Funing County;抚宁大泥河溴-锶-偏硅酸饮用天然矿泉水
3)Fusong County抚松县
1.Xianrenqiao thermal mineral water characteristics and development and using prospects,Fusong County,Jilin Province;抚松县仙人桥热矿泉水特征与开发利用前景
4)Fushun City of liaoning province辽宁抚顺
5)Mianning county冕宁县
1.Investigation and Research on Current Situation of Wild Mulberry Germplasm in Mianning County;冕宁县野生桑种质资源现状调查研究
2.Counter-measures of control desertification were offered from according investigation and analysis of land desertification in Mianning county.通过冕宁县土地沙漠化现状调查及分析,提出主要防治对策;加大执法力度制止滥砍滥伐,限制开矿规模;加强天然林保护和退耕还林工程;加强水土保持用材林的营造;加强草地管理。
6)Xiuning County休宁县
1.Status on Resource of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Exploitation and Utilization in Xiuning County of Anhui Province;安徽休宁县中药材资源现状与开发利用
2.Types of the Evergreen Broad-leaf Forest and Their Diversity Analysis of Community Species in Xiuning County of Anhui Province;休宁县常绿阔叶林的类型及其群落物种多样性分析
3.Study on Difference Development of Tourism Product in Xiuning County;休宁县旅游产品差异化开发分析
