1.Tianyahaijiao"in Chinese means the remotest corner of the earth, or the end of the world."天涯海角"被用来借指遥远的地方,一类为泛称,无具体地物为证;另一类为确指,有具体地物为证。

1.I am with you, however far away you may be, you are next to me!我伴着你,即使你在天涯海角,犹如身边!
2.What letter in the alphabet can travel the greatest distance?字母表中什么字母能走遍天涯海角
3.If she fled to the uttermost parts of the earth I should pursue her.任凭她逃到天涯海角,我也要穷追不舍。
4.I'd go to the ends of the earth to see her again.哪怕走遍天涯海角, 我也要再次见到她.
5.I would go to the ends of the earth to find you.即使到天涯海角, 我也要找到你。
6.I will follow him to the uttermost parts of the earth.即便是天涯海角我也要跟随他。
7.But at Sky Limit and End of the Sea there really is a place where you meet true and good friends.果然,天涯海角确有处“知音”之地。
8.Whither thou goest, I will go(bRuth 1:16)天涯海角随君行(b路得记1:16)
9.Whither thou goest, I will go(Ruth 1:16)天涯海角随君行(路得记1:16)
10."Think of me sometimes while alps and oceans divide us, But they never will, unless you wish it""长相思,天涯海角; 情不断,山水难断"
11.If this could be true, then the beach under Off-Your-Horse Peak would naturally be Tian'Ya'Hai'Jiao or Ultima Thule.这样,五指山下的下马岭海滩,当然就是“天涯海角”了。
12.He will send out the angels and gather his chosen from the four winds, from the farthest bounds of earth to the farthest bounds of heaven他将派遣天使,把他选择的子民从四面八方,天涯海角都召来。
13." Speak the word, and, as you know, I would take you to the ends of the earth tomorrow."“只要你发话,你是知道的,哪怕是明天带你去天涯海角,我也会照办。”
14.She would surrender everything, she would bid him stay, she would follow him to the end of the earth.她要放弃一切;她要命令他留下;她要跟随他走到天涯海角
15.Let's recall the pleasant past and mirthful laughter and look forward to a day reunion of friends coming from far and wide.回忆愉快的往事,怀念欢乐的笑声;天涯海角盼相聚,你我何时重相逢。
16.The names Sky Limit and End of the Sea will also remind visitors of a popular song sung by a well-known Chinese songstress, the late Zhou Xuan. The lyrics begins like this:人们到“天涯海角”来游览,还会想起金嗓子周璇的绝唱:
17.I would go to the ends of the earth to get a ticket for the rock concert.就是跑到天涯海角,我也得弄到一张这场摇滚音乐会的门票。
18.They are a few huge rocks located at the beach inscribed, "Ends of the Earth".那是沙滩上的几块巨石,上面雕刻着"天涯海角"等字。

The four corners of the earthbthe most distance parts of the the earth世界各个角落;天涯海角
4)A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near海内存知己天涯若比邻
5)The world is but a little place,after all.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。
6)Used to be at The Ends of Earth《曾在天涯》
1.Differentiation and Integration ——Rewrite of Lately Overseas Student s Cultural Identification from Used to be at The Ends of Earth;差异与融合——从《曾在天涯》看新时期留学生文化身份的重新书写
