1.Research on Cross-national Multiple Identities;论跨界民族认同的多重性

1.Adopting Different Attitudes towards Trans-border Ethnic Issues and Trans-territory Ones;论跨界民族问题与跨境民族问题的区别
2.Regionalism and Cross-Border Ethnicalism--On the Cross-Border Ethnicalism in the Border Region of Southwest China;地区主义与跨界民族主义——论中国西南边疆跨界民族主义
3.Understanding China's Nation and Cross-border Nation from the Perspective of Geo-security从地缘安全角度理解中国的民族与跨界民族
4.China s trans-boundary problems of ethnics and the strategy of rising abruptly in a peaceful way;中国的跨界民族问题与和平崛起战略
5.Impacts on China’s peaceful rising of the trans-border ethnic issues;跨界民族问题对我国和平崛起的影响
6.On the Type,Nature and Development Trend of Cross-border Ethnic Groups;跨界民族的类型、属性及其发展趋势
7.By straddling of zones nationality work and harmonious border area construction;论跨界民族工作与和谐边疆构建——云南金平县跨界民族问题的调查思考
8.The Influence of Northwest China s Cross-border Ethnicities to Ethnic Policies and International Relations;我国西北跨界民族对民族政策及国际关系的影响
9.Strengthen Cross-nations Research,Enrich Marxism Theory on National Systems;加强跨界民族研究丰富马克思主义民族理论体系
10.On Yunnan s Border-crossing Ethnic Problems from the Perspective of Non-traditional Security;非传统安全视角下的云南跨界民族问题
11.A Historical Perception on Sino-Vietnamese Crossing-Border Ethnic Group and National Security;从历史角度看中越跨界民族与国家安全问题
12.On Border-across Ethnic Issues Impacting on China s Peaceful Rising;论跨界民族问题对我国和平崛起的影响
13.A Summary of the Issues of Chinese Croll-Border Ethnicity Since Reform and Opening-Up改革开放以来我国跨界民族问题研究综述
14.On the Development of Tourism Industry in Yanbian--From the Perspective of Cross-border Nationality发展延边旅游业的思考——以跨界民族为视角
15.The Influence Central Asian Governmental Strategy and Mutilateral Brings to Western China;中亚地缘政治及跨界民族问题对我国西部的影响
16.On the Transnational Ethnic Problem in World Ethnic Problem;浅析世界民族问题中的跨国民族问题
17.On the Opening up Expansion and Boundary-crossing of the Contemporary Folk Vocal Music;当代民族声乐开放、拓展与跨界初探
18.Findings Report on the Boundary Nationalities between China (Wenshan Autonomous Region) and Vietnam;中越边界(文山段)跨境民族调查报告

cross-border ethnicalism跨界民族主义
1.Globalism and regionalism are becoming a focus of study in political science and economics,and new nationalism and cross-border ethnic groups are becoming a central issue in ethnological studies too,but the relation between regionalism and cross-border ethnicalism has not been fully discussed.全球主义和地区主义已成为政治学和经济学争相研究的热门话题,而新民族主义和跨界民族则成为民族学研究的热点,如果说地区主义发展了新民族主义,那么地区主义的边缘地带则造就了跨界民族主义,它反映了地区主义下的边缘地带跨界民族相互交往的地缘认同、经济环境认同、民族文化认同。
3)crossing-border ethnic groups中越跨界民族
4)trans-border ethnic issues跨界民族问题
1.Impacts on China’s peaceful rising of the trans-border ethnic issues;跨界民族问题对我国和平崛起的影响
5)transboundary ethnic cultural scenic spot跨界民族文化景区
1.A study on the symbiotic integrative mechanism of key stakeholders in the transboundary ethnic cultural scenic spot:A case of the scenic spots in Lugu Lake area of Yunnan Province;跨界民族文化景区核心利益相关者的共生整合机制——以泸沽湖景区为例
6)Transnational nationalities跨国民族
1.The problem of transnational nationalities will become a major international issue of the new age, which will influence the international relations.随着冷战的结束,世界正朝多极格局的方向发展,而不同地缘政治战略的发展对跨国民族文化变异有直接的影响。
2.In this article,the author thinks that all kinds of contradictions and conflicts that have caused the problem of the transnational nationalities in the world today usually affect the main body nationality and mother national culture.本文认为,当今世界跨国民族问题引发的各种矛盾与冲突,往往受主体民族与母族文化的影响;对于跨国民族的发展需要始终关注两方面的问题:其一,是否促进所在国与客位国经济发展、社会稳定和民族团结;其二,是否影响所在国和客位国经济发展、社会稳定和民族团结。

跨民族的MMPI研究跨民族的MMPI研究cross-national MMPI research  跨民族的MMPI研究(eross一nationalMMPI rescar。h)“MMPI,,是明尼苏达多项人格检查表的英文简称。在不同国家、不同民族中使用时,先要进行翻译和修汀。1972年在墨西哥举行了关于MMPI的使用的新近的发展情况的第七届年会之后,由明尼苏达大学出版社出版了《MMPI跨民族的研究手册)),由布彻(Buteher,JN.)和潘切里(Paneheri,P.)主编,全书共10章,并附录了九种材料。第一章,跨文化和跨国研究中的问题:第三章,跨国研究的客观的人格检查表的改编;第三章,巴基斯坦文的MMPI的翻译和标准化;第四章,希伯来(犹太)文的MMPI的翻译和标准化;第五章,MMPJ的内部结构:七个民族群体的特征的比较;第六章,对精神病分类MMPI的跨民族的效度;第七章,MMPI在意大利的应用;第八章,MMPI在欧洲的电子计算机的表演;第九章,MMPI在几个国家中的应用和发展:第十章,附加的资料。此书反映了MMPI的跨民族的研究的概况。 (胡才L遇撰张世害审)