1.View On Nanjing-Zhengjiang-Yangzhou Economic Development from the Regional Spatial Structure;从区域空间结构看宁镇扬成长三角的构建

1.A Few Thoughts on the Construction of “Nanjing-Zhenjiang-Yangzhou Economic Zone”;构建“宁镇扬经济板块”的几点思考
2.View On Nanjing-Zhengjiang-Yangzhou Economic Development from the Regional Spatial Structure;从区域空间结构看宁镇扬成长三角的构建
3.Research on Spatial Structure of Eminent Tourism Resources in Ningzhenyang Region;宁镇扬地区优良级旅游资源空间结构对比研究
4.Research on Cooperation Development of Industrial Clusters in Nanjing-Zhenjiang-Yangzhou Economic Zone宁镇扬经济板块产业集群的联动发展研究
5.Strategy of Modern Logistics Service Industry Integrated Development in Nanjing,Zhenjiang and Yangzhou Economic Block;宁镇扬经济板块现代物流服务业一体化发展战略
6.The Application of Growing Polar Theory in Regional Tourism Cooperation--Regional Cooperation in Tourism Development Model of NingZhenYang Town;增长极理论在区域旅游合作中的应用——宁镇扬区域旅游合作发展模式探讨
7.Neigborhood Integration:An Inevitable Trend of Cultural Resource Integration in Tourist Megalopolis Region--Taking Nanjing-Zhenjiang-Yangzhou Tourist Cultural Circle as An Example;纵横聚焦:旅游城市连绵区文化资源整合的必然趋势——以宁镇扬旅游文化圈为例
8.Runyang Yangtze River Highway Bridge and Industry Structure s Adjustment of Zhenjiang and Yangzhou;润扬大桥与镇、扬两市产业结构调整
9.The Construction of the Runyang Yangtze River Highway Bridge and the Coordinated Development of Tourism in Zhenjiang and Yangzhou;润扬大桥建设与镇扬旅游业协同发展
10.a restful seaside town一个宁静的海滨小镇
11.Zhenning Bouyeizu Miaozu Zizhixian镇宁布依族苗族自治县
12.Lenin s Sublation of Hegelian View on Practice in Philosophy Notes;列宁《哲学笔记》对黑格尔实践观的扬弃
13.Enlarging the national spirit and developing the old industrial base of Liaoning;弘扬民族精神 振兴辽宁老工业基地
14.I Division located in western branching stream nearby Yangzhou, Traffic convenient.我司座落于扬州西郊汊河镇,交通便捷。
15.I know the porcelain made in Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province is well-know all over the world.我知道江西景德镇的瓷器名扬天下。
16.Towards the Construction of “Yangzhou Zhenjiang Economic Community”;构建“扬-镇经济共同体”的理论思考
17.The Research on the Integration of Zhenhai Liquefy Article Wharf & Ningbo Chemical Engineering Area;宁波镇海液化品码头与宁波化工区一体化研究
18.A Capacity-Enhancing Plan for the Cangbomen to Jiangning Section in Nanjing-Wuhu Railway;宁芜线扩能沧波门至江宁镇段线路方案探讨

ningzhenyang region宁镇扬区域
3)Nanjing-Zhenjiang-Yangzhou Economic Zone宁镇扬经济板块
1.Research on Cooperation Development of Industrial Clusters in Nanjing-Zhenjiang-Yangzhou Economic Zone宁镇扬经济板块产业集群的联动发展研究
4)Nanjing-Zhenjiang-Yangzhou Tourist Cultural Circle宁镇扬旅游文化圈
1.Neigborhood Integration:An Inevitable Trend of Cultural Resource Integration in Tourist Megalopolis Region——Taking Nanjing-Zhenjiang-Yangzhou Tourist Cultural Circle as An Example;纵横聚焦:旅游城市连绵区文化资源整合的必然趋势——以宁镇扬旅游文化圈为例
5)Yangmei Village扬美古镇
6)Zhenjiang-Yangzhou reach镇扬河段
1.River channel evolution and regulation measures of Zhenjiang-Yangzhou reach of Yangtze River长江镇扬河段河道演变及治理措施探讨

胡宁扬胡 宁 扬生日:3月25日毕业学院:北京广播学院播音系毕业学校:北京大学新闻传播学院在读研究生爱好:戏曲、收藏主持栏目:《通向2008》经历:曾主持《北京时间》、《这里是北京》曾获奖项:编播的专题片《车窗外的草原》获2002年中国广播电视学会一等奖《新安山水忆宾虹》获2001年中国广播电视学会二等奖发表文章 《诱惑与回响》一书中刊发《有多少思念可以重来》《影响未来中国传媒30人》一书中刊发《和元元谈心》《谈画雅典》一书中刊发《从主持人角度看<五星邀五环>》《2005全运会之年》一书中刊发《light the fire within》《声声十运》一书中刊发《从声声十运探索访谈节目》《陌生的诱惑》一书中刊发《提倡视觉独特、个性张扬、与众不同、 标新立异的创作风格》博客:青崖间 [[1]]