1.Extraction and Construction of a State-level Feature Specialty-Measurement & Control Technology and Instrumentation;国家特色专业建设点——测控技术与仪器专业的特色建设及凝练

1.His writing style is concise and infectious.他的文笔凝练, 很有感染力。
2.Condensing the Guiding Principle for Running GIPE and Building up Innovative Development Strategy;凝练体院办学理念 构建创新发展战略
3.Her coear and elegant prose set her apart from most other journalist她的散文凝练高雅, 多数新闻工作者无出其右
4.Her clear and elegant prose sets her apart from most other journalists.她的散文凝练高雅, 多数新闻工作者无出其右.
5.Condensing the Direction of Science and Research;Enhancing the Competition Capability of Tibet University;凝练科研方向,提高西藏大学科研竞争力
6.The Small is Great;瞬间凝练永恒——凯瑟琳·曼丝菲尔德其人其作
7.But his settings, while as unreal as Poe's lack Poe's concentrated atmosphere可是他的故事背景,虽然和坡的一样不真,却没有坡那种凝练的气氛。
8.Condensed Beauty of Literature--Why does Akudagawa chooses the short story to be created;凝练的文学美——芥川龙之介缘何选择了短篇小说创作
9.An Analysis of the Writing Style of Up in Michigan含蓄凝练 深沉哀伤——解析《在密执安北部》的写作风格
10.To Congeal Features and Exploit Innovations--The Art Design Department of The College of Fine Arts of Capital Normal University凝练特色·开拓创新——首都师范大学美术学院艺术设计系
11.Cultural Shift of Postgraduate Education:A Spirit Concise Based on University Culture研究生教育的文化转向——一种基于大学文化的精神凝练
12.His settings, while as unreal as Poe's, lack Poe's concentrated atmosphere.他的故事的背景,虽然和爱伦?坡的一样不真实,并没有爱伦?坡的那种凝练的气氛。
13.Refining the University Spirit and Training Innovative Talents--Take Northwest A&F University As an Example;凝练大学精神 培育创新人才——以西北农林科技大学大学精神的培育与发展历程为例
14.The practice and exploration of comprehensive skill training of concrete structure course混凝土结构课程综合技能训练的实践与探索
15.Attach great importance to the management over the training of the teams, give full play to the advantages of the ideological and political work and enhance the cohesiveness of the training teams.重视运动队训练管理,发挥思想政治工作优势,增强运动队的凝聚力。
16.The Analysis of the Temperature Stress in Super-Long Prestressed Concrete Structure in Hefei Gym;合肥体育训练馆超长预应力混凝土结构温度应力分析
17.Coaches Leadership Behaviors and the Relationship between Sport Team Cohesion Model教练员领导行为与运动团队凝聚力关系的模型构建
18.Effect of Early Rehabilitation Training and Argatroban Anticoagulant Therapy on Motor Function in Cerebral Infarction Patient阿加曲班抗凝治疗和早期康复训练对脑梗死患者运动功能的影响

compact direction凝练方向
3)candidly concise本真凝练
1.His language advocated candidly concise,and had strong artistic power.王寂词的艺术特质主要表现为:以"酒"为主要意象表达内心世界及生命情怀,清冷寂寥是其词的主要基调,词境追求"清疏"品格,同时还擅用"闺怨"题材来抒发仕途人生的苦闷;语言上崇尚本真凝练,具有较强的艺术感染力。
4)compact and generalizing ideas观点凝练概括
1.Finally,the instruction of the teacher serves the practice of students.教师的成功在于创造———“先生之最大快乐 ,是创造出自己崇拜的学生” ;坚持教学“双主体”论———教师和学生应该是“互相喻为水和鹅卵石的” ;教师的“讲”是为指导学生的“练”服务的———“操千曲而后晓声”。
1.Neutral scouring with KDN-T02 compound pectinase;复合果胶酶KDN-T02中性精练工艺
2.Application of bio-enzymes in scouring of cotton fabrics;生物酶在棉织物精练加工中的应用
