1.Study on the Characteristics of Shopping Behaviors of Changsha Team-tourists;长沙团队旅游者购物行为特征研究
2)TourIst party(or group)旅游团队

1.Bai Lou Hotel had kept a good cooperation to many factories,enterprises, orgnizations,travel troups,etc.厂家企业组织旅游团队与白楼宾馆有良好的合作关系.
2.On the Relation Between Touring Enterprise's Team Personality Traits and Team Performance旅游企业团队人格特质与团队绩效关系研究
3.Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why?你喜欢单独去旅游还是跟团队去旅游?为什么?
4.A group taking a short pleasure trip together.远足队,游览团一起进行愉快的短期旅行的团体
5.The tour leader will wear a red armband .旅游团的领队将在胳膊上佩戴红色臂章。
6.Comparative Analysis of Tourism Ecological Footprint between Group Tourists and Independent Tourist in Hainan Province海南省团队和散客旅游者的生态足迹比较研究
7.The Prevention and Control of Tourist Group Intervention:From the View of Service Management基于服务管理角度的团队旅游干预行为的预防和控制
8.Research on teaching menagement system in Tutorial System of Team--A case study of higher vocational Tourism Management;“团队导师制”教学管理制度探究——以高职旅游管理专业为例
9.Experience-based Customer Satisfaction Model: An Empiric Study of Tourism Teams;基于体验的顾客满意度模型研究——针对团队旅游的实证研究
10.The group goes on a tour of Italy .该团队去意大利旅行。
11.Show a party of tourists round the imperial palace带领旅游团参观故宫
12.Are there any tours for the Grand Canyon?有到大峡谷的旅游团吗?
13.When traveling in a group,the visa application can be submitted by the local agent organizing the trip.如果是随旅行团旅游,可由当地组团旅游机关提交签证申请。
14.If you are not on a package tour during the peak tourist time,如果说在旅游高峰期 不参加旅行团,
15.Do you mind travelling with a group?你愿和旅行团一起旅游吗?
16.I'd like to go on a conducted tour.我想参加有导游带路的旅游团。
17.Buses carrying platoons of tourists.公共汽车载运一队队的旅游者
18.The tour guide gathered the visitors in the hotel lobby.旅游团的导游把参观者们聚集在旅馆大厅。

TourIst party(or group)旅游团队
3)group tour团队旅游
1.Yet little has been found on self-driving group tourist behavior.本研究通过对自驾车团体旅游者的调查,发现自驾车团体旅游者的需求具有以下特征:看重团队旅游提供的安全、省心和专业化服务,同时追求有当地特色的餐饮、优质服务和更多自由支配时间,但是在景点的安排、吃住档次和人际交往方面,自驾车旅游者的需求分歧较大。
4)meals for tour group旅游团队餐
5)a party of tourists一队旅游者
6)outbound tourist group出境旅游团队
1.According to the analysis of outbound tourist service, the services of outbound tourist group can be divided in two parts: travel agency and outbound escort,and the oversea travel agency as the associate and the local guides are also the management objects of outbound tourists service.通过对我国出境旅游服务进行分析,认识到出境旅游团队的旅游服务可以区分旅行社与出境领队2个层次,并认为作为合作伙伴的境外地接社与导游地陪也是出境旅游服务的管理对象。

大道寺正子旅游者类型说大道寺正子旅游者类型说Oomichiteramasako's typology of tourists 大道寺正子旅游者类型说(00mi。hi-teramasako’5 tyPologyof tourists)日本导游专家大道寺正子提出的划分旅游者的理论。把旅游者分为十类,并总结了他们的特征及接待方式。(l)老好人型。常用温和语气讲话,要有礼貌地对待。(2)猜疑型。没有根据或证据就不相信,讲话要有根据,不用模棱两可的语句。(3)傲慢型。瞧不起人,让其充分亮相后,以谦虚态度耐心说服。(4)腼腆型。性格内向,说话声小户亲切相待,忌用粗鲁语言。(5)难伺候型。爱挑毛病,板着面孔,避免陷入争论。(6)唠叨型。说话哆嗦,不得要领,在不伤害客人感情的前提下,耐心说服。(7)急性型。不稳重,稍许不如意就发脾气,以沉着温和的态度相待。(8)嘲弄型。不认真听讲,爱开玩笑,不要被他缠住,不要理睬。(9)沉默寡言型。不健谈,主动打招呼搭话。(10)散漫型。不遵守时间,自由散漫,难以伺候,要有礼貌地耐心说服。 (蒋兆灿撰牟丈博审)