
1.dual valuation clause双保价条款(船壳保险中约定两种保价
2.insurance value保险价值保险额保险值
3.agreed (insured) value约定保险价值,约定价值
4.stipulated loss value约定损失价值,保险价值
5.International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care国际保健技术评价学会(保健评价学会)
6.Dual Value of Audit:Authentification Value and Insurance Value;审计的二重价值:鉴证价值和保险价值
7.cost, insurance, freight & commission [CIF & C]货价、保险、运费及佣金
8.We is have the jewellery valued for insurance.为保险我们将珠宝估价。
9.CIF(cost, insurance & freight)成本、保险加运费价
10.freight including insurance paid to…运费、保险费付至某地价
11.cost, insurance, freight & exchange [CIF & E]货价、保险、运费及汇兑费
12.C.I.F. price ; Cost, insurance, and freight price到岸价格(成本+运费+保险)
13.Prices remain steady all the time.物价一直保持着稳定。
14.Prices remain stable throughout.物价始终保持稳定。
15.The price of fruits remains steady.水果的价格保持稳定。
16.Social Security Assistance Index of Prices社会保障援助价格指数
17.contingent premium或有保费,或有溢价
18.To assess a property for the purpose of insurance为保险对财产进行估价

protection value保护价值
1.The division of nature reserve into the core zone and experimental area is based on the pattern of protection value differentiation, while the buffer is zoned in order to protect the core and to study and monitor natural eco system.提出自然保护区核心区与实验区区划的依据是保护价值空间分异规律,而缓冲区区划则是为满足保护核心区和对自然生态系统开展科学研究观测的要求。
2.The vegetation types of Wuliangshan National Nature Reserve is divided at level of formation,and protection values of the vegetation in the reserve are quantitatively evaluated from 7 aspects in rareness,peculiarity,ecological importance,fragility,disturbance,dominance of rare species and diversity.对无量山国家级自然保护区的植被类型作群系级划分,进而从稀有性、特有性、生态重要性、脆弱性、易受干扰性、珍稀物种多度、物种多样性7个方面对保护区植被类型进行保护价值数量化评价,并对主要群系的保护价值作综合评价,位于保护价值前列的植物群落分别是:元江栲林,木果石栎林,壶斗石栎林,云南铁杉林和杜鹃、乌饭、八角矮林。
3.Based on analyzing 1604 famous and ancient trees distributed in Yunnan province, and the following protection value of ancient and famous trees were identified.在研究分析了云南省1604株古树名木的基础上,认为古树名木具有如下保护价值:①模式标本的采集树,植物群落类型区划的重要依据;②引种栽培的科学依据,生物资料的贮藏库,生物的基因库;③历史与社会学的活文物,革命斗争的见证人;④自然历史的真实记录,赏心悦目的旅游景观。
3)and claim for compensation保价索赔
1.Oil theft investigation of rail tanker and claim for compensation;铁路罐车成品油被盗后的勘察及铁路保价索赔
5)Value-insured Capital保价资金
1.Focus on Safety and Integrate Resources to Reasonably Utilize Value-insured Capital;突出安全 整合资源 合理用好保价资金
6)reserve price保留价格
1.The concept of reserve price in auction mechanism design is inducted as upper limit,which prevents the behavior of together-conspired bidding among bidders.引入拍卖机制设计中保留价格的概念作为投标报价的上限值,可以有效地防止投标人之间共谋抬高报价的行为;同时研究了工程成本的确定问题,并把其作为判断投标报价是否有效的下限值,防止投标人的恶意中标行为。
2.This article,based on Ad Words auction model with reserve price proposed in the Winner-pay and All-pay auction,analyzed how reserve price is influential to the bidding strategies and search engine providers\' expected revenue in the two auctions.关键字竞价排名服务已引起越来越多学者的关注和研究,但已有研究成果均未考虑保留价格对关键字竞价双方的影响。
