1.In the Puzhehei Tourism District, one of the demonstration districts to develop circular economy, there are obstructions in the course of implementing tourism circular economy because of the defects and deficiency in the respects of intuition and mechanism, etc, especially policy support.普者黑旅游区作为云南省开展循环经济的示范区之一,由于体制、机制等方面存在的缺陷和不足使旅游区在实施循环经济过程中出现了阻碍,尤其在政策支持方面。

1.On Development of Eco-tourism Industrial Cluster in Puzhehei Tourism Area,Yunnan;普者黑旅游区生态型旅游产业集群发展战略
2.Landscape Ecological Planning of Recycling Economy on Tourism in Puzhehei of Yunnan Province;云南省普者黑循环经济型旅游业景观生态规划
3.She remembers the entire Laplasse family as 'les noirs '- the blacks, the collaborators, the enemy.她一想起拉普拉斯一家,就认为他们是黑鬼、叛国者、敌人。
4.Outcomes in hypertensive black and nonblack patients treated with chlorthalidone, amlodipine, and lisinopril氯噻酮、氨氯地平和赖诺普利治疗黑人和非黑人高血压患者的预后比较
5.The rest soon move off of the bunny slopes onto the regular runs. Only a few ever make it onto the double-black diamond runs for experts. Design Principle剩下的人则会从初学者变为普通的运动者,只有少数人会成为滑双黑钻雪道的高手。
6.black and white photographic sheet papers for general use普通黑白活页摄影相纸
7.the ordinary clarinet with a middle range.中音范围内的普通黑管。
8.Discrimination against Blacks is still common.歧视黑人仍是普遍现象.
9.During a joint news conference in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Presidents George W.美国总统布什与俄罗斯总统普京在黑海度假胜地索契举行联合记者招待会。
10.He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas近朱者赤,近墨者黑
11.Be a rascal among rascal.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
12.Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro黑山社会主义者民主党(黑山社民党)
13.a dark horse黑马,爆出冷门的获胜者
14.contrabass or double-bass clarinet.最低音或者倍低音黑管。
15.alto clarinet or recorder.次高音黑管或者长笛。
16.Coalition of Black Trade Unionists黑人工会主义者联盟
17.The mafia liquidated the informer.黑手党清算了告密者。
18.common North American fern with polished black stripes.北美一种带有黑亮条纹的普通蕨类。

Puzhehei tourism area普者黑旅游区
1.Taking Puzhehei tourism area in Yunnan Province as an example,the concept of building eco-tourism industrial cluster in Puzhehei tourism area was proposed,and the development strategy was studied in order to speed up the developing process of ecotourism industrial cluster in Puzhehei tourism area.以云南丘北普者黑旅游区为例,提出该旅游区生态型旅游产业集群的构想,并寻找生态型旅游产业集群的发展思路,以加快其旅游产业的生态化和集群化发展进程。
3)common black film普通黑膜
4)common blackboard普通黑板
6)ordinary chernoze普通黑土
