城市经济指标,urban economical index
1)urban economical index城市经济指标

1.The Study of China’s Urban Economic Index Based on Principal Component Analysis基于主成分分析的我国城市经济指标研究
2.Research on the Design of Measurement Indicator System of City Circular Economy;城市循环经济测度指标体系设计研究
3.Evaluation of Technical and Economical Indices for Urban Distribution System Planning;城市电网规划技术经济指标的评价研究
4.Construction of Index System on Coordination Degree between Environmental and Economic Development in Baotou City;包头城市环境与经济协调发展指标体系的构建
5.On Target System Appraisal Models of sustainable development of urban economy;城市经济可持续发展指标体系评价模型探析
6.Regionalization and Financial Management Based on the Economic Indexes in;基于经济指标的运城市区划与财政管理
7.Economy Evaluation Index System Distribution on Sustainable Development of Resource-based Cities;资源型城市可持续发展经济评价指标体系划分
8.The Application and Construction of Target System of Coordinated Development of the Urban and Rural Economy;地市城乡经济协调发展指标体系的构建及应用
9.On economic appraisal system of urban eco-environmental construction in Jiangsu Province;江苏城市生态环境建设经济评价指标体系研究
10.PLS Regression Analysis of Economic Environment Factors of Urban Insurance Development;城市保险业经济环境指标的偏最小二乘分析
11.Factor analysis on the social economic indicator of 10 cities in Easten coastal area of China;东部沿海地区10城市社会经济指标的因子分析
12.Research on the Circular Economy Evaluation Index System in Resource Based City;资源型城市循环经济评价指标体系研究
13.Cluster Analysis of Main Index of National Economy of Cities in Jiangsu Province;江苏省13城市国民经济主要指标的聚类分析
14.Comparison and Analysis of the Economic Indexof the High and New Technology Industry in Some Cities;我国部分城市高新技术产业经济指标比较
15.Analysis of technical economic indicators for city drinking water supply system城市管道饮用水供水系统技术经济指标分析
16.Theoretical and Empirical Studies of the Productivity Growth Index on Cities in the Yantze River Delta Region长三角城市经济增长指标体系的构建与评估
17.Empirical Analysis and Index Evaluation of Compact Type city in Developed Area经济发达地区紧凑型城市实证分析与指标测评
18.A Research on the Index System and Comprehensive Evaluation of Circular Economy Development--Take Nanjing City As an Example;城市循环经济发展指标体系及综合评价研究——以南京市为例

3)urban economy城市经济
1.Dynamic analysis of urban economy subject development in China;我国城市经济学科发展动态分析
2.On the relationship of characteristic economy and cluster economy in urban economy;城市经济发展中特色经济与集群经济的关系——兼论城市园区经济建设
3.Developing Urban Economy under Guide of the Scientific Development View;用科学发展观指导城市经济发展
4)urban economic城市经济
1.It is stated that they have exerted profound influence on diversify of urban economic structure,economic management of scientific thinking,economic and technological transformation.留学生群体在我国近代城市经济结构多样化、城市经济管理思想的科学化、城市经济技术的现代化转型中发挥了重要的作用,成为中国走向现代化的强力助推器。
5)city economy城市经济
1.The Promotive Role of Leisure Industry for City Economy;休闲业对城市经济的推动
2.The urbanization strategy and a re-recognition of city economy;城市化战略与城市经济再认识
3.Based on these discussion, the author puts forward two integration directions of city economy -network cities and translational category cities.在此基础上,作者给出了长江三角洲城市经济的两个整合方向为网络城市和跨国型城市的观点,同时还提出了四条整合建议:加强城市间的协作,加快快速通道网络的建设,整合区内产业结构以及寻求新的内外整合动力。
6)economic indicator经济指标
1.The paper chose the total investment in fixed assets of the whole society as the economic indicator and chose the discharge of industrial waste water,the emission of industrial waste gas,the discharge of industrial solid as the economic indicators.通过分析济南市经济发展与环境污染现状,采用层次分析法,选取了全社会固定资产投资作为经济指标,以工业废水、废气排放量及工业固体废物产生量作为环境指标。
2.The present macroscopic economic indicator is calculated according to the SNA system of United Nations.目前的宏观经济指标是按照联合国制定的SNA体系核算得到的。
3.Using the principal component analysis of modern statistical analysis,considering the major relation of economic indicators,the paper does some empirical research on 14 cities in Hunan Province,which is significant for the functional division of logistics network nodes and can make the system more scientific and reasonable in the province.文章利用现代统计分析方法中的主成分分析法,抓住经济指标间的主要关系,就湖南省14个地级州市进行实证研究,对物流网络节点的功能划分具有重要意义,使湖南省的物流网络系统更科学合理。

矿业城市  随矿产资源的开发而兴起的城市。矿业城市的主要职能是开采矿产以及在此基础上发展加工工业。    矿产资源种类繁多,其中开采规模较大,对矿业城市的形成和发展起重要作用的有煤、铁、石油和某些有色金属。中国的煤矿城市如扶顺、淮南、大同,石油工业城市如大庆、玉门,锡矿城市如个旧,铜矿城市如东川、铜陵等,就是在开发这些矿产的基础上发展起来的。    矿业城市的规划和建设应注意下述特点:①工矿业生产在城市经济中占主要地位。矿业城市按采矿业和加工工业两大部门比重的大小,可分为采掘型城市和采掘加工型城市。在新矿区或工业发展条件较差的矿区形成采掘型城市,采掘业的兴衰决定着城市的兴衰。初期以采矿业为主的采掘型城市随着加工工业发展,会逐步演变成为以加工工业为主的采掘加工型城市。这时,原有采掘业的衰落对城市发展不会产生很大的影响(如淄博市)。②人口结构不平衡。矿业城市需要大量强壮劳动力,城市本身往往无法满足,只能从农村引入劳动力,因此人口的社会变动(人口迁移)高于一般城市。在人口构成中,中青年人口多,未成年和老年人口少;男性人口多,女性人口少;基本人口多,服务人口和被抚养人口少(见城市人口推算)。③工矿生产点的分布决定着城镇的布局形式。资源储量大而集中的矿区,城镇布局比较集中。资源分散的矿区,城镇布局多为一城多镇的形式,其中心城市一般选择在位置适中、交通方便的地点。有的矿区采取工人镇的形式。工人镇的特点是职能单一,人口规模较小,如大庆市的油田居民点。矿产资源分布过于分散或地形复杂、城镇间联系不方便的矿区,城镇布局则为多点分散形式,并形成若干地方性的中心镇(如淮北市)。④矿业资源的开发,往往引起矿区地表景观的变化。因此,矿业城市要注意对采矿后的塌陷地、露天坑、废石山、排土场等的改造和利用,以发展经济和防止生态恶化。