台湾经济,Taiwan economy
1)Taiwan economy台湾经济
1.In 2005,Taiwan economy suffered a sharp decline,mainly because both demands and productions,which directly affect economic growths,were weak,reducing the driving force behind economic growths.2005年,台湾经济增长率大幅下滑。
2.In the past year, stimulated by the world economic anabiosis and the rapid economic growth of Chinese mainland, Taiwan economy has gradually walked out of the downturn in the past several years.2004年,台湾经济在全球经济全面复苏和中国大陆经济快速发展的拉动下,逐渐走出持续低迷的状态,内部需求和对外贸易出现复苏,各业生产及就业形势有所好转。
3.According to the price of that year, Taiwan economy is growing smoothly, which should not be owed to the achievements of Taiwan Authorities but the efforts of many Taiwanese entrepreneurs.2004年是民进党上台执政四年中台湾经济态势最好的一年,以当年价格计算,可达到中速经济增长。

1.Studies on the New Economic Growth Theory and Taiwan's Economic Growth;新经济增长理论与台湾经济增长研究
2.The Four Trends of Taiwan Economy and the Economic integration across Taiwan Strait;台湾经济“四化”问题与两岸经济合作
3.Research on Cross-Strait Trade and Impact on Economy of Taiwan;两岸贸易及其对台湾经济影响的研究
4.Modeling the Growth Cycle of Taiwan s Econony:1961-2004;建模台湾经济增长的周期行为:1961—2004
5.An Analysis of Taiwanese Economic Situation in 2006 and Prospects for 2007;2006年台湾经济形势分析与2007年展望
6.On 2005’s Situation and 2006’s Prospects of Taiwan Economy;台湾经济2005年态势分析和2006年展望
7.Simply Analyse the External Cause with Fast-developing Economy in Taiwan (1950-1990);浅析台湾经济快速发展的外因(1950-1990)
8.On 2004’s Situation and 2005’s Prospects of Taiwan Economy;2004年台湾经济的态势分析与2005年展望
9.An Analysis on the Internal and External Factors Which Influence the Trends of Taiwan Economy;影响台湾经济走势的内外部因素分析
10.Architects development review under the drastic economic development of Taiwan台湾经济快速发展下建筑发展的回顾
11.The Effect of the Infrastructure Investment (the Public Sector and the Private Enterprises) on Taiwanese Economic Growth建设投资对台湾经济成长之影响分析
12.Taiwan's Economic Growth Decreases台湾的经济成长率下跌
13.Roscas in Developing Economies: Experience of Taiwan;发展经济体中的合会金融:台湾的经验
14.Taiwan has staged a remarkable economic performance.台湾在经济上已创造出惊人的成绩。
15.The authors is professor at Department of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University.作者为国立台湾大学农业经济系教授.
16.Money and Inflation: An Empirical Study on the Economy of Taiwan;台湾货币与物价在经济面之实证研究
17.The Research on Taiwan's Agricultural Economy in Qing Dynasty (AD1683~AD1895年);清代台湾农业经济研究(1683~1895年)
18.On Taiwan "Ten-Building" Economic Modernization Inspiration;台湾“十大建设”的经济现代化启示

Taiwan Strait Economic Area台湾海峡经济区
1.The Construction of Taiwan Strait Economic Area not only adapts the trends of regionalization of world economy, but also beneficial to the peaceful rise of China.构建台湾海峡经济区不仅适应了世界经济区域化潮流,而且对中国的和平崛起具有重要战略意义。
3)Taiwan's economic situation台湾经济态势
4)Taiwanese economic marginalization台湾经济边缘化
5)Taiwan economic marginalization台湾经济边陲化
6)Developing History of Taiwan Economy台湾经济发展史

台湾菜台湾大面炒Image:11607188416745449.jpg 台湾菜台湾大面炒
[原料/调料]油面 1斤肉丝 1/3杯新鲜香菇(切丝) 4朵红萝蔔丝 1/4杯豆芽菜 4两葱段 2支洋葱(切丝) 1/4个香菜 少许虾米 1大匙酱油 1大匙盐 1又1/2小匙胡椒 1小匙糖 1/2大匙香油 1/3大匙油 2大匙水 2杯[制作流程](1)将材料洗净分别切好备用。(2)将锅烧热并放入油加热,再依序将洋葱、香菇、肉丝、红萝蔔丝、虾米、葱等材料爆香,随后加入所有调味料和其他材料煮沸。(3)材料全熟后,放入油面翻炒并改小火,炒至汤汁收干再放豆芽菜略炒即可熄火盛起,并撒上少许香菜。亦可将肉丝、香菇、蛋丝等爆炒入味后再铺在面的表层来丰富内容。