社会管制,Social control
1)Social control社会管制
1.Mining Legislation Research of Main Parts of Social Control以社会管制为主的矿业立法初探
2)social regulation社会管制
1.Using related time series data of this period and constructing economic and social regulation indexes, this paper conducts an econometric analysis of influence of government regulation upon economic growth.采用这一段时期相关时间序列数据,构建经济管制和社会管制指标,使用经济计量方法分析结果为:经济管制对经济增长有显著负向影响,而社会管制中的环境管制能促进经济增长,福利管制不利于经济增长。
3)social control社会性管制
1.Government should loose its economic control and continuously enhance the social control and improve law and regulation system in order to set up a dy.政府管制应进一步放松经济性管制,相应地加强社会性管制以及逐步完善法律、法规制度,则不仅能建立起动态性的政策制定与调整机制,切实保证相关政策的灵活性与适应性,而且也能从总体上使整个自然垄断产业处于规模经济与竞争活力相兼容的有效竞争状态。
2.The government is supposed to strengthen its social control,and perfect law system while loosen up on economic control according to the characters and trends of natural resources monopoly industries.依据自然垄断行业的特点与变化趋势,政府管制应进一步放松经济性管制,相应地加强社会性管制以及逐步完善法律、法规制度。

1.New Development Trends of Social Regulation in USA :Construction and Improvement of The Social Regulation System in China;美国社会性管制制度变迁及发展趋势——兼论中国社会性管制制度的完善
2.A Study of Social Regulation to the Internalities Under the Framework of Ownership Theory;产权理论框架下内部性的社会性管制研究
3.Failure & Countermeasure Research of Social Regulation Based on Chinese Country Government;中国县级政府社会性管制的失灵与对策研究
4.Analysis and reference on the change tendency of Social Regulation in America;美国社会性管制变化趋势的分析与借鉴
5.Analysis on the Effectiveness of Chinese Government s Socialized Regulation--From the Prospect of Production Safety;我国政府社会性管制有效性分析——以生产安全为视角
6.On Chinese Government’s Socialized Control: Exemplified by the Overloading of Vehicles;我国政府社会性管制问题研究——以车辆超载问题为例
7.Economic Analysis of Government Social Regulations in Environmental Protection A Case Study in Controlling Automobile s Emissison;环境保护中政府社会性管制的经济分析——以汽车尾气治理为个案
8.Innovate Society Management System and Improve Society Management Level;创新社会管理体制 提高社会管理水平
9.Integrate Social Management Resource and Blaze Social Management System New Trails;整合社会管理资源 创新社会管理体制
10.The Study of Forewarning,Control and Management of Big Social Problems during the Social Transition Period社会转型期重大突发性社会事件的预警、控制与管理问题研究
11.Social Features of Crisis Management Mechanism of Big Cities in China;中国大城市危机管理协调机制社会性特征
12.On Building Social Coordination Mechanism Model for Social Management;论社会管理的社会协同机制模型构建
13.Strengthen Management of Society Construction and Advance Innovation of Social Management System;加强社会建设管理与推进社会管理体制创新
14.We shall be satisfied if history proves the superiority of the Chinese socialist system. Whether the social systems of other countries are good or bad is not our business.只要历史证明中国社会主义制度的优越性就够了,别国的社会制度如何我们管不了。
15.A Study on Organizational Innovation of Social Administration Center限制性困境与适应性创新:对一个新的社会管理机构的组织分析
16.It is the characteristic of the administrative decision mechanismwhich keep a lookout of public security of our country that determined the suitability of the GDSS.我国社会治安防范管理决策机制的特点决定了GDSS的适用性。
17.On Innovation of Social Management System in Harmonious Society;和谐社会愿景下社会管理体制创新研究
18.Improving universities management organizational reform to construct socialism harmonious society;建设社会主义和谐社会推进高校管理体制改革

social regulation社会管制
1.Using related time series data of this period and constructing economic and social regulation indexes, this paper conducts an econometric analysis of influence of government regulation upon economic growth.采用这一段时期相关时间序列数据,构建经济管制和社会管制指标,使用经济计量方法分析结果为:经济管制对经济增长有显著负向影响,而社会管制中的环境管制能促进经济增长,福利管制不利于经济增长。
3)social control社会性管制
1.Government should loose its economic control and continuously enhance the social control and improve law and regulation system in order to set up a dy.政府管制应进一步放松经济性管制,相应地加强社会性管制以及逐步完善法律、法规制度,则不仅能建立起动态性的政策制定与调整机制,切实保证相关政策的灵活性与适应性,而且也能从总体上使整个自然垄断产业处于规模经济与竞争活力相兼容的有效竞争状态。
2.The government is supposed to strengthen its social control,and perfect law system while loosen up on economic control according to the characters and trends of natural resources monopoly industries.依据自然垄断行业的特点与变化趋势,政府管制应进一步放松经济性管制,相应地加强社会性管制以及逐步完善法律、法规制度。
4)Social regulation社会性管制
1.A Comparative Study on the Theories of Social Regulation;政府社会性管制理论的比较研究
2.Economic Analysis on Social Regulation in the United States美国社会性管制的经济学分析
3.America appeared the trend of strengthening social regulation since 1970s.20世纪70年代以后美国出现了强化社会性管制的趋势,伴随着社会性管制的强化,社会性管制带来的高成本和低效率引起了人们广泛的质疑。
5)social management system社会管理体制
1.The Basic Idea on Innovation of Social Management System创新社会管理体制的基本理念
2.The reform of social management system is a systemic project,among the relationships of government,society and market,the latter two have a very great likeness on multidimensional lays referring to government.社会管理体制改革是一项系统工程,在政府、社会、市场三者的相互关系中,以政府为参照,社会、市场在多维层面上有着很大的相似性。
3.This paper thus proposes that a feedforward-feedback compound control system in China s social management system must be set up.要实现构建和谐社会的目标,必须在我国的社会管理体制中建立前馈-反馈复合控制系统,才能形成适应社会主义市场经济发展和社会结构深刻变化的,更加有效的社会管理体制。
6)social self-regulation社会自我管制
