交通设施建设,transportation infrastructural construction
1)transportation infrastructural construction交通设施建设
1.Effect of transportation infrastructural construction investment on economic development;交通设施建设投资对经济发展的影响

1.Effect of transportation infrastructural construction investment on economic development;交通设施建设投资对经济发展的影响
2.The Study on Chongqing Intelligent Transportation System Facilities Constructing Technical Specification;重庆城区智能交通设施建设技术规范指导研究
3.Investment and Finance Approaches of Urban Transportation Facilities in China;我国城市交通设施建设投融资方式研究
4.The effects of traffic foundation construction upon the social economy;交通基础设施建设对社会经济的影响
5.New methods for project finance in water transportation infrastructure construction in China;水路交通基础设施建设项目融资方式
6.Study of Implement and Management of the BOT in Transportation Infrastructure Construction;交通基础设施BOT建设项目实施与管理研究
7.The puzzle of buy earth and move villages in the construction of traffic basic facility and the corresponding steps;交通基础设施建设征迁难题及其应对措施
8.Analysis and Countermeasure on Traffic Influence of Urban Traffic Construction Project城市交通建设项目施工交通影响分析及对策
9.Measures about “2 Focus” for Key Communications Project Construction;交通重点工程建设中“两手抓”的措施
10.Research on the Coordination Development between the Traffic Infrastructure Construction and the Development of Regional Economy;交通基础设施建设与区域经济协调发展研究
11.The Research on Coordination Development between the Traffic Infrastructure Construction and the Social Economy;交通基础设施建设与社会经济协调发展研究
12.The Research on the Application of BT Major Traffic Infrastructure Construction;重大交通基础设施建设BT融资的应用研究
13.On the Construction of Fundamental Facilities of Transportation for National Defense at the Angle of the Snow Calamity in 2008;从“08”冰雪灾害谈加强国防交通基础设施建设
14.Discussion on the Financing Mode for MRT Infrastructure Construction;城市轨道交通基础设施建设融资方式的探讨
15.The Construction of China Traffic Infrastructure and the Harmonious Development of Regions;我国交通基础设施建设与区域协调发展
16.On the Role of Government in Transportation Infrastructure Construction政府在交通基础设施建设中的作用研究
17.Traffic Safety Facility Installation of Freeway Expansion Construction Operation Area高速公路改扩建作业区交通安全设施设置研究
18.On Relationship between Extending National Market and Infrastructure Construction扩大内需与交通基础设施的建设与发展

transportation basic facility building交通基础设施建设
3)traffic facilities交通设施
1.Study on the Combination Planning of Large-scale Public Building and Traffic Facilities大型公共建筑与交通设施组合规划研究
2.The current situation of urban road traffic facilities management in china was discussed in terms of traffic management mechanism, traffic facilities management and standard and system construction, and the drawbacks of current traffic facilities management were pointed out.城市道路交通设施是城市道路的重要组成部分,是城市道路交通安全、有序、畅通的重要保障。
4)means of transportation交通设施
1.The text briefly introduces the status,position and problem of the means of transportation management of Beijing,analyses the scientific concept of development to the guidance meaning of the means of transportation management,discusses a few opinions of realizing the comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable development means of transportation management in the newly position.通过简要介绍北京交通设施管理工作现状、面临的形势及问题,分析了科学发展观对交通设施管理工作的指导意义,探讨了新形势下实现交通设施管理工作全面、协调、可持续发展的几点意见。
2.It also anatomizes the major technical and tactical targets, and suggests some configuration plans for the protection of major means of transportation.基于对GPS干扰的初步分析,提出和剖析JTSS-GPS干扰箱组的设计思路及几个重要的技(战)术指标,研究用于重要交通设施防护的配置方案。
5)traffic facility交通设施
6)traffic construction交通建设
1.Discussion on conserving traffic construction highway enlargement and rebuilding problems;节约型交通建设高速公路改扩建问题探讨
2.Modern traffic construction and its historical functions in Shaanxi;试论陕西近代交通建设及历史作用
3.On the problems of traffic construction during urbanization;城市化进程中交通建设的问题探讨
