台湾海峡经济区,Taiwan Strait Economic Area
1)Taiwan Strait Economic Area台湾海峡经济区
1.The Construction of Taiwan Strait Economic Area not only adapts the trends of regionalization of world economy, but also beneficial to the peaceful rise of China.构建台湾海峡经济区不仅适应了世界经济区域化潮流,而且对中国的和平崛起具有重要战略意义。

1.Developing Modern Agricultural Logistics Between Fujian and Taiwan and Accelerating the Formation of Taiwan Strait Economic Region;发展闽台现代农业物流,促进台湾海峡经济区的形成
2.A Study on Economic Zone on the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait Undertake the Sci-Tech Industry Transfer of Taiwan海峡西岸经济区承接台湾科技产业研究
3.Speculation on the Interregional Civil Suit on Environmental Tort across the Taiwan Strait;台湾海峡环境侵权区际民事救济初探
4.Thinking on Taiwan Strait(Fujian and Taiwan) Ecological Economic Experimental Area Built by Cross-strait Cooperation;关于两岸合作建设台湾海峡(闽台)生态经济实验区的设想
5.Discussion on Building up Logistics Center of Taiwan Agricultural Products in Fuzhou in the Economic Zone on the West Side of the Straits;设立福州海峡西岸经济区台湾农产品物流中心的初探
6.The Development of Relationship in Economy and Trade between the two sides of the Taiwan steraits and Taiwan Economic Structural Adjustment;海峡两岸经贸关系发展与台湾经济结构调整
7.Driving Mechanism and Approach of Economic Integration across the Taiwan Straits;台湾海峡两岸地缘经济整合的驱动机制与途径
8.Agricultural Cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan and Construction of the Economic Zone in West Seashore of the Taiwan Straits;闽台农业合作与建设海峡西岸经济区
9.The Concept of Building the Western Coast Economic Zone with Hong Kong and Taiwan Capital港台资本共建海峡西岸经济区之构想
10.Impacts of the Taiwan and Taiwan Strait earthquakes on China mainland台湾及台湾海峡地震活动对大陆地区的影响
11.Proposal for Fujian-Taiwan Experimental Eco-economy Region Co-invested by Both Sides of Taiwan Strait;海峡两岸合作建设闽台生态经济实验区的设想
12.Performance Study of the Cross-Strait Trade to the Development of the Economic Zone on the West Coast of the Taiwan Straits;闽台贸易对海峡西岸经济区发展的绩效研究
13.Attracting Taiwan Capital to the Economic Zone on the West Coast of the Strait;新形势下海峡西岸经济区吸引台资的对策
14.The Pilot Political Mechanism in Taiwan Economic Zone海峡西岸经济区对台先行先试政策研究
15.Building the economic zone on the west side of the Straits and formation of the Straits economic zone建设海峡西岸经济区与海峡经济区构建
16.The Taiwan Straits situation is complicated and grim.台湾海峡局势复杂、严峻。
17.As all we know, the Taiwan Strait is one of the most “dangerous area "on the world.我们都知道,台湾海峡是全球「危险区」之一。
18.On The Construction Of The Cross-Strait Tourist Zone As Well As The Impact on Taiwan Tourist Industry;“海峡旅游区”的构建及其对台湾旅游业的影响

the Taiwan Strait Economic Region海峡经济区
1.In order to avoid peripherization,the Fujian government had put forward a project to construct the "Western Bank of the Taiwan Strait Economic Region"(WTER for short).应大力发展跨省际交通,扩大经济腹地,发展壮大中心城市,提升产业结构,从海西区建设最终发展到由海峡两岸参与的"海峡经济区"建设,首先从两岸一体化起步,加强两岸经济关系,最终实现两岸政治上的统一。
3)the Straits economic zone海峡经济区
1.The economic zone on the west side of the Straits to go ahead in forming the Straits economic zone;海峡西岸经济区在构建海峡经济区中应先行一步
2.Building the economic zone on the west side of the Straits and formation of the Straits economic zone;建设海峡西岸经济区与海峡经济区构建
3.The Strategic Plan of the Construction of the Straits Economic Zone;建设海峡经济区的战略构想
4)Taiwan Strait台湾海峡
1.Grazing impact of microzooplankton on algal bloom in the Taiwan Strait in summer;台湾海峡小型浮游动物的摄食对夏季藻华演替的影响
2.Characters of frequency-distribution of atmospheric stability and their formation cause in middle western Taiwan Strait;台湾海峡西岸中部大气稳定度频数分布特征及其成因
3.A Preliminary Analysis of the Tomography Problems in Constructing Bridge and Dike-Road across Taiwan Strait;台湾海峡架桥铺路的层析技术问题的初步分析(英文)
5)the Taiwan Strait台湾海峡
1.Speculation on the Interregional Civil Suit on Environmental Tort across the Taiwan Strait;台湾海峡环境侵权区际民事救济初探
2.Atmospheric correction of MERIS data over the Taiwan Straits;台湾海峡MERIS数据大气校正研究
3.Probe into the Ports System on the Taiwan Strait;构建台湾海峡航运港口体系探析
6)Taiwan Straits台湾海峡
1.Synthetic Evaluation of Marine Traffic Safety in Taiwan Straits;台湾海峡船舶交通安全的综合评价
2.Research on Data Spatial Analysis Methods for Ship s Routing Design in Taiwan Straits;台湾海峡船舶定线制设计的数据空间处理与分析
3.Diatom Ecotype of Habitation and Their Distribution in Surface Sediments around Xiamen Island and in Taiwan Straits;台湾海峡表层沉积硅藻栖性生态类型及其分布

中国最大海峡——台湾海峡   福建省与台湾省之间的台湾海峡,是我国最大的海峡。它北起福建省闽江口和台湾省富贵角,南界福建省官口港和台湾省鹅銮鼻,呈东北—西南走向。南北长约333千米,东西平均宽230千米。最窄处的福建平潭岛与台湾省的新竹市,相距仅130米。每当风和日丽,登上福州鼓山大顶峰,极目远眺,隐约可见高耸在台湾北部基隆附近的鸡笼山。在狂风恶浪的天气中,暴风甚至可把对岸居民驾驶的独木舟吹到大陆岸边来。  台湾自古与祖国大陆连成一片,目前分隔着大陆与台湾的台湾海峡的形成,经过了无数次的海陆变迁。  早在远古时代,即古生代和中生代,台湾海峡曾经是大陆东缘的一条海槽。大约在距今4000万年左右的地质历史时期,地球上开始了一次新的大规模造山运动—喜马拉雅造山运动。受这次造山运动影响,台湾海峡在相当一段时期内都处在一极不稳定的阶段,与大陆相隔的海槽时有时无,台湾岛与大陆时断时连。  距今15000年前,由于大理冰期的影响,海面下降,海峡又一次变成陆地,并持续了近5000年。5000年前,这里的山巅沟壑间森林密布、荒草丛生,许多原本生活于大陆的普通象、剑齿象、犀牛、野牛、大角鹿及中国特产四不像等大型哺乳类动物纷纷来此“谋生”,进而又迁移到台湾。  距今10000年前,世界气候再次变暖,海洋水面因冰川消融上升了100多米,大陆与台湾之间的陆地再次被海水吞没,昔日的沟壑平原变成了鱼游虾息的大海,而往日的山峰则化作点缀于海峡间的几多岛屿。