粮油故道,The former grain-oil trade route
1)The former grain-oil trade route粮油故道
2)Research on Jin-Meng Former Grain-oil Trade Route晋蒙粮油故道初探
1.The Climatical Analysis of Reasonable Planting Proportion of Grain and Oil Crop in East Areas of Gansu;甘肃陇南粮油作物合理种植比例的气候分析
2.The climatic analysis of reasonable planting proportion for grain and oil-bearing crop in East of Gansu;甘肃陇东粮油作物合理种植比例的气候分析

1.Strengthening the Quality Supervision of the Grain and Oil Market and Regulating the Grain and Oil Market;加强粮油市场质量监管 规范粮油市场
2.gram,oil and food import and export company粮油食品进出口公司
3."China National Cereals, Oil and Food Stuff Import and Export Corporation"中国粮油进出口公司
4.China Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export Group中国粮油食品进出口集团
5.Eastocean Oils & Grains Industries (Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd.东海粮油工业(张家港)有限公司
6.China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation中国粮油食品进出口公司
7.General terms of technology and equipment for grain and oil industryGB/T8874-1988粮油通用技术、设备名词术语
8."Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd"粮油食品进出口有限公司
9.China national cereal, oil and foodstuffs import & export corporation中国粮油食品进出口总公司
10.National Grain and Oil Processing Machinery Quality Supervise Inspecting Center国家粮油加工机械质量监督检验中心
11.Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of viscosity of grainGB/T5516-1985粮食、油料检验粮食粘度测定法
12.Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of acidity of grainGB/T5517-1985粮食、油料检验粮食酸度测定法
13.Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of specific gravity of grainGB/T5518-1985粮食、油料检验粮食比重测定法
14.Good harvest is registered in the production of summer grain and summer oil-bearing crops.夏粮、夏油获得较好收成。
15.Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of crude proteinGB/T5511-1985粮食、油料检验粗蛋白质测定法
16.Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Germination test of seedsGB/T5520-1985粮食、油料检验种子发芽试验
17.Cereals and oilseeds method for determination of the mass of 1000 grainsGB/T5519-1988粮食和油料千粒重的测定法
18.GB - Terminology of grain,oil-bearing material and their products粮食、油料及其加工产品的名词术语

Research on Jin-Meng Former Grain-oil Trade Route晋蒙粮油故道初探
1.The Climatical Analysis of Reasonable Planting Proportion of Grain and Oil Crop in East Areas of Gansu;甘肃陇南粮油作物合理种植比例的气候分析
2.The climatic analysis of reasonable planting proportion for grain and oil-bearing crop in East of Gansu;甘肃陇东粮油作物合理种植比例的气候分析
4)The Story of Grain《粮食的故事》
1.The Story of Grain,a novel written by Wang Yuanjian,is far superior to his another novel Party of China\'s Dues in human emotional logic and reasonability of the story.王愿坚的《粮食的故事》在人性的情感逻辑上和情节的合理性上远优于他的名篇《党费》;《红岩》既在文化产业和"党史小说"上是成功的,又以对人间生活世俗性的彻底否定而成为"共产主义教科书";路遥的《人生》反映了农家子弟反抗户籍宿命的时代悲剧;王朔的《动物凶猛》在表现青春记忆上,将独到的心理学深度、无比的眷恋情绪和重新审视中所产生的质疑有机地组织在一起。
5)provision loading trunk装粮舱道
6)the path of accumulation资粮道
