整合途径,integration way
1)integration way整合途径
1.The second part describes the integration way of本文以太原市城中村为例,旨在对城中村不同社会群体间的关系及其整合途径进行探讨和研究。

1.Study on Gateway to Culture Integration of Modern Enterprise Merger;现代企业并购中的文化整合途径探究
2.An Exploratory Research on the Regional Integration of Local Library Resources地方图书馆资源区域化整合途径初探
3.Factors of Developmental Predicament and Avenues to Unity of Western Psychology;西方心理学困境产生的原因及其整合途径
4.The research on approaches implementing knowledge integration--Based on the case study of Haler Group;知识整合的实现途径研究——以海尔为例
5.Analytical Framework of Knowledge Integration:Evaluations,Approaches and Factors;知识整合的分析框架:评价、途径与要素
6.On Approaches to Integration of Financial Expenditure for Agriculture;对整合新疆财政支农资金途径的探讨
7.The approaches and methods of how to reorganize correlative subjects such as Aesthetics and Anthropology;美学与人类学科际整合的途径和方法
8.Instructional Simulation:The New Approach in Integrating Technology in the Curriculum;教学模拟:信息技术与课程整合新途径
9.Integrated Teaching: An Effective Method of Developing Creative Personnel;教学整合:培养创新人才的有效途径
10.The Research of Internet and the Way of Implementation of Teaching Conformity;Internet与教学整合的实施途径
11.ERP and E -commerce;ERP与电子商务的整合及其实现途径
12.The Resources Integration Is an Effective Path for the Rational Development of Coal Resource;资源整合是煤炭资源合理开发的有效途径
13.Ritual Events: A Way to Integrate the Multi-centered Village Communities;仪式性事件:多元中心村庄社会整合的途径
14.Legal Pathways and Education Integration of the Public Administration Science;公共管理学的法律途径及教育整合研究
15.On the Optimization of Teaching Staff in the Higher Institutes of Professional and Vocational Education;高职院校教师资源优化与整合的途径选择
16.Resources Integration: An Effective Way of Private Higher Vocational Education Operation;资源整合:民办高职教育经营的有效途径
17.An In-depth Analysis of the Rapid Growth of Chinese Foreign Trade;区域整合:对外贸易增长迅速的解决途径
18.Route Analysis for Integrating Nonwovens Enterprises Development;整合我国非织造布企业发展的途径分析

floral pathway integrators开花途径整合子
3)approach of seed industry consolidation种业整合途径
4)integrated approaches整治途径
5)Consolidation Influential整理途径
6)ways of adjustment调整途径

感觉传导途径 3痛觉、温度觉传入途径示意图
感觉传导途径 3痛觉、温度觉传入途径示意图 李瑞端绘[图]