太原郡,Taiyuan prefecture
1)Taiyuan prefecture太原郡
2)The Legend of Taijun《太郡宝卷》
1.Changes in The Legend of Taijun and the Belief in Wutong God《太郡宝卷》和五通神信仰的变迁
1.For most of the time, the Eastern Han Dynasty practised thd system of prefectures and counties.东汉在大部分时间内推行的是郡(国)县二级制。

1.the southwest of England (including Cornwall and Devon and Somerset).英国西南部,包括康沃尔、德文和萨默塞特
2.the county, parish, etc boundary、 牧区等的地界.
3.Merits and Drawbacks of All the Provinces and Counties in China《天下国利病书》
4.county councillorph.1. 【英】政会委员,政务会委员
5.There is not a finer county in England than Derbyshire."全英国没有哪一个比德比更好了。”
6.a county boundary, councillor的边界线、 政务委员会委员
7.of or relating to or maintained or administered by a county.属于、关于县、的或由县、支持或管理。
8.County government is a body chosen to run a county.议会是选举出来管理的事务的。
9.On the Lineage,Country and Migration of the Xie Clan in the Six Dynasties;六朝陈谢氏世系、望及迁居考论
10.East/North/West Riding(of Yorkshire)(约克的)东[北/西]区.
11.chief constableph.1. 之警察局长
12.four small Yorkshire puddings四小块约克布丁.
13.The people living in a county.居住在或县的人民.
14.a town on the sea in Devon在德文海边的市镇
15.the family seat in Norfolk在诺福克的祖传宅第.
16.International CityCounty Management Association国际城市县管理协会
17.knight of the parliament英国国会中的选议员
18.My office has grown cold today; And I suddenly think of my mountain friend今朝斋冷, 忽念山中客;

The Legend of Taijun《太郡宝卷》
1.Changes in The Legend of Taijun and the Belief in Wutong God《太郡宝卷》和五通神信仰的变迁
1.For most of the time, the Eastern Han Dynasty practised thd system of prefectures and counties.东汉在大部分时间内推行的是郡(国)县二级制。
1.In ancient China, shire and county system was a complicated course of evolution, which started with the mixture of both, then separated and finally became the phase that shire had jurisdiction over county.我国郡县制由最初的郡县混治,郡县分离到最后逐渐演变成了以郡统县的局面,是一个复杂的演变过程,这个过程是中国地方行政制度由确立走向完善的过程。
5)Taiyuan[英]['taiju:'ɑ:n][美]['ta?j?'ɑn, -'jjuɑn]太原
1.Characterization of Aerosol Scattering Properties During Winter in Taiyuan;太原冬季大气气溶胶的散射特征
2.Study on Stable Carbon Isotope Characteristics of Atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Urban Area of Taiyuan,China;太原城区空气颗粒物中多环芳烃的碳同位素组成研究
3.Accumulation Frequency Distribution and Pollution Tendency of SO_2 Concentration of the Atmosphere in Taiyuan;太原市大气SO_2浓度分布及污染趋势
6)Taiyuan City太原
1.The Railways and the Modernization Process of Taiyuan City:1907-1937;铁路与太原城市近代化进程:1907-1937
2.Analytic Studies on Source of TSP and PM10in Environmental Air of Taiyuan City;太原市环境空气中TSP和PM_(10)来源解析
3.According to the norms of residential design, and connecting with the actual situation of Taiyuan City, this paper probes into the residential electrical design in Taiyuan Area.根据住宅设计规范,结合太原实际情况,探讨了太原地区住宅的电气设计。
