基础设施体系,Infrastructure System
1)Infrastructure System基础设施体系
1.Ideas and Policy Recommendations on Improving Infrastructure System in Yangtze River Delta to a Modernized Hub长三角完善现代化枢纽型基础设施体系的思路和对策

1.Discussion on Spatial Data Infrastructures System Based on Grid基于网格的空间信息基础设施体系研究
2.Vulnerability and countermeasure analysis of the public key infrastructure公开密钥基础设施体系脆弱性及其对策分析
4.Study on the Evaluation System of Investment Performance on Beijing urban Infrastructure Facilities;北京市基础设施建设投资效果评价体系研究
5.Studies on Investment and Financing System about Urban Infrastructure in Suzhou;苏州城市基础设施建设投融资体系研究
6.The Research on Investment and Financing System of Urban Water Resource Infrastructure in Shenzhen;深圳市水务基础设施建设投融资体系研究
7.Perfect "the system of passenger transportation taxi market" speed up infrastructure construction;完善“客运出租市场体系”加快基础设施建设
8.Thinking of creating the financing ways for new rural infrastructure构建新农村基础设施建设投融资体系的思考
9.Infrastructure: system of facilities, equipment and services needed for the operation of an organization基础设施 :组织运行所必需的设施、设备和服务的体系。
10.Accelerating the development of social programs.在科技方面,加强了国家创新体系、础研究和基础设施建设。
11.Infrastructural Facilities--Material Base in Setting up a Quality Administration System in Traffic Transportation;基础设施是交通运输企业建立质量管理体系的物质基础
12.The Study on a System of Modernization Standards for Urban Infrastructure in Zhejiang Province;浙江省城市基础设施现代化指标体系研究
13.Research on Socialized Financing System of Urban Infrastructure in Western China;我国西部城市基础设施社会化融资体系研究
14.A Distributed and Dynamic System Architecture of Knowledge Infrastructure;一种分布式动态知识基础设施的体系结构
15.Financing Plan Scheme for Infrastructure Construction in Xi an;西安市城市基础设施融资体系构建及实施方案设计
16.Research of Infrastructure Construction Multiplication Investment and Financing System of Shannxi Province "One Line, Two Belt";陕西省“一线两带”基础设施建设多元化投融资体系研究
17.Study on the Synthesis Evaluation Indicator System and Application of Infrastructure Projects;基础设施建设项目综合评价指标体系和应用研究
18.The Retructuring of Agricultural Policy Finance Support System for Agricultural Infrastructure;论农业基础设施建设与农业政策性金融体系的重构

PKI(public-key infrastructure) systemPKI(公钥基础设施)体系
3)infrastructure system基础设施系统
1.With good effect and efficiency,the infrastructure system ensures the sustainable development of the city.基础设施系统的长效性决定城市发展的可持续性。
2.Evaluation of infrastructure system sustainability is the basic condition for the research of sustainable development of civil infrastructure system.基础设施应具有持续有效地提供满足城市经济社会生态发展的整体功能,对其可持续水平的评价是城市基础设施系统研究的重要方面。
3.Then parsed the coupling between the infrastructure system and the other subsystems in the regional developmental compound system.基于系统科学理论归纳了基础设施的系统特性,解析了区域发展复合系统中基础设施子系统与其它子系统的耦合关系;提出4个命题,论证区域发展复合系统演进过程中各子系统的耦合机理,从子系统间耦合作用的角度阐释基础设施系统长效性的内涵;运用系统动力学构建基础设施系统长效性模型,进行政策实验,提出了长效性保持策略。
4)sports infrastructure construction体育基础设施
5)infrastructure construction integration基础设施一体化
1.Environmental Institutions and Environmental Infrastructure in Singapore;新加坡的环境机构与环境基础设施
2.The development of infrastructure projects-the model of PFI discussion;基础设施项目开发的PFI模式的探讨
3.The New Thoughts on Earthquake Prevention and Protection on Infrastructure in America and Japan and Their Inspiration for Us;美日基础设施防震抗震新思路对我国的启示

公【公】 (术语)金石要例曰:“僧之称公,当以其名,宋景濂塔铭可按也。及今乃以其字,失之矣,文章家不得因之。”僧之称公,当称名之第二字。如慧远法师则称远公。道生法师,则称生公。又如生公说法,顽石点头。