干部培训,cadre training
1)cadre training干部培训
1.Direct and Promote Cadre Training in Enterprise with Scientific Development View;以科学发展观指导和推进企业干部培训工作
2.Growing with Each Passing Day and Opening up the New Situation of United Front Cadre Training;与时俱进 开拓统一战线干部培训新局面——新世纪第一个五年培训工作回顾
3.The new characteristics of cadre training emerged in the new era, demanding “menu” training.新时代干部培训出现新的特点,要求开展“菜单式”培训。

1.“Menu” Training_New Trend of Cadre Training;论“菜单式”培训是干部培训的新趋势
2.Innovation is the most important thing on the cadre training--The new trying of extend training on cadre training;创新是干部培训的第一要务——拓展训练在干部培训中的新尝试
3.Reforming and Innovating the Training of Cadres and Improving the Ability of Leaders and Cadres;改革创新干部培训工作 加强领导干部能力建设
4.Centre Africain et Mawricien de Perfectionnement des Cadres非洲和毛里求斯干部培训中心
5.A Basic Study of Practice Oriented Training on Urban Construction Cadre;试议城市建设干部培训的特点和创新
6.Empirical-Experiential Teaching for Leadership Training-A Pedagogical Study;领导干部培训的现场体验式教学研究
7.Strengthening the Cadres Training and Improving Party s Governing Ability;加强干部培训工作 提高党的执政能力
8.Advance with the Times,Striving to Improve Quality of Training for Cadres of Party School;与时俱进 努力提高党校干部培训质量
9.Discussion of Blazing New Trails in Training towards Trade Union Cadres under the New Situations;论新形势下工会干部培训工作的创新
10.Research on the Training of Competition Managers for the 2008 Olympic Games;对2008年奥运会竞赛干部培训的研究
11.Training of Local Leadership Cadres of Our County我国地方政府领导干部培训模式研究
12.The Application of Total Quality Management in Civil Servant Training--A Case of the Civil Servant Training of Beijing;干部教育培训的全面质量管理——以北京市干部教育培训工作为例
13.Stressing cadre education and training, constructing the contingent of cadres with high quality;重视干部教育与培训工作 建立高素质干部队伍
14.They train technical cadres in short courses.我们办短训班培养技术干部。
15.On the Cadre Training in Indochina During the Soviet Era苏联初期印度支那干部的培训工作
16.They train technical cardres in short course.他们办短训班培养技术干部。
17.Management Information System of Education Cadre-Training Based on J2EE;基于J2EE的干部教育培训管理信息系统
18.On the Subjective Education Theory in the Cadre Training;主体教育观在干部教育培训中的实践

cadres training干部培训
1.Based on the practice of the railway reforms and the informatization construction of the Railway Party School,it would develop and research the necessity and feasibility of the application of this technology in cadres training of the Railway Party School.流媒体技术是一种新兴的网络传输技术,这种技术已经广泛地应用于远程教育,从铁路改革和铁路党校信息化建设的实际,探索和研究流媒体技术在铁路党校干部培训中应用的必要性和可行性。
2.Course about local culture has special value and significance in cadres training programs,which cannot only help the cadres form self-consciousness and understand the meaning of life,but can also improve the communication between cadres and common people,and more importantly,can be of great help to the strengthening of national spirit.地域文化在干部培训中具有独特的课程价值。
3.The article analyzes the problems and reasons in the present cadres training,and then puts forward some countermeasures on how to strengthen the cadres training and improve the governing ability.干部培训是提高干部素质、加强党的执政能力建设的重要途径,全文在详细分析当前干部培训工作存在的问题及原因的基础上,提出了加强干部培训工作以提高党的执政能力的若干对策。
3)training of cadres干部培训
1.The training of cadres is focus on the recognion,and lack of ability training.现时干部培训工作以认知为主,能力培训缺乏,培训形式、教学方法、教学内容没能以提高能力为核心目标,缺乏科学的培训质量评估体系和考核制度,庞大的培训资源浪费严重,培训体制缺乏活力,培训效果差强人意,客观上影响了干部能力建设。
4)CYL cadres training团干部培训
1.Innovating CYL cadres training and strengthening its effectiveness should implement five changes: transformation from the experience to the science,transformation from one-way indoctrination to the two-way exchanges,transformation from a single preaching to a variety of ways,transformation from extensive changes to the quality one,and from physical education to the stealth education changes.创新团干部培训,提高培训的实效性,应努力实现五个转变:从经验型向科学型转变;从单向灌输型向双向交流型转变;由单一说教向多种方式转变;由粗放型向精品型转变;由有形教育向隐形教育转变。
5)cadre education and training干部教育培训
1.We should strengthen the construction of resource system of cadre education and training and some professional websites like CFTN.要加强林业干部教育培训资源库以及中国林业培训网等专业网站建设,从理念、策略、资源、激励机制等方面入手,在林业干部教育培训系统实施知识管理。
2.It is considered that the marketization of cadre education and training in China is in the starting stage;the organizations of cadre education and training can not meet the need of cadre education and training;the marketization of cadre education and training is the direction of reform in the future.认为我国干部教育培训市场化还处在刚起步阶段,干部教育培训机构不能满足干部的教育培训需求,干部教育培训市场化是未来改革的方向。
3.The cadre education and training in the Yan’an period supplied thousands of leading cadres and talents for the final victory of the anti-Japanese war and the construction after liberation,having accumulated enriched historical experiences for the cadre education and training of our country.延安时期的干部教育培训为抗日战争的最终胜利和解放后的建设输送了千千万万的领导干部和优秀人才,它为我国干部教育培训积累了丰富的历史经验。
6)training of leaders领导干部培训

《军队转业干部安置暂行办法》《军队转业干部安置暂行办法》Provisional Measures Regarding Resettlement of PLA Cadres Transferred to Civilian Sector Jundui Zhuanye Ganbu AnZhi ZanxingBQflfo《军队转业干部安置暂行办法》(Pro-visional八夕巴asures Regarding Resettlementof尸乙含CadresZ’)丫znsfbrred to Civilian Seetor)2001年1月19日,中国共产党中央委员会、中华人民共和国国务院、中央军事委员会颁布实施。根据《中华人民共和国国防法》、《中华人民共和国兵役法》和《中华人民共和国现役军官法》等法律法规制定。是国家安置军队转业干部的法规。共n章70条,包括总则、转业安置计划、安置地点、工作分配与就业、待遇、培训、社会保障、家属安置、安置经费、管理与监督等。 主要内容有:①国家对军队转业干部实行计划分配和自主择业相结合的方式安置。师职和军龄不满20年的营职以下军队转业干部,继续采取计划分配的方式安置,由地方党委、政府负责安排工作和职务;团职和军龄满20年的营职军队转业干部,可以选择计划分配或者自主择业的方式安置。自主择业的,由政府协助就业、发给退役金。②计划分配的军队转业干部,地方党委、政府应当根据其德才条件和在军队的职务等级、贡献、专长安排工作和职务。担任师、团领导职务且任职满最低年限的军队转业干部,一般安排相应的领导职务。接收师、团级职务军队转业干部人数较多、安排领导职务确有困难的地区,可以安排相应的非领导职务。其他担任师、团级职务和担任营级领导职务且任职满最低年限的军队转业干部,参照上述规定合理安排。师、团级职务军队转业干部的工作安排要与当地领导班子建设通盘考虑,有计划地选调安排到市(地)、县(市)级领导班子或事业单位、国有大中型企业领导班子任职。③自主择业的军队转业干部,享受安置地相应职级退休干部的有关政治待遇,由安置地政府逐月发给退役金。月退役金标准,按本人转业时安置地同职级军队干部月职务工资、军衔工资和军队统一规定的津贴补贴为计发基数80%的数额与基础工资、军龄工资的全额之和计发。军龄满20年以上的,从第21年起,军龄每增加一年,增发月退役金计发基数的1%。对功臣模范、长期在边远艰苦地区服役和从事飞行、舰艇工作的军队转业干部,根据不同情况,分别增发一定比例的退役金。