建立与发展,Establishment and development
1)Establishment and development建立与发展

1.The Research on the Establishment and Development of the Non-profit Think Tank in China我国非营利思想库的建立与发展研究
2.The establishment and development of the pedagogy at the Christian colleges of the modern ages of China近代教会大学教育学科的建立与发展
3.The Establishment and Development of Information Disclosure System in the United States美国信息公开制度的建立与发展动向
4.The Crisis Diplomacy of American Foreign Policy after WWⅡ;美国战后危机外交模式的建立与发展
5.The Establishment and Development of China s Electronic Authentication Services System;我国电子认证服务体系的建立与发展
6.Establishment and Development of Police Education in Modern China;近代中国警察教育的建立与发展历程
7.Analysis on the establishment and development of Offshore financial markets;浅议我国离岸金融市场的建立与发展
8.Establishment and Development of System on Punishments in Public Order and Security Administration in Our Country;我国治安管理处罚制度的建立与发展
9.Research of the First Water Property Rights Exchanges Case in China;我国自然资源市场体系的建立与发展
10.Legal Inquiries on Establishing and Developing China s Transnational Corporations;建立与发展中国跨国企业的法律思考
11.China economy special zone's construction and development research comment中国经济特区的建立与发展研究述评
12.The Establishment and Development of Farmer Organization in the Construction of New Socialistic Village;社会主义新农村建设中农民组织的建立与发展
13.National Capacity-building for Child Survival and Development为儿童生存与发展建立国家能力
14.Partnership for Democracy and Development建立合作促进民主与发展
15.Establishing the regulation system for population and development.40、建立人口与发展的调控体系。
16.The Establishment of European Identity and the Development of European Integration;欧洲认同的建立与欧洲一体化的发展
17.A Proposal for Policies And Legislation for Development of China s Space Tourism;中国发展太空旅游的对策与立法建议
18.Development of the Library of Guizhou University for Nationalities and Establishment of the Discipline-based Librarian System;我院图书馆发展与学科馆员制度建立

The Construction and Development of Theory理论的建立与发展
3)foundation and development建立和发展
1.Discussion on the foundation and developmentof learning enterprise culture;论建立和发展学习型企业文化
4)build up and develop构建与发展
5)construction and development建设与发展
1.A Study of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Construction and Development;中国—东盟自由贸易区建设与发展研究
2.In recent years,although the construction and development of Sichuan RHPS has gotten great progress,some problems has been exposed.近几年,四川省乡镇汽车客运站的建设取得了很大进展,但同时也暴露出不少问题,我们应当以系统的观点、发展的观点来对待问题、解决问题,进一步促进乡镇汽车客运站的建设与发展。
3.Evaluation of a laboratory in college can excite enthusiasm of lab assistants, advance completing regulations, expand function of lab and teaching quality,and speed construction and development of lab college.进行实验室评估,可以激发实验室工作人员的工作热情,促进各项规章制度的完善,拓展实验室功能,提高教学质量,推进高校实验室的建设与发展。
6)development and construction发展与建设

金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)history of metallic material 金属材料发展史historyor metalli。material见材料发展史。