网运分离,separation of transportation business from railway network
1)separation of transportation business from railway network网运分离
1.In combination with the establishment of modern enterprise system in the railway sector and the target of transportation system reform for the separation of transportation business from railway network, the necessity for the railway financial system reform is proved.结合铁路建立现代企业制度、“网运分离”的运输体制改革目标,论证了铁路进行财务体制改革的必要性,分析了推进运输财务体制改革的若干重要关系,提出了2001年铁路运输财务体制改革的思路、基本前提、主要内容和各项配合工作。
2.The separation of transportation business from railway network which is the basic mode of the railway transportation system reform and its superiority are put forward.阐述了铁路运输体制改革的必要性和紧迫性,提出了铁路运输体制改革的基本模式——“网运分离”及其优越性,并确定了“网运分离”的总体实施步骤和各项实施工作。

1.Establishing New Enterprise Structure for Railway Transport By "Separating Infrastructure Management From Transport Operation;建立“网运分离”的铁路运输企业结构
2.Social welfare analysis of divesting transportation from network of railway industry in China;我国铁路“网运分离”福利效应分析
3.The Competition under the Mode of "Separate infrastructure manage ment from transport operation" in Chinese Railway Industry Road Part;“网运分离”模式下我国铁路运输业路运的竞争
4.The Management Model of "Separation between Infrastructure Management and Transport Operation": The Analysis of Economic and Social Performance of Railroad Passenger Transportation;铁路客运“网运分离”的经济与社会效益分析
5.Research on the Carrying Capacity of Line under the Situation of Separating Rail Infrastructure from Operation;网运分离条件下的线路通过能力研究
6.Economic Analysis & Policy Suggestions on Separation of Rail Infrastructure from Operation;“网运分离”的经济学解析及其政策建议
7.Research and Thoughts for the “Separating Infrastructure Management From Transport Operation” of China s Railway;对我国铁路“网运分离”的研究与思考
8.Study of Separating the Line Managementand Transportation in the Railway Management;铁路企业“网运分离”管理模式的探讨
9.On the Relationship Between the “Separating Infrastructure Management from Transport Operation” and Railway Reorganization;试论“网运分离”与铁路重组的关系
10.Establish Modern Enterprise System of Railway Transport Enterprise and "separate infrastructure from operation;铁路运输业现代企业制度的建立及“网运分离
11.The Railway Transportation Cost s Calculation on the Condition of Network and Transportation Separating;“网运分离”条件下铁路运输成本的测算研究
12.Separation of Transportation Business from Railway Network -A Necessary Choice for the Reform of Railway Transportation Management System;网运分离——铁路运输管理体制改革的必然选择
13.A Study on the Feasibility of Vertical Separation Model in Chinese Railway Industry;“网运分离”模式在中国铁路的可行性分析
14.Analysis and Design of Passenger Transport Pricing under “Separating Management from Railway Infrastructure”;“网运分离”条件下铁路客票价格分析和设计
15.Financial Assessment for Net-transportation Separation and Trunk-lateral Separation in the Maglev Project;“网运分离/干支分离”模式下磁浮交通项目财务评价影响研究
16.Considerations of the Management Cost in China s Railway after "the Separation of the Network and Transportation;对我国铁路“网运分离”后成本管理的思考
17.Reformation of Internal Auditing for "Separation Between Infrastructure Management and Transport Operation;试论“网运分离”条件下内部审计的配套改革
18.Adapt to the Reform of "Separation Between Infrastructure Management and Transport Operation" Reinforce Railroad National Capital Control;适应“网运分离”改革 加强铁路国有资本监管

separation of infrastructure from operation网运分离
1.Based on high speed maglev transportation system s technical and economic features,we summarize its operation mode as hub and spoke structure,separation of branchline from main line(SBM),separation of infrastructure from operation(SIO).根据高速磁浮交通系统的技术经济特点 ,提出了高速磁浮交通系统以枢纽 /辐射结构、干支分离、网运分离为特征的营运模式 ,并分析了该营运模式下的高速磁浮交通系统对中国现有综合交通运输体系格局的调整、优化和改善作用 。
3)separation between infrastructure management and transport operation网运分离
1.Traditional railroad transportation management system will be changed thoroughly with the development of the "separation between infrastructure management and transport operation".随着“网运分离”改革的深化 ,传统的铁路运输管理体制将被彻底改变 ,在这种形势下 ,迫切需要重新构建铁路国有资本监管体系 。
4)separation of network and operation网运分离
1.The uniform model should not be applied to “separation of network and operation”.在“网运分离”中勿搞统一模式 ,可以干线路网组建国家路网公司 ,以边缘路网组建区域铁路公司 ,还可以中长途客流或以运煤通道组建专业性公司。
5)Vertical Separation Model"网运分离"模式
1.A Study on the Feasibility of Vertical Separation Model in Chinese Railway Industry;“网运分离”模式在中国铁路的可行性分析
6)operation-maintenance separation运检分离
1.The operation-maintenance separation is regarded as a good mode for them.运检分离则为其提供了一种好的经营管理模式。
