临城劫车案,Lincheng Incident
1)Lincheng Incident临城劫车案
1.Emotion and Reason: a Discussion of the Pacific Magazine on the Lincheng Incident;情与理之间:《太平洋》杂志对临城劫车案的评论
2.Sino-Foreign Negotiations around Lincheng Incident;临城劫车案及其外交交涉

1.Emotion and Reason: a Discussion of the Pacific Magazine on the Lincheng Incident;情与理之间:《太平洋》杂志对临城劫车案的评论
2.The Nationalist Nation View Of the Warlord Government--A Case Study of Handling "the Hijacking Case in Lincheng"论军阀政府的民族主义国家观——以“临城劫车案”处理为例
3.The Analysis Of The Cognitive Psychology Of The Victims In The Robbery Of Taxies;抢劫出租车案件被害人认知心理分析
4.Three bank robberies have happened lately in the city.这城市最近发生了三起银行抢劫案。
5.A wave of train robberies followed the Reno brothers' startling hold-up.雷诺兄弟抢劫火车得手之后,带动了一波火车劫案的风潮。
6.Analysis on Beating and Preventing Robbing Counter-measures by Motorbike Crimes in Xinjiang;新疆“飞车”抢劫抢夺犯罪案件打防对策探析
7.That is the identical car that I saw outside the bank just before the robbery.那辆车跟我在行抢劫案发生前在银行外看到的车一样。
8.On Nature of Behavior of Abrupt Intention for Property临时起意图财行为之定性——一起强奸抢劫案背后的法理探析
9.Consider the Change of Investigation Thinking from Cracking Down A Case of Murdering and Hijacking the Motor Vehicle Serially从一系列杀人劫车案件的侦破看侦查思维的转变
10.A Solution for Argues about Underground Garages and City Parking Difficulty;地下车库争议与城市停车难解决方案
11.The robbers delivered all of the passengers on board of their money.抢劫者劫取车上所有乘客的钱。
12.The number of robberies in the area is on the decline.这地区的劫案在减少.
13.several reported muggings报道的几起行凶抢劫案.
14.Die Hard: With a Vengeance纽约大劫案/终极警探3
15.Boosters are numerous in this neighborhood.这一带常有劫车者出没。
16.The police car was gaining ground on the robbers.警车逐渐追上劫匪.
17.Knock over a truckload of merchandise拦路抢劫一卡车货物
18.When a railway heist goes wrong, an enormous bag of money falls from the sky into the hands of Damian and Anthony.一宗搞垮了的火车劫案,令千万金元从天而降,落在迪文与安东尼两兄弟的手中。

Two Cases of Taxicab Hijacking Crushed粉碎两起劫车案
4)Robbery cases抢劫案件
1.Robbery cases are increasing greatly with the rise of economy and popularity in Lijiang prefecture.随着丽江知名度的提高和经济的快速发展 ,抢劫案件也呈现出大幅度上升的趋势。
2.The theory research department and practice department have made deep researches on the robbery cases because of the serious social harm and great quantity of robbery cases.基于抢劫案件极严重的社会危害性以及发案数量之巨的现状,无论是理论研究部门还是实务部门,都对抢劫案件进行了较为深入的研究。
5)plunder through driving a vehicle飞车抢劫
6)Hold up a car拦路劫车

转劫所【转劫所】 (传说)所地广七百由旬,周围上下俱是铁栅。内分八十一处。逐处皆有亭台,判吏,设案记事。栅外另有羊肠细路十万八千条,盘曲湾通四大部洲。其内暗如煤漆。使聻道死生进出此路。外则望入亮如水晶,丝毫毕露。判派吏轮班把守进出。凡不孝及多杀物命之鬼,发交所内,用桃条抽死为聻。改头换面,发进细路为畜类。