1.According to the present situation of logistics activity in the basic enterprise of Chinese railway,this paper analyzes the legal risks in the transport of the logistics activity in the basic enterprise of railway at present,and advances some measures for dealing with these legal risks in transport.针对我国铁路基层企业物流活动的现状,分析了现阶段铁路基层企业物流活动中面临的法律风险,提出了应对运输中法律风险的相关措施。

1.external logistics社会物流(企业外部的物流活动的总称)
2.Study on Barn System of Grain Circulation in the Tang Dynasty;唐代粮食物流活动中的仓廪系统研究
3.The macroscopical logistics means the society produces the total logistics activity again, produces the logistics activity that knows and studying of overall angle from the society again.宏观物流是指社会再生产总体的物流活动,从社会再生产总体角度认识和研究的物流活动
4.The concrete logistics activity that takes place in the space is the micro logistics in a small region.在一个小地域空间发生的具体的物流活动也属于微观物流。
5.Forecast Research on Reversion Logistics Activity of Supply Chain Information System;供应链信息系统中逆向物流活动的预测研究
6.Research on Relationship between Market-oriented Culture and Enterprises Reverse Logistics Activity;市场导向文化与逆向物流活动的关系研究
7.Research on the Ways for Transportation Companies in Guangzhou to Deploy Logistics Services;广州交通运输企业开展现代物流活动研究
8.Consideration on Developing the commodity Interflow Activitiesin Transport Enterprises of Guangxi;关于广西交通运输企业开展物流活动的思考
9.Survey of Activity Rhythm of Wandering Animals in Spring in Urban Hefei合肥市流浪动物活动规律的初步观察
10.Tidal creeks teeming with shore wildlife.生活着众多海岸野生动物的潮汐河流
11.Packing and sorting are two activities in logistics.包装和分拣是物流中的两项活动。
12.Application of UML Activity Diagram in Logistics Operation Analyzing;UML活动图在物流业务流程分析中的应用
13.come or bring(sth)back into use,activity,fashion,etc重新使用(某事物);使(某事物)恢复活动或重新流行
14.determination of the inhibitory effect of water constituents on the growth of activated sludge microorganisms活动性污水微生物增长水流动抑制效果的测定
15.Research on Application of Civil Logistics in Economy Mobilization;民用物流在经济动员活动中的应用研究
16.Effect of the Zoobenthos Activities on the Seepage Features of the Sediment Ground in the Yellow River Estuarine Area;生物活动对黄河口底土渗流特性的影响研究
17.Effects of Tongqiaohuoxuetang on the Thrombsis, Blood-change and Microcirculation in Rabbit;通窍活血汤对动物血流变和微循环的影响
18.A Logistics Center Location Model for Customizing Tiding Demand;一种应对突发活动需求的物流中心选址模型

logistics activities物流活动
1.This paper studies the pattern of communication-engineering projects?logistics activities and reveals the weakness of its logistics management.本文基于交通工程项目物流活动特点的分析,针对目前交通工程项目物流管理中存在的主要问题,提出了加强交通工程项目物流管理的措施。
2.Based on the sample from chain pharmacies in Chang-Zhu-Tan Region,by questionnaires and statistics analysis,the relationship among chain pharmacy headquarters resources,logistics activities and capabilities is analyzed.以长株潭地区连锁药店为样本,通过问卷调查和统计方法对连锁药店总部资源、物流活动和物流能力进行分析。
3)reverse logistics activities逆向物流的活动
4)animal activity动物活动
1.Human practice and animal activity are two basic forms of material movement in different level in material world.人类实践和动物活动是物质世界中两种不同层次的物质运动形式。
5)logistics activation物流活性
1.The logistics activation is a synthetic evaluation of the agility,speed,dynamic,coordination in different stages and fluency of material flows in a logistics system.物流活性是对物流系统的反应灵敏性、快捷性,物流运动的容易性及各物流环节衔接性、顺畅性的综合评价。
6)fluid flow流体活动
1.Evidences of fluid flow along Lanliao Fault Zone in Dongpu Depression;东濮凹陷兰聊断裂带流体活动的证据
2.Evidences of fluid flow along fault zones in Shengbei Fault Zone of Dongying Depression;断裂带流体活动证据的确定——以东营凹陷胜北断裂带为例
3.Distinct fluid flow and transport pathways generally occur in abnormal high pressure (AHP) systems of sedimentary basins.另一方面,自生石英流体包体均一温度大部分在105~145℃之间,频数呈多峰式展布,可能显示幕式流体活动。

物流活动  物流活动logisticsactivity物流功能的实施与管理过程。