还本付息,repayment of capital with interest
1)repayment of capital with interest还本付息
1.The paper first introduces the methods of repaying capital with interest,these include: equal repayment of capital with interest,equal repayment of capital,interest repayment as before,as well as repayment according to free cash flow.在投资项目财务评价过程中,不同的还本付息方式对财务评价的结论将产生重要影响。

1.When these treasury Bills Become due, the principal will Be repaid with interest.国库券到期,还本付息
2.The act or process of amortizing.分期偿还,分期付款分期还本付息的行为或过程
3.distressed loan: Loan on which repayment of interest and principal has been severely delayed or completely suspended.还本付息有困难的贷款: 指还本付息严重拖延或完全停止的贷款。
4.annuity system [debt service]年金制,年度还本付息制[偿债]
5.The money set aside for this purpose.分期付款款项,分期偿还款项拨出的用于分期还本付息的钱款
6.debt service coverage: Ratio of net income after taxes plus interest on long-term debt plus depreciation to debt service.债务还本付息率:即税后净收入加长期债务利息加折旧,与债务还本付息的比率。
7.service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services还本付息额占货物和劳务出口额的百分比
8.Acting sale of securities; Acting servicing. Agents Registration accounts.证券代理买卖;代理还本付息。代理登记开户。
9.Acting sale of securities; Acting servicing, dividends payable; Securities generation custody, verification; Agents Registration accounts.证券代理买卖;代理还本付息、红派息;证券代保管、证;代理登记开户。
10.Acting sale of securities, debt service agent, dividends payable; Securities generation custody, verification; Agents Registration accounts.证券的代理买卖、理还本付息、红派息;证券代保管、证;代理登记开户。
11.Acting sale of securities; Acting servicing, dividends payable; Securities generation custody; Identification; Agents Registration accounts.证券代理买卖;代理还本付息、红派息;证券代保管;鉴证;代理登记开户。
12.Acting sale of securities, debt service agent, dividends payable, securities generation custody, Agents Registration accounts.证券的代理买卖、代理还本付息、分红派息,证券代保管、代理登记开户。
13.The heavily indebted middle and low income developing countries became unable to service their debts normally.负债累累的中等收入和低收入发展中国家已不能正常还本付息
14.Research on Economic Evaluation of Investment Projects of Coal Mine--The Influence of Repaying Capital with Interest on Financial Evaluation;煤矿投资项目经济评价研究——还本付息方式对财务评价的影响
15.Acting sale of securities; Acting servicing and dividends payable; Securities on behalf of custody, verification; Agents Registration accounts.证券的代理买卖;代理还本付息和分红派息;证券的代保管、证;代理登记开户。
16.Acting sale of securities; Acting debt servicing, dividends payable; Securities generation custody, verification; Agents Registration accounts.证券代理买卖;代理还本付息,分红派息;证券代保管,鉴证;代理登记开户。
17.Acting sale of securities; Acting debt servicing, dividends payable; Securities generation custody, authentication, the Acting registered accounts.证券代理买卖;代理还本付息,分红派息;证券代保管,鉴证,代理登记开户。
18.Acting sale of securities, the Acting debt servicing, dividends payable, securities generation custody, authentication, the Acting registered accounts.证券代理买卖,代理还本付息,分红派息,证券代保管,鉴证,代理登记开户。

Please repay principal and interest.请还本付息。
3)RCI pricing还本付息电价
1.So in this paper, the authors show two ways to the problem, a pricing model by account and a pricing model by economics, then they analyze the cost structure and counting principle of three-electricity price, which is determined by the methods of repayment of capital with interest (RCI pricing), of the operation period (OP pricing) and of marginal cost (MC pricing).为此阐述了两种电力定价模式———会计学定价模式和经济学定价模式 ,并依次分析了还本付息电价、经营期电价及边际成本电价等 3种电价测算方法的成本构成、计算原理 ;最后通过具体算例 ,对转轨期间我国并存的上述 3种测算方法进行了比较 ,通过比较可以得出以下结论 :即经营期电价法虽然摒弃了还本付息电价法的一些弊端 ,但仍旧很难实现经济学的最优均衡 ,据此认为我国现阶段电价改革的思路理应是 :明确改革还本付息电价 ,推广经营期电价 ,并逐步过渡到边际成本定
4)instalment and interest charges分期还本付息
5)delayed repayment of capital and interest延期还本付息
6)repay principal and interest付还本金和利息.
