对华宣言,Russian statements towards China
1)Russian statements towards China对华宣言

1.The Essence of Russian Policy towards China through two Russian statements;从两次对华宣言看苏俄对华政策的实质
2.Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements温哥华人类住区宣言
3.Ottawa Declaration on Women and Structural Adjustment渥太华妇女与结构调整问题宣言
4.Vancouver Declaration on World Trade关于世界贸易的温哥华宣言
5.The Declaration of Independence flames with his eloquence.《独立宣言》就闪耀着他雄辩的才华。
6.Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Wome消除对妇女歧视的宣言
7.Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women消除对妇女歧视宣言
8.Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women消除对妇女暴力宣言
9.Washington Declaration on Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities保护海洋环境免受陆上活动污染华盛顿宣言
10.Declaration concerning the Laws of Maritime War(Declaration of London)海战法宣言 (伦敦宣言)
11.On the Study in the Literary AccePtance of Zhuang Zi Made by Xuan Ying s Nan Hua Jing Jie;宣颕《南华经解》对《庄子》的文学接受
12.A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature.宣言对理论、政策或动机的公开宣言,尤指具有政治性质的
13.Lagos Declaration for Action against Apartheid拉各斯反对种族隔离行动宣言
14.International Declaration against Apartheid in Sports反对体育领域种族隔离的国际宣言
15.Tehran Declaration on Dialogue among Civilizations德黑兰不同文明之间对话宣言
16.Declaration on Dialogue and Cooperation in the Western Mediterranean西地中海对话与合作宣言
17.Declaration of Elimination of Violence against Women消除对妇女的暴力行为宣言
18.Declaration on the Consequences of State Succession for the Nationality of Natural Persons国家继承对自然人国籍的影响宣言

Vancouver Declaration《温哥华宣言》
1.Vancouver Declaration and Cultural Devices;《温哥华宣言》与文化手段
3)Declaration of the Ottawa Conference渥太华会议宣言
1.Declaration and Narrative——The Thinking of Contemporary Landscape Design;宣言与叙事——关于当代景观设计学的思考
2.Greeting daybreak on a desert island——the initial declaration of Wang Xiaobo s writing;在荒岛上迎接黎明——王小波最初的文学宣言
3.The library declaration for schools made by the international library association is the basic principle.国际图联《中小学图书馆宣言 (1999)》是世界各国教育机构遵循的基本准则。
1.The Manifesto of New-Confucianism and the Revival of Virtue Ethics;新儒学的《宣言》与德性伦理学的复兴
2.The Epistolary Structure in Arishima's Manifesto有岛武郎《宣言》中的书信体构造
1.It is intended in this paper to find the inner logic of the development of narratology by reviewing its "manifesto" so as to have a better understanding of the significance of the changes in light of its original goals.本文从一篇被誉为叙事学“宣言”的文本入手,回溯叙事学的原初主张,探讨叙事学发展的内在逻辑。
