投资控制措施,investment control measures
1)investment control measures投资控制措施

1.Analysis of investment control measures for urban rail transit projects;城市轨道交通建设项目投资控制措施分析
2.The Existing Problems in Business Investment in Fixed Assets and Internal Control Measures;企业固定资产投资存在的问题及内部控制措施
3.The Analysis of China s Insurance Investment Risk and the Research of Its Controlling Measures;我国保险投资风险分析及其控制措施研究
4.The Status in Control of the Investment to Construction of Municipal Works and Countermeasures;市政工程项目建设投资控制的现状和措施
6.Reform Measures of Test Method on The Course "Engineering Cost & Investment Control"工程造价与投资控制课程考试方法改革措施
7.Major Measures and Achievements on Investment Control and Cost Reduction for Pingban Hydropower Station Project;平班水电站工程投资控制及降低工程造价的主要措施和成效
8.Analysis and Discussion on Investment Control and Management Measures Based on Design Phase of Construction基于建筑工程设计阶段的投资控制与管理措施分析探讨
9.Accession Freedom of Investment and the International Regulation of Investment Measures;投资准入自由化与投资措施的国际管制
10.The Reasons for the Impropriety of Our Country s Construction Investment and Its Resolutions;我国工程投资管理失控的原因及其应对措施
11.The research of control measure in whole process of hydrotechnice funds;对水利项目资金全程控制措施的研究
12.Regulators have also tightened bank credit by other means and imposed curbs on real estate investment in an effort to rein in excessive spending.管理者还采取其他措施紧缩银根,控制固定资产投资,以期防止过度支出。
13.Formation Mechanism of Project Bidding Quotation and Price Control;工程招投标价格形成机制及价格控制措施
14.The Use of Insurance Capital in Infrastructure and Its Risk Management;保险资金投资基础设施及其风险控制
15.Trade-Related Investment Measures与贸易有关的投资措施
16.Study on Investment Control and Investment Venture in the Implement Period of the Construction Project;施工阶段投资风险分析及投资控制研究
17.Investment Breakdown Structure on Dynamic Control of Cost in Construction Phase;施工阶段投资动态控制的投资分解结构
18.Unbalanced Quotes Price and Control Measures in Construction Bidding;工程招投标中的不平衡报价及其控制措施

investment measures投资措施
1.The close connection between international trade and international investment results in the interaction between trade measures and investment measures.当今经济全球化的发展,使得国际贸易与国际投资更紧密地结合在一起,而国际贸易与国际投资之间的密切联系又导致贸易措施与投资措施之间的交叉影响,即贸易措施对投资或投资措施对贸易将发生越来越重要的作用。
2.Different countries take different investment measures to limit the accession of foreign investment.为限制外资进入或引导外资进入的部门和领域,许多国家都采取了种种投资措施,使得投资措施成为关涉投资准入自由的一个重要问题。
3.As an essential part of the agreements in the WTO, the TRIMs regulates the trade-related investment measures and also demands for uniform foreign investment laws in its members.TRIMs协议作为WTO一揽子协议之一 ,规范与贸易有关的投资措施 ,并对成员方的外资立法提出统一的要求。
3)investment measure投资措施
1.The crux of the investment measures forbidden in the TRIMS Agreement violates the treatment of the people that lists in the 3 article of GATT 1994.《TR IMs协议》所禁止的投资措施的实质要件违反了GATT1994第3条的国民待遇义务。
4)control measure控制措施
1.Reasons and control measures of the sputtering in CO_2 welding;CO_2焊产生飞溅的原因及控制措施
2.A preliminary discussion of several factors influencing shelf-life of UHT milk and corresponding control measures;浅谈影响UHT奶货架期的各类因素及控制措施
3.On the noise causes and control measures of rice milling machine;碾米机噪声产生的原因与控制措施
5)Control measures控制措施
1.Study on hazards of raw milk and control measures;原料乳危害及控制措施研究
2.Analysis on factors influenced to safety assessment quality and control measures;影响安全评价质量的因素与控制措施分析
3.Stability analysis and control measures of powered supports in greater inclined full-mechanized coal seam;大倾角综放开采液压支架稳定性分析与控制措施
6)control method控制措施
1.Browning of concentrated apple juice and its control methods;浓缩苹果汁的褐变与控制措施
2.The quality requirements for rails and control methods used in railway production of Baogang;钢轨的质量要求与包钢钢轨生产的质量控制措施
3.This paper introduces the studies of the lately years about nitrogen loses and the control method,and try to come out the causes of the lost,the factors involved and the control methods effect,furthermore,the control methods are summarized.随着国内外对稻田氮素流失的研究日益深入,对稻田氮素流失及其控制措施的研究进行了分析和总结。

投资控制投资控制cost control 格网络的合理性,并要在合同、技术人员配合下建立一整套对其里程碑或网络完成状况的审核办法,使支付点成为促进工程进度完成的重要工具,达到投资控制的目的。标准产品供货和技术支持人员派遣可签单价合同,并建立对其供应或派遣的质量及数量的监控措施和程序,作为支付依据。 施工合同投资控制通常采用总包价合同,按完成工程量加里程碑支付。对设计工程量不清,可签单价合同。监理单位要严格审核每月实际完成的工程且和套用的单价,控制有费用的设计变更,合理解决承包商索赔,防止超前支付,控制分项支付封顶。币汇率、工期和税金等方面变化对上网电价的影响. 初步设计概算详细编制从项目筹建到电厂竣工验收的全部费用和资金流,是工程投资控制的主要依据。由符合资格的设计单位编制,要严格执行国家政府主管部门和银行颁布的有关法令和规定。 初步设计概算书包括编制说明和概算表.编制说明包含:①工程概况.②编制依据.③概算编制方法和取费标准;④投资分析;⑤其他说明问题。概算表编制深度达到三级概算科目:①总概算表.②单项工程综合概算表,③单位工程概算表。总概算应按墓础价、固定价、建成价分别列出。墓础价即基准时间的价格水平.固定价=墓础价+价差预备费十进口关税,价差预备费根据支付进度和建设期年平均物价浮动率计算。建成价=固定价+财务费用。 初步设计概算的编制方法是从单位工程概算编制开始,经过三级汇总而成.单位工程概算的设备费常采用合同价或市场价,建筑安装工程费采用费用定额或概算指标法计算。 建筑安装工程费是根据工程t套用建筑安装工程费用定额,计算出直接费,即材料费、人工费、施工机械台班费之和,再根据有关取费标准计算其他直接费、间接费、计划利润和税金。概算指标法是采用建筑面积、建筑体积、设备重t、设备价值等指标进行计算,当初步设计深度不够,缺少详细工程t时,常采用概算指标法。 施工图预算用于编制招标“标底”和审核施工费用。编制施工图预算是根据施工图确定工程t,再套用建筑安装工程费用定额。由于计算工作t大,现常采用计算机辅助编制预算。 合同标底指合同招标的预期价格.是评标的依据.编制标底的依据是施工图预算和批准的概算,还需考虑工程质量特殊要求、材料价差、地理条件、工期风险等因素。 竣工决算竣工验收报告的重要组成部分,总结从项目筹建到竣工的财务状况,核定新增固定资产.考核工程项目投资效果,也是移交生产运行财产的基本文件。