唐山南货场,Tangshan South freight yard
1)Tangshan South freight yard唐山南货场
2)Nanshan Pasture南山牧场
1.In Nanshan Pasture,the ecological industrial has undergone the transition from grain-centered farm to forestry-centered gardening to livestock-centered dairy.南山牧场生态产业经历了原始农业、种植业、园艺、林业和奶牧业的演变过程。

1.Kazaks can Be seen tending cattle and sheep on horseBack on the South Hill Pasture 50 kilometres from Urumchi.在离乌鲁木齐50 公里的南山牧场可以看到哈萨克人骑马放牧牛羊。
2.Pastoral songs in Hunan are the songs sung by shepherd boys while herding cattle.湖南牧牛山歌(下简称湖南牧歌)湖南牧童牧牛时唱的歌曲。
3.Abstract: Pastoral songs in Hunan are the songs sung by shepherd boys while herding cattle.文摘:湖南牧牛山歌(下简称湖南牧歌)湖南牧童牧牛时唱的歌曲。
4.The Western Tianshan Grassland Pastures in Pastoral Areas of Family Support Technology Demonstration天山西部草原牧区家庭牧场配套技术示范
5.Meters, Added Words and Phrases of Pastoral Songs in Hunan;初论湖南牧牛山歌的格律和衬字衬词
6.Effects of Controlled Grazing on Farmers Income in Mountain Area in Henan and its Countermeasures;河南山区封山禁牧对农民收入的影响与对策
7.pasture grass of plains of South America and western North America.南美和北美西部平原的牧场草。
8.a member of a pastoral people living in the Nilgiri hills of S India.住在南印度内欧格瑞山脉的放牧民族的人。
9.The Research of Pattern of Farming and Stockbreeding and Sustainable Development in Mountain Area of Southern Ningxia;宁南山区农牧复合结构模式与可持续发展研究
10.The Roots and Way Out of Poverty in Farming and Pastoral Areas in the South of Mountains in Tibet;西藏山南农牧区贫困的根源及脱贫出路
11.Efficiency of Forage Cultivation and Utilization and Analysis on Its Energy-saving Function in Hilly Area of South China南方山地牧草种植利用和节能效果分析
12.Shepherds in those hills lead a hard life compared with those who work the lowland pastures.和那些在低地牧场上放羊人相比,山里牧羊人的生活是艰辛的。
13.A study of energy flow and substance flow of stockbreeding ecosystem on Boer goat farm in Qionglai邛崃波尔山羊场牧业生态系统能流物流的研究
15.To manage or work on a ranch.经营牧场,在牧场工作
16.Two days before shooting started, the temperature dipped and snow fell in the mountainous ski country around the ranch.开拍前两天气温下降,牧场周围的山地滑雪场普降大雪。
17.Land suitable for grazing.牧场适于放牧的土地
18.The Integral Research of PRED System of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Cross Bedding in Northwest Part of China:──Taking South Mountainous Region of Ningxia as Example;西北农牧交错带PRED系统功能整合研究——以宁南山区为例

Nanshan Pasture南山牧场
1.In Nanshan Pasture,the ecological industrial has undergone the transition from grain-centered farm to forestry-centered gardening to livestock-centered dairy.南山牧场生态产业经历了原始农业、种植业、园艺、林业和奶牧业的演变过程。
3)Southern Tangshan area唐山南部地区
4)coastal region of Tangshan唐山南部沿海
5)Tangshan Palaestra唐山市体育场
6)Poet during the Tang Dynasty and Zhongnan Mountain唐代文人与终南山

唐山唐山Tangshan  ┌───┬─┬─┐ │馨蘸翼│限│嘿│ ├───┴─┼─┘ │翼 │ ┌────────┬──┐ │ │ │踢濒缨撇髓藻黝翼│;靴 │ │ │ └────────┴──┘ │ │ ┌───┐│ │ │蒸易嚓││ │ └───┘└─────┘ 唐山杭震纪念碑广场阎︸﹃︸黝蘸黝﹃黝洲爵暇摄1948年12月解放,属晋察冀边区冀;1949年为河北省直辖市。1983年实行县体制。 辖区地势北高南低,地形多样,从北由平原、丘陵地、山地组成。南部平积6 800余平方千米,海拔均在50米L中部丘陵地,地形起伏不大,除个别外,坡度一般为10~15度,海拔一100一200米之间;北部山地为燕山余多呈东北一西南走向,山势陡峻,海300~500米之间。境内最高峰为遵化黄花山钻天峰,海拔895米。境内大刁·80余条,多发源于北部山区,呈西北南流向。河流受季节影响大,多数洞春季少水或无水,夏季雨后河水暴涨大的河流有滦河、沙河、陡河、还乡蓟运河。其中滦河河宽200一400米,1一4米。建有潘家口、大黑汀、陡祠庄4座大型水库,位于滦河上游的潘家库最大,面积67平方千米,蓄水量29立方米。位于滦河下游的大黑汀水库,巧平方千米,蓄水量3.4亿立方米。带大陆性季风气候,春季干燥多风,高温多雨,秋季凉爽,冬季寒冷少雪。均气温H.1℃。1月平均气温一5.7、月平均气温25.5℃。年平均降水量6米,降水70%集中于夏季,洪水期多于7月下旬至8月上旬。每年n月至3月为河水结冰期。 唐山素有“中国近代工业摇篮”、‘煤都”和“北方瓷都”之称。1976年7日凌晨3时42分,唐山发生里氏7.8烈地震,整座城市被夷为平地,造成24人死亡,164 851人重伤,7 200个家庭催难。震后,在全国人民的支援下,唐过重建和20多年的发展,现已形成煤之铁、电力、建材、化工、陶瓷、纺织、i食品加工等十大支柱产业。