投资乘数效应,investment multiplier effect
1)investment multiplier effect投资乘数效应
1.Through analyzing the conditions and formation of the investment multiplier effect, this paper demonstrates the leakages existing in the process of the investment multiplier effect, and makes the empirical analysis on the investment multiplier effect in Shanxi Province.通过对投资乘数作用的条件、形成过程的分析,论证了在投资乘数作用过程中存在的漏损,并对山西省投资乘数效应进行了实证分析。

1.Investment Multiplier Calculation for Urban Rail Transit Project;城市轨道交通投资乘数效应计算的探讨
2.Change trend and causes of the investment multiplier effect in our country;论我国投资乘数效应变动的趋势及原因
3.Thirdly, investment multiplier and investment policy effect, mainly illustrating the investment multiplier theory of Keynes.第三、投资乘数与投资政策效应。 主要是阐述凯恩斯的投资乘数理论。
4.Study on the macro-adjustment decision-making models of investment from the area multiplier effect;投资宏观调控的决策模型:从区域乘数效应角度
5.Two multiplicator effect s comparison: public investment and farm worker s starting up;两种乘数效应之比较:公共型投资与民工回流创业
6.As for how to enlarge effective demand, Keynes put great emphasis on multiplies effect of investment, but his investment theory had to face the dynamic tight corner.对于如何扩大有效需求,凯恩斯主要强调投资的乘数效应,但其投资理论面临着动态困境。
7.Study on Multiplier and Multiplier-accelerate Number Model in FuXin;阜新投资乘数及乘数—加速数模型研究
8.Analysis of Factors Handicapping Efficiency of Investment Multiplication in China;影响中国投资乘数效率发挥的因素分析
9.Investment Application of LCD in the Fuzzy Logarithm Least Squares Method;模糊对数最小二乘法在液晶显示器投资中的应用
10.A Study on the Macro-AdjustmentSystem of Investment--Reviews on the theory of area investment multiplier;基于投资区域乘数理论的投资宏观调控体系
11.On the Option Value Multiple of Investment Under Uncertainty and The Optimal Investment Rule;投资项目的期权价值乘数与最优投资规则
12.A Study on Theoretical Multiplier of the Fiscal Policy in China and Its Actual Multiplier Effects;中国财政政策理论乘数和实际乘数效应研究
13.Conform the Fund of Supporting Agriculture and Promote the Agricultural Comprehensive Development;整合农发资金,放大乘数效应 推动农业综合开发上水平
14.Research on Macro-adjust System of Investment Based on Period-multiplier Theory of Investment;基于投资时段乘数理论的投资宏观调控体系研究
15.A Second Thought about the Structural Keynesian Investment Multiplier Model关于结构式凯恩斯投资乘数模型的再思考
16.Analysis of Natural Resource Multipliers Based on Input-Occupancy-Output Technique;基于投入—占用—产出技术的自然资源乘数分析
17.The Influence On Investment Multiplier from Our Country Dweller s M.P.C;我国居民边际消费倾向对投资乘数的影响
18.Pay attention to the influence of health consuming demand to investment multiplier;注意卫生保健消费需求对投资乘数的影响

investment multiplication投资乘数
1.The existence of investment multiplication is the basis for the selection of macro-financial policy and the inspection of the extent to exert financial policy.而投资乘数的存在,是宏观财政政策选择的重要依据,也是财政政策发挥程度的一种检验。
3)investment multiplier投资乘数
1.Calculation and analysis of investment multiplier effect in our country;我国投资乘数效应的计算与分析
2.Change trend and causes of the investment multiplier effect in our country;论我国投资乘数效应变动的趋势及原因
3.Based on the analysis of the URT industry chain, the methodology of calculating the investment multiplier of URT is discussed by useing the input-output principle.城市轨道交通作为城市投资最大的基础设施,存在一定的投资乘数效应
4)multiplier of investment投资乘数
1.There exists multiplier phenomenon between the input and output of technology innovation in the system of corporate value creation.进一步分析表明,企业技术要素与非技术要素协同程度和关键员工的代理人选择行为是影响企业技术创新乘数效应的深层次原因。
2.the enlargement of basic sector engenders the effects of multiplier in terms of both employment and income,which is the key element affecting the city development.产业部门“基本部分”扩展所产生的就业与收入“乘数效应”的大小,是影响一个城市发展速度的主要因素。
6)multiplier effect乘数效应
1.Study on the macro-adjustment decision-making models of investment from the area multiplier effect;投资宏观调控的决策模型:从区域乘数效应角度
2.Analysis on multiplier effect and growth model in the land development of Beijing metropolitan area;北京大都市土地开发的乘数效应和增长模式研究
3.Analysis Between Multiplier Effect and Economic Development;乘数效应与当前经济发展的分析

投资乘数(Investment multiplier)投资乘数(Investment multiplier):指收入的变化与带来这种变化的投资支出的变化的比率,即k=△y/△I。