1.A Research on the Mechanism of Violent Actions Caused by Frustration of Basketball Athletes;篮球运动员由挫折引发攻击行为的机制研究
2.On Anti-frustration Education of the Young Teachers;论青年教师的抗挫折教育

1.Severe disappointment or set-back(极大的)失望,挫折
2.The act of frustrating or an instance of being frustrated.挫折阻挠的行为或受挫的事例
3.it is defeat that turns gristle to muscle;是挫折使软骨变成肌肉;
4.It is defeat that turns bone to flint;是挫折使骨头坚如燧石;
5.That was a balk to us.那对我们是个挫折
6.Disappointment is the nurse of wisdom.挫折是智慧的保姆。
7.The setback did not damp his zest.挫折没有使他降低热情。
8.He had [suffered] a setback in his business.他在生意上遭到挫折
9.Defeat and failure make people humble.挫折与失败使人谦卑。
10.Sorrow has bowed his spirit.悲哀挫折了他的锐气。
11.She was discouraged by setbacks.她因挫折而灰心了。
12.His career met with many reverses.他的事业遭到许多挫折
13.He was balked in his attempt.他的企图遭到了挫折
14.He's taken quite a few knocks lately.他近来受到了不少挫折
15.and eventually frustrations will disappear.而挫折感亦终将消失。
16.We suffered some serious reverses.我们受到一些严重挫折.
17.It is defeat that bone to flint; it is defeat that turns gristle to muscle; it is defeat that makes men invincible.是挫折使骨头坚如燧石;是挫折使软骨变成肌肉;是挫折使人战无不胜。
18.After several reverses, they fought their way back to their old seats on Board.他们几经挫折,又夺回在董事会的席位。

1.Discussion on How to Improve Anti-setback Ability of College Student;增强大学生的抗挫折能力刍议
2.How to guide college students to correctly face setbacks;如何引导大学生正确对待挫折
3.How to train students ability to resist setback in physical education teaching in Winter;冬季体育课教学中如何培养学生的抗挫折能力
1.This article analyzes, theoretically and practically,the causes,reac-tion of the individual after setbacks and guard against them and how to im-prove the endurance of setbacks.从理论和实践的角度,分析了挫折的起因、个体遭受挫折后的反应、挫折的防卫以及如何提高挫折的承受力。
2.This paper analyzes the subjective and objective reasons of setbacks,claims that setbacks can influence students positively by seeking some theoretical supports from motivation theories and maintains that it is highly possible to maximize their prompting roles from four aspects.分析挫折形成的主客观原因,从动机理论中寻求挫折积极作用的理论依据,并从四个方面探讨挫折的正面激励作用。
3.The paper analyzes the causes of and negative responses to setbacks and points out that healthy growth of college students calls for steps of all kinds to help them face up difficulties and combat setbacks.随着社会的发展和高等教育的大众化,挫折教育的理念已被高校逐步引入管理工作之中。
5)frustration education挫折教育
1.On frustration education in physical education teaching试论体育教学中的挫折教育
2.The efficient paths and important measures of carrying out the "frustration education" are: establishing the right outlook on life and pursuing the lofty ideal, carrying out special practice,social practice,the work-study program and some benefiting activities, setting up an example."挫折教育"是培养高素质人才的需要,是时代的呼唤。
3.Frustration education is very important for college students.挫折教育对于大学生的健康成长。
6)cause of setback挫折原因

挫折  个体有目的的行为受到阻碍而产生的紧张状态与情绪反应。它必须包含以下因素:①具有必要的动机和目的;②有满足动机和达到目的的手段或行动;③有挫折的情境;④有对挫折情境的认知;⑤有对挫折情境的认知而产生的紧张状态与情绪反应。    个体受到挫折后,对自身的行为会产生一定的影响。美国耶鲁大学心理学教授J.多拉德等人于1939年提出挫折一侵犯假说,揭示出个体的侵犯行为与其挫折感之间的关系。他们最初认为,个体所受到的任何挫折都必然导致侵犯行为。后来他们根据进一步研究的结果对上述理论作了一些修改,认为个体受到的挫折是否引发侵犯行为取决于下述4种因素:①受挫折驱力的强弱;②受挫折驱力的范围;③以前是否经常遭受到挫折;④因侵犯行为而可能受到惩罚的程度。    由挫折而导致的侵犯行为并非总是指向挫折制造者,侵犯的目标可以转移。当个体由于某种原因而不能对挫折制造者还击时,往往把侵犯目标指向其他的替代物。社会心理学称这种情形为目标转移。有的研究表明,相似性是目标转移的一个原则,即与挫折制造者相似的人,比较容易成为侵犯目标;另一个原则是受挫者寻求比自己弱小的人作为"替罪羊",向其发泄挫折感。