1.The three ways for knowledge construction of literature and art are essentialism,anti-essentialism and constructionism.文艺学知识形态建构的三种方式分别是本质主义、反本质主义和建构主义。
2.There are three different ways of thinking in building of knowledge form of Literature and Art,such as ssentialism,anti-essentialism,constructionism,and so on.文艺学知识形态建设中存在本质主义、反本质主义、建构主义等三种不同的思维方式。
3.There are three different ways of thinking in knowledge form building of literature and art,such as ssentialism,anti-essentialism,constructionism,and so on.文艺学理论形态建设中存在本质主义、反本质主义、建构主义等三种不同的思维方式。

1.Essentialism, Anti-essential ism and Pedagogic Study in China;本质主义、反本质主义与中国教育学研究
2.Non-conventional Writing about the City Appetency and Anti-essentialism;“另类”写作:反本质主义的都市欲望文本
3.Ludwig Wittgenstein and Postmodern Theory of Anti-essentialism;维特根斯坦与后现代反本质主义思潮
4.China s Legal Ambition Prospect and Anti-essentialism--A person of essentialism question closely;中国法律理想图景与反本质主义——一个“本质主义者”的追问
5.On the Inherent Conflict Between Essentialism and Anti - essentialism in Marx s Theory of Human Being;论马克思人论中本质主义与反本质主义的内在冲突(中)
6.On the Inherent Conflict Between Essentialism and Anti-essentialism in Marx s Theory of Human Being;论马克思人论中本质主义与反本质主义的内在冲突(下)
7.On the Dispute between Essentialism and Anti-essentialism in Pedagogy of China中国教育学研究中的本质主义与反本质主义:从分歧到融合
8.Marxism 's Outlook on Essence,the Human Essence and the Education's Essence Against the Backgrounded of the anti-Essentialism后现代反本质主义背景下的马克思主义本质观、人的本质与教育的本质
9.Predicament of "anti-essentialism" and its extrication;“反本质主义”教育观点的时代困境及其解困
10.The Discussion about the Anti-essentialism in the Field of Literature Theory Nowadays当代文论生产中的反本质主义思维之商榷
11.Re-criticism to the Criticism of Anti-Essentialism of the Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory当代中国文学理论反本质主义批判的批判
12.With the uprising of anti-essentialism, the illegitimacy of gender ontology is commonly questioned.当代反本质主义思潮兴起,性别本体论的合法性受到普遍质疑。
13.Consideration on the Pursuit for Certainty in Educational Research in Chinese;我国教育学研究确定性追求的反思——与石中英先生反本质主义教育学主张商榷
14.They will be inclined to side with essentialism and against nominalism.他们显然是站在本质主义一边而反对唯名主义。
15.On the Essence and Reflection of Neoliberalism Economic Thought新自由主义经济思想的本质及其反思
16.On the Contradiction between Individuality and Essentialism ──A New Way to Reflect on Essentialism;论个别性与本质主义的矛盾──反思本质主义的一条新思路
17.The typical feature of modern psychology is its objection to basics and essentials.后现代心理学的典型特征是反对基础主义和本质主义。
18.Different Deviations of the Anti-Gender Intrinsic Doctrine & their Reasons: Compare of Chinese & West Feminism Literature Criticism;反性别本质主义的不同倾向及原因——中西女性主义文学批评比较

anti-essence conversion反本质主义转向
3)anti-substantialist thoughts反本质主义思维
1.The demarcation of science: from essentialism to constructivism;科学划界:从本质主义到建构论
2.Wittgenstein s Philosophy Thought of Anti-essentialism;维特根斯坦的反本质主义哲学思想
3.The Essentialism and Anti-essentialism in Constructing Teaching Material of Literary Theory ——On the Reform and Construction of Teaching Material of Literary Theory in China Higher Learning Institutes;文论教材建设中的本质主义与反本质主义——关于中国高校文学理论教材改革与建设的思考之一
5)postmodern anti-essentialism后现代反本质主义
6)anti-essen-tialist ideas about literature and text反本质主义文学观
