1.The Gratitude Education in the Teaching of Gynecology and obstetrics;妇产科课堂中的感恩教育
2.A review on the research of Gratitude abroad;感恩:积极心理研究的新领域

1.I know. It's Thanksgiving Day.我知道。是感恩节。
2.In what day of the year do American people celebrate Thanksgiving, and how is it celebrated?美国人哪天过感恩节?怎样过感恩节?
3.The Effective Thanksgiving Education on "Chinese Thanksgiving Day";从“中国感恩节”看有效的感恩教育
4.Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks.感恩节是感谢的节日,
5.They give thanks to God on Thankgiving Day.他们在感恩节感谢上帝。
6.We must be thankful for small mercies.对小小的恩惠,我们也应当感恩
7.Gratitude can make us grow, and the resolve to return favors can help us succeed.感恩能使我们成长,报恩能助我们成就。
8.Thanksgiving Day drips of TU, does Yongquan phase when I reported.感恩节滴水之恩,来日我当涌泉相报。
9.Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.感恩是精神高尚的标志。
10.How do you celebrate @Thanksgiving@?你们怎么庆祝感恩节?
11.We eat it on Thanksgiving Day.我们在感恩节时吃它。
12.Thanksgiving comes every year,感恩节每年都会到来,
13.When is Thanksgiving Day?感恩节是什么时候呢?
14.People say @Happy Thanksgiving!@ to each other.人们互相说“感恩节快乐”。
15.Listen to the text about Thanksgiving.听关于感恩节的课文,
16.It's the day after Thanksgiving Day.今天是感恩节的第二天
17.The turkey is a symbol of Thanksgiving.火鸡是感恩节的象征。
18.I'm to be in the Thanksgiving theatricals.我要参加感恩节的演出。

1.On the education of thanksgiving——A survey of the thanksgiving in the colleges and secondary schools in Shijiazhuang;大学生感恩教育的实施、成效及意义——石家庄市大专院校感恩活动调查报告
2.The Status, Problems and Countermeasures to Thanksgiving Education in the Colleges Currently;当前高校感恩教育的现状、问题及对策
3.The Absence of Thanksgiving and Its Education Method;感恩的缺失与感恩教育的策略
1.Ever since the ancient times,gratefulness has been a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.感恩自古是中华民族的传统美德。
2.At present university students are absent of the sense of gratefulness.当前,加强大学生感恩意识的培养已成为当务之急,不但有其必要性,而且也有重要意义,其中构建"四位一体"的感恩教育体系,继承和发扬中国传统文化中的感恩文化以及感化和体验相结合是大学生感恩意识培养的新思路。
3.To be grateful is an ethical principle that everyone should practice.感恩是每个人都应该具有的基本道德原则,感恩意识的培养应该成为高校公民道德基础教育中不可遗漏的一环。
4)Gratitude education感恩教育
1.Therefore,when reinforcing gratitude education, it is effective and practical to take filial piety as the opening and new contents and meanings in the teaching process.因此,对青少年进行感恩教育,可以以传统孝道为视角和切入点,并结合时代特征赋予其新的内涵,为家庭、学校和社会在对青少年进行感恩教育的过程中注入新的内涵和具体内容,在传承传统文化和美德的同时,增强感恩教育的针对性和实效性。
2.Based on an analysis of students’ characteristics at higher vocational colleges,the article states that gratitude education should be given full play in constructing harmonious higher vocational colleges.在分析高职学生特点的基础上,对构建和谐高职院校提出了应发挥感恩教育的理念,并对感恩教育的内涵、如何开展感恩教育的具体内容及途径进行了探讨。
3.This article points out the necessity of grateful consciousness and the difficult position of personality cultivation on the base of analyzing the relations between gratitude education and personality cultivating,besides it discusses the resource of the gratitude education which can be used for reference and its realization approach.本文在分析感恩教育与人格培养关系的基础上,指出了感恩意识培育的必要性和人格培养存在的困境,并对实施感恩教育可供借鉴的资源及其实现途径进行了探讨。
5)thanksgiving education感恩教育
1.The Status, Problems and Countermeasures to Thanksgiving Education in the Colleges Currently;当前高校感恩教育的现状、问题及对策
2.The Study of Undergraduates’ Thanksgiving Education on the Harmonious Society View论和谐社会视角下大学生的感恩教育
3.The necessity of thanksgiving education at school was compounded.阐述了在学生中开展感恩教育的必要性,提出了感恩教育的基本途径。
6)gratefulness education感恩教育
1.The author argues for the strengthe- ning of gratefulness education among the students so that gratefulness will become part of their values.对此,要加强大学生的感恩教育,引导其树立正确的感恩价值观。
2.We must try to find the reasons why students are losing thankfulness and start gratefulness education from different aspects, based on it,some suggestions are given by this paper on how to put gratefulness Education to practice.感恩意识正在逐渐淡薄,我们必须从感恩缺失的原因入手,重拾感恩教育,论文在此基础上提出了一些建议。
