1.The Development of Singapore s Authoritarianism Politics Since 1980s;1980年代以来新加坡威权主义政治的新发展
2.A Study of the Theory of Altemeyer's Right-wing Authoritarianism埃特米耶的右翼威权主义理论探析
3.However, the government s authoritarianism and lack of authority has aggravated the opposition between the exam-oriented education and the quality education and hold back both the principals and teachers desire to carry out the teaching reform, resulting in the formalization of quality education.但政府部门的威权主义行为和权威不足非但未使基础教育的应试倾向得到有效遏制,反而加剧了应试倾向与学生素质发展间的对立,抑制了广大校长和教师的教改愿望,并使素质教育形式化了。

1.Rousseau: A Naturalist,or an Authoritarian?;卢梭:自然主义者,还是威权主义者?
2.A Study of Authoritarianism s Transformation and Democratization in Egypt Since 1952;当代埃及的威权主义与政治民主化问题研究
3.Causal analysis of Thai coup in 2006--from perspective of the tension between authoritarianism and democratism;泰国2006年政变原因探析——以威权主义与民主主义的张力为视角
4.Of the central concern of this paper is the capital formation in Taiwan's television in the1960 s.本文分析威权主义下台湾电视资本形成的过程。
5.The Development of Singapore s Authoritarianism Politics Since 1980s;1980年代以来新加坡威权主义政治的新发展
6.Economic Growth and the Legitimacy of Authoritarian State Elite Politics经济增长与威权主义国家精英政治的合法性
7.The Loss of Authoritarian Power in Political Integration:A Case Study of the Warlord Government at the Beginning of the Republic of China;威权主义政治整合的流失——以民初北京军阀政权为例
8.Perspective of Authoritarianism and Anti--authoritarianism from the Polity Evolvement in France;法国政治中的权威主义与反权威主义
9.From the East Asian Authoritative Power to DENG Xiao-ping s Theory of Central Authoritativeness;从东亚权威主义政权到邓小平的中央权威论
10.Singapore: Authoritarianism or Democratic Elitism新加坡:权威主义,还是精英民主?
11.Chris Weedon s:Feminism and the principles of poststructura ltist Theory;克里斯·威顿:女权主义与后结构主义原则
12.On How to Defend the Authority of Marxism Through Its Chinese-Characterizedness;从马克思主义中国化看维护马克思主义权威
13.It is a non-state actor that challenges state authority.它是挑战国家权威的无政府主义组织。
14.On the Localism and the Central Authority ofKuomingtang Government地方主义与国民党政府中央权威论析
15.The Presidential System in Central Asia: The Evolution in the View of Authoritarianism;中亚总统制度:权威主义视角下的变迁
16.A Research on Well-governing Mode of Singaporean Soft Authoritarianism Government;新加坡软权威主义政府的“善政”之道
17.On the Authority Inclination in the Thought of Zhang Xue-cheng s Scholar Departmentalism;章学诚“士人本位”思想的权威主义倾向
18.Hegemonism and power politics remain the main source of threats to world peace and stability;霸权主义和强权政治仍然是威胁世界和平与稳定的主要根源;

1.The Discussion of “Authoritarianism” and Public Participation in New Village Planning:Case Study of Guandi Village Renovation,Huairou,Beijing;新农村规划建设中“权威主义”与“公众参与”的思辨:以北京怀柔官地村旧村改造为例
2.Perspective of Authoritarianism and Anti——authoritarianism from the Polity Evolvement in France;法国政治中的权威主义与反权威主义
3.Recently, individual level factors that are most important are authoritarianism, social dominance orientation.目前个体水平的变量主要有权威主义人格和社会优势定位。
3)soft authoritarianism软权威主义
1.A Research on Well-governing Mode of Singaporean Soft Authoritarianism Government;新加坡软权威主义政府的“善政”之道
2.When we study Singapore party system in perspective through its inner logic we can find and foresee that the soft authoritarianism will become much softer ;the competition in congress will become more common and the elitist democracy will face challenges.以软权威主义、有限竞争和精英民主这样的内在逻辑,探究新加坡政党制度的发展脉络与趋势,可以发现并预见:新加坡政党制度的软权威主义更加软化,有限竞争趋于扩大,精英民主备受挑战。
4)new authoritative principle新权威主义
1.Huang Yuan-yong believed that,at the beginning of the Republic of China,the new authoritative principle should be adopted,as well as governing by law and the modernized dominant method.黄远庸认为,民初中国应采取适度集权的新权威主义,同时,强调在统治方式上应参杂法治和现代化的统治方法;而袁世凯当时未能很好地接受此建议,其新权威主义守旧色彩过浓,没有掌握好新旧之间的平衡,不能满足新兴社会力量的要求,导致统治基础不稳,是其失败原因之一;黄远庸虽没有找到新权威主义与政党政治的结合点,但是,让后世实行新权威主义的统治者看到了问题所在。
1.South Korea\'s political parties in the post-authoritarian era show distinct characteristics because of the political environment in Korea.韩国的政党在后威权主义时代呈现出地域性、私党性以及随意性等鲜明的特点,其原因在于韩国独特的历史惯性、文化传统和现实的社会结构、政治体制等客观政治生态因素所造就的政治生态环境的影响;韩国的政治生态环境已经给韩国的民主化造成了负面的影响。
