1.The Relative Research between the Androgyny and Communicative Attribution in the Middle School Students;初中生双性化人格与交往归因特点的相关研究
2.Androgyny and Interpersonal Relations of University Students;大学生的双性化人格与人际交往
3.Research of Relations between the Androgyny Mode of Normal College Students and Mental Health;师范大学生双性化人格模式与心理健康的关系研究

1.Double-personality:Ideal Personality Construction of Contemporary University Students;当代大学生人格建构的理想模式——双性化人格
2.Study on the Personality Characteristic and Impact Factors of Androgyny Undergraduate;大学生双性化人格特征及影响因素的研究
3.The Relative Research between the Androgyny and Communicative Attribution in the Middle School Students;初中生双性化人格与交往归因特点的相关研究
4.Study on the Theory of Bi-sexuel Personality and Vocational Development of Female University Students;双性化人格理论与女大学生职业发展研究
5.The Analysis and Countermeasure of College Students Androgyny;大学生双性化人格特质的现状分析及对策
6.Androgyny Theory and its Implication to the Schooling;双性化人格理论及其对学校教育的启示
7.Cultivation of Androgyny for College Students and the Construction of Harmonious Society大学生双性化人格培养与和谐社会构建
8.Research of Relations between the Androgyny Mode of Normal College Students and Mental Health;师范大学生双性化人格模式与心理健康的关系研究
9.A Study on the Relationship between Androgyny, Coping Styles and Subjective Well-being among College Students;大学生双性化人格、应对方式和主观幸福感关系研究
10.Research of Relations between the Androgyny Mode of Female College Students and Mental Health;女大学生双性化人格模式与心理健康关系的研究
11.The Relation Research on Androgyny、Coping Styles and Social Adaptability of Middle School Students;中学生双性化人格与人际交往能力及社会适应能力之间的关系研究
12.Androgyny is a combination of male and female characters, which was proposed in 1970's by Bem.双性化人格是在20世纪70年代以后提出的概念,是大学生理想的性别角色模式。
13.Research on Children s Personality Bisexuality Based on Jung Theory;基于荣格理论的儿童人格双性化研究
14.The apocalypse From Jung s prototype theories to research the children s personality androgyny;荣格原型理论对儿童人格双性化研究的启示
15.Jung's Theory and the Psychological Interpretation of Personality Androgyny人格双性化现象的心理学阐释——荣格理论视角
16.Positive Promotion on the Formation of Students' Dual Nature Personality by Teacher教师应积极促进学生“双性化”人格的形成
17.There are both social potency and interpersonal relatedness in the characteristics of Chinese college students' androgyny personality.结论:中国双性化大学生具有“领导性”和“人际取向”的人格特征。
18.To endow with personal qualities;personify.赋予人的性格,拟人化

personality androgyny人格双性化
1.The apocalypse From Jung s prototype theories to research the children s personality androgyny;荣格原型理论对儿童人格双性化研究的启示
2.This research began to probe into the deep connotation of personality androgyny of love in terms of different theories,in which the Jungian theory seemed very important.人格双性化现象,已经在学术界研究了30多年,中间也曾沉寂,但随着2005年超级女声李宇春的一举成名,又掀起了新一轮的研究热潮。
3)bisexual character specialty双性化人格特质
1.By the method of the BSRI,Zung SDS and Zung SAS,the research aims to discuss the ideal sex role mode of undergraduates good emotion through a questionnaire about their bisexual character specialty and the depression and anxiety level so that deep understanding will be made about the significance of the bisexualization to the he.本研究采用贝姆性度量表 (BSRI)、zung氏抑郁自评量表 (SDS)和zung氏焦虑自评量表 (SAS) ,旨在通过对大学生双性化人格特质与抑郁焦虑水平的问卷调查 ,探讨大学生良好情绪状态的理想性别角色模式 ,以便深入了解双性化对健康情绪状态的意义 ,为大学生消除负性情绪的干扰 ,从容处理各种生活事件提供理论依
4)men and women on the personality男女双性化人格
5)bisexual personality双性人格
1.Therefore,it is to build people-oriented advertising concept and mold female advertising image with bisexual personality that is in accordance with social developing process.当前,中国广告对女性形象的传播存在误区,给社会带来了一定的负面影响,树立人本广告观念,塑造具有双性人格的女性广告形象,是符合社会发展进程的。
6)Individualized personality个性化人格

双性化双性化androgyny  双性化(androgyny)男性化和女性化的心理行为特征共存十一体。双性化建众在男性化一女性化二维模式的基础之上。从男性化到非男性化和从女性化到非女性化这个二维坐标系,可标定出双性化的人、男性化的人、女性化的人和非男非女的人。双性化的人是同时具有男性化特征和女性化特征的人。双性化模式试图替代的是男性化一女性化单维两极的模式。贝姆(B。m,StL.)制定了双性化测验,称为贝姆性别角色调查表。研究发现,双性化的人摆脱了传统性别角色规范的束缚,对各种社会情境的适应极具弹性,且有更高的智力和创造性,也没有出现性别角色混乱。有人认为这一模式应成为人类心理健康的标准,但也有人批评这种模式过于理想化,仅把男性化特征和女性化特征调和在一起。 (茜奋嘉撰高玉样审)