1.4% subjects got high or moderate scores on depersonalization and 76.4%的被试者有一定程度的去人性化现象;76。
2.Job burnout is a kind of psychological integrated symptoms, and is defined by the three dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and diminished personal accomplishment, produced by prolonged response to chronic continuing pressures on the job .工作倦怠是指个体因为不能有效地应对工作上延续不断的各种压力,而产生的一种由情绪衰竭、去人性化和成就感降低三个维度构成的心理综合症状。

1.Humanization or Dehumanization--The Dilemma of Western Psychology;人性化还是去人性化——西方心理学的两难选择
2.This knowledge has led us to love and sacrifice, to personal service for our neighbour.这些知识带领我们去爱和牺牲,去给我们身边的人做更人性化的服侍。
3.Over the past four years, humankind's understanding of superconductivity in MgB2 has evolved at breakneck speed.过去四年,人类对于硼化镁超导性的了解,正以极快的速度成长。
4.Poor people are less likely to visit a dentist.穷人去看牙医的可能性
5.remove the qualities typical of one's sex.失去某人典型的性特征。
6.The Trend of Gender Culture--From Power Culture to Gender Equality Culture;性别文化的去向——从权力文化到平等性别文化
7.These artificial evolution systems generate creative new things, but don't keep evolving.这些人工进化系统产生了创造性的新事物,但是并没有不断地演化下去。
8.While she always decried the fickleness of human nature,she carried on an unrelenting search for the ideal servant to the end of her days.尽管她一直在指责人性的变化无常,她却继续毫不放松地寻找称心的仆人,一直到她死去。
9.People learn to respond to their environment.人们学习去因应环境的变化,因此他们比美国人更容易视情境而作弹性的应变;
10.What required three people in the past can be done by two after co-operative transformation, an indication of the superiority of socialism.过去三个人做的工作,合作化以后,两个人做就行了,表示了社会主义的优越性。
11.Failure to understand them, or a shirking of ethical responsibility, deprives him of his wholeness and imposes a painful fragmentariness on his life.不理解这些责任、或逃避道德责任,会使人失去整体性、使人的生活痛苦地碎片化。
12.To partially or completely eliminate or counteract the polarization of.去极(化),退极(化)部分或完全地消除极性
13.Study Progression of Ursodeoxychlic acid (UDCA) in Treatment of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis熊去氧胆酸治疗原发性胆汁性肝硬化
14.Will computers depersonalize human interactions?人机交互将会使人类失去个性吗。
15.Opinions on human nature, good or evil, differed from person to person in the past.过去,人的性“善”、性“恶”之辩都是各家之言。
16.To divest of feminine traits, qualities, or characteristics.使失去女人味使失去女性特征,品质或特色
17.By tracing the fate of the radioactivity within a living organism, one can learn the normal pathway of this carbon compound in that organism.通过追踪放射性在活体内的去向,人们能得知这种碳化合物在体内正常的途径。
18.Imbuing opponents with humanity would rob “our boys” and the audience of moral certitude.将对手赋予强烈的人性化的表现,会使“我们的士兵”和观众的失去对于道德的确信感。

1.Content: Job burnout, caused by long-term work pressure, is a reaction product of irreconcilable pressure with the declination appearance on respects of emotion, attitude and behavior, which directly leads to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and diminished personal accomplishment.工作倦怠产生于长期的工作压力,是不可调和的压力反应产物,表现为情绪、态度和行为的衰退状态,直接导致出现情绪衰竭、去人格化和低成就感。
1.Objective The study about deindividuation is one of the important contents of social psychology.去个性化是社会心理学中的一项重要的研究内容,近些年来随着网络的兴起,网络情境中的去个性化现象逐步引起了人们的重视。
2.Social identity model of deindividuation effects(SIDE) originates from the deindividuation theory.去个性化效应的社会认同模型(Social identity model of deindividuation effects,SIDE)是从去个性化理论发展而来,它挑战了去个性化是一定条件下个体失去自我而做出反规则、反社会行为的观点。
1.Linguistic sexism and "de-gendering"reform in English have always been intertwined as twins and put on the center stage by both linguists and sociologists.语言对女性的性别歧视以及随之而来的语言“去性别化”改革是横跨语言学界和社会学界的一个历久弥新的话题。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理