1.A Brief Analysis of Freire s Pedagogy of the Oppressed;弗莱雷的“被压迫者教育学”
2.On Freire s Thought and Methodology of Sociology of Education;弗莱雷的教育社会学思想及其方法论探析
3.Exploring Freire s Educational Philosophy of Hope;论弗莱雷的希望教育哲学

1.Paulo Freire is a representative of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed.弗莱雷是被压迫教育学的代表人物。
2.On the Realistic Significance of Freire’s Liberation Education Theory;试论弗莱雷解放教育理论的现实意义
3.Democracy Thoughts in Pauloo Freire's Liberation Education保罗·弗莱雷解放教育思想的民主诉求
4.Comparative Study of Adult Education Idea between Tao-xingzhi and Freire;陶行知与弗莱雷成人教育思想比较研究
5.The Revelation of Freire s Thought of Liberation Education to Chinese Education;弗莱雷“解放教育思想”对我国教育的启示
6.On Freire s Thought and Methodology of Sociology of Education;弗莱雷的教育社会学思想及其方法论探析
7.Re-commenting the Suitability of Using Freire s Educational Theory in Moral Lessons;论弗莱雷教育哲学在德育教学中的价值
8.The Inspiration of Freire s Thought of Liberation Education to Vocational Education;弗莱雷解放教育思想的职业教育学启示
9.Paulo Freire’s“Teaching via Dialogues”and Its Practical Significance;保罗·弗莱雷的“对话式教学”及其现实意义
10.The key idea of Freire s "Dialogue Teaching"and implementing strategy;弗莱雷“对话式教学”的核心理念及实施策略
11.Education is Liberation--Analysis on Paulo Freire s Pedagogy of Liberation;教育即解放——试析保罗·弗莱雷的“解放教育学”
12.She learns from Paulo Freire the pedagogy of the oppressed and adds a feminist perspective to it.她借鉴了弗莱雷的贫困人口教育方法,又采用了女性主义的视角。
13.Study on Paulo Freire s Dialogic Teaching and Its Reveal to Our Teaching Reform of Elementary and High School;保罗·弗莱雷对话式教学研究及对我国中小学教学改革的启示
14.A Research on the Postmodernism Characters of "Teaching by Dialogue" Ideology of Paulo Freire;试论保罗·弗莱雷“对话式教学”思想的后现代主义特征
15.Exploring Freire s Philosophy,Democratic and Practical Thoughts in His Dialogical Education;论弗莱雷对话教育中的哲学思想与民主实践思想
16.The Liyeracy Education and Community Development in Poor Rural Areas: an Approach of P. Freire s Educational Anthropology;贫困乡村社区革新定位的扫盲教育:P .弗莱雷人类学模式
17.The Revelation of Paulo Freire' Conversational Teaching Idea to the Practice of Moral Education保罗·弗莱雷的对话式教学思想对提高学校德育工作实效的启示
18.Cleansweep 7 Type of broomstick used by Fred and George Weasley.乔治和弗雷德韦斯莱用的是横扫七星。

Paulo Freire弗莱雷
1.She learns from Paulo Freire the pedagogy of the oppressed and adds a feminist perspective to it.她借鉴了弗莱雷的贫困人口教育方法,又采用了女性主义的视角。
3)Paulo Freire保罗·弗莱雷
1.Paulo Freire s Dialogic Education and Its Revelation;保罗·弗莱雷的对话式教学及启示
2.Paulo Freire’s“Teaching via Dialogues”and Its Practical Significance;保罗·弗莱雷的“对话式教学”及其现实意义
3.The Educational Thoughts of Paulo Freire;保罗·弗莱雷的教育思想
4)Paulo Freire Model弗莱雷模式
5)Pauloo Freire保罗.弗莱雷
6)P.Freire's educational theory弗莱雷教育思想

弗莱诺思洛普·弗莱 ,加拿大多伦多大学神学家和文学批评家,以《批评的解剖》一书而闻名。他认为文学批评应具有方法论原则和自然科学的连续性。文学原型理论