1.Enchantment and Disenchantment of Illness:in commemoration of Susan Sontag.;疾病的附魅与祛魅——为纪念苏珊·桑塔格而作
2.Modern Technology: From Disenchantment to Reenchantment;论技术的附魅、祛魅与返魅
3.Enchantment, Disenchantment and Reenchantment: Western Mysticist Poetics in Trans-modern Turn;附魅、祛魅与转魅:西方神秘主义诗学的跨现代转向

1.Enclose to,Return to and Imitate the Evil Spirit:Cultural Logic of the Image of Xiangxi;附魅、返魅与仿魅:影像化湘西的文化逻辑
2.From Disenchantment to Enchantment: The Transformation of Paradigm of Instructional Design;从“祛魅”到“附魅”:教学设计的范式转换
3.From History Disenchantment to Deity Enchantment--On "Sorcerer s Dance" in the Northeast Authors Novels;从历史祛魅到神性附魅——论东北作家笔下的“跳神”
4.Enchantment and Disenchantment of Illness:in commemoration of Susan Sontag.;疾病的附魅与祛魅——为纪念苏珊·桑塔格而作
5.Enchantment, Disenchantment and Reenchantment: Western Mysticist Poetics in Trans-modern Turn;附魅、祛魅与转魅:西方神秘主义诗学的跨现代转向
6.Forgetting Particularity:Philosophical Discourse of Hegel's Political thought and its Spiritual Charm特殊性的遗忘:黑格尔政治思想遗产的哲学话语及其精神附魅
7.Compulsion and charm are treated as subschools of the Enchantment school of magic in the Player's Handbook but are used as descriptors here, to the same effect.胁迫和魅惑被视为《玩家手册》中附魔学派魔法的子学派,但在此作为同样效果的性质描述。
8.The Rational Basis and Shift in Law;神魅、人魅与祛魅——法律的理性基础及其变迁
9.the lure of adventure [Paris]冒险 [巴黎] 的魅力
10.Charms of Alliteration;头韵(Alliteration)的魅力
11.To be brilliantly, often deceptively, attractive.有魅力有魅力,常指虚假地,华而不实地
12.From "Disenchantment" to "Reenchantment"-Research on Aesthetic Self-discipline;从“祛魅”到“返魅”—对审美自律性之考察
13."Disenchantment" and "Enchantment": Engineering Ethics Thought;“祛魅”与“赋魅”:工程的伦理之思
14.Routinization of Contemporary Western Art: De-Charm? En-Charm?;当代西方艺术的日常化:祛魅乎?赋魅乎?
15.Charm and disenchantment:reexamining ancient Chinese upright official thought魅力与祛魅:中国古代清官思想再反思
16.His charm doesn't work on me, ie doesn't affect or impress me.他的魅力对我不起作用。
17.He was a captive to her charms.他被她的魅力迷住了。
18.a seductive woman, smile, look有魅力的女子、 微笑、 样子

1.The fascination in different meanings of Chinese reading;汉语阅读中的“歧义”的魅力
2.Those descriptions of music have unique fascination in terms of presentation and content.《老残游记》中多处笔法奇绝的音乐描写显示了作者刘鹗卓越的艺术手腕,《老残游记》的音乐描写在艺术手法及表现内容等方面呈现出与众不同的独特魅力。
3.The most noteworthy fascination of his educational theory covers: the basis of human ideology of the interaction in relation to environment; the purpose of the ideology of children s emancipation; the strong emphasis on practice and his masterstroke on the specialization of instruction.其教育理论的魅力在于:人与环境交互作用的思想根基;儿童解放的思想宗旨;理论具有强烈的实践性;教学专业化的思想主线。
1.Poem ending and glamour of the modern novel;现代小说的诗化结尾及其魅力
2.The Glamour and Characteristics of Harvard University in America:I am know the Harvard University美国哈佛大学的魅力与特色——我所了解的哈佛大学
3.A literary work without prolonged glamour will lose its value in the face of literature, only the excellent glamorous one will undergo the test of the time and will not be eliminated.一部作品,如果缺乏经久性的魅力,一见文学史便会化为乌有;只有优秀的具有经久性魅力的文学作品,才能经受住残酷的时间老人的考验而不被淘汰。
1.Innovation Education in Design and Its Attraction to College Students;设计创新教育对大学生的魅力
2.Standing on the cross of history and relalisy,writer of this essay takes a view of the evolutional track, profound connotation and unicue attraction of local-color literature with Luxun as leading maste站在历史和现实交汇的高度上,纵观以鲁迅为宗师的乡土文学的演进轨迹、深刻内蕴和独特魅力。
3.The cultural traits of Wuhanese are that its attraction is combined with its exclusion.斥力与魅力的互融是武汉人文化品格之所在:内敛、疏离、情绪化和世俗的趋向使武汉人缺失一股张力而生排斥;宽容、重情与开拓情怀则让武汉显得包容而有吸引力。
1.Disenchantment and Reenchantment: Surveying Environmental Crisis with Natural View;“祛魅”与“返魅”——环境危机产生的自然观审视
2.Enchantment, Disenchantment and Reenchantment: Western Mysticist Poetics in Trans-modern Turn;附魅、祛魅与转魅:西方神秘主义诗学的跨现代转向
6)emphasis enchantment赋魅

魅鬼【魅鬼】  谓此鬼宿因多诈,唯凭诈伪,惑乱于人,故受此报;托附畜类,以成其质,即狐狸等精,能魅惑人者也。