1.While we provide some effective guides and supports during induction period, we should pay more attentions to the right evaluations on them in order to promote their professional development and teaching quality.初任教师是教师队伍中的一类特殊群体,针对初任教师进行有效的入职引导和支持是十分必要的。
2.Newly appointed teachers is a special group in the teaching forces, the induction and transition of whom into their profession is critical to their professional development and the overall improvement of the schools where they teach.初任教师是教师队伍中的一类特殊群体,其入职引导直接关系个体的专业发展和学校的整体发展。
3.To solve the problem of teacher drain in the public schools, Chicago has embraced "induction"as a means for retaining good teachers.美国芝加哥为解决公立学校新教师的大量流失问题,采取了一套"入职引导"制度。

1.Induction Program for Newly Appointed Teachers: Case Studies of Japan and England;初任教师的入职引导制度:以日英为例
2.The Influence of Situational Induction Institution on the New Teacher Retention-the Case of the New Teacher Induction Institution of Chicago in America情境化入职引导制度对新教师保持率的影响——以美国芝加哥新教师入职引导制度为例
3.Investigation on the New Teacher Induction of Chicago Public Schools in the USA美国芝加哥新教师入职引导制度的效能考察
4.Evaluation of the career training of the new teachers in Britain;如何促进初任教师的专业发展——英国初任教师入职引导评价与启示
5.Study on Strategies of Guiding Vocational and Technical Education Masters to Work in Higher Vocational Schools of Transformation;引导职业技术教育学硕士进入转型高职院校就业的策略研究
6.bootstrap loader引导装配程序, 输入引导子程序
7.To use a bootstrap loader routine.使用引导装入程序。
8.He piloted the old lady to her seat.他引导这位老妇人入席。
9.Short for bootstrap loader.引导装入程序的简称。
10.The servant led the visitors in.那仆人引导客人入内。
11.To lead or guide in the wrong direction; lead astray.误导带领或引导进入错误方向;把…引入岐途
12.Boot: To initiate operation of a computer with the Bootstrap program.开机引导:用引导程式使电脑进入操作状态。
13.To proceed misleadingly or insidiously in discourse or conduct.误导在说话或行动时诱导或暗中引入
14.The scandal led to the resignation of its two top editors.这次丑闻导致两名主编引咎辞职。
15.The function of a chairman is to lead and control meetings.主席的职责是引导并控制会议。
16.The Study on the Blame-Taking Resignation Institution of Party and Administrative Leaders of China;我国党政领导干部引咎辞职制度研究
17.Study on After-class Reading Survey and Guidance for Students in Higher Vocational College;高职大学生课余阅读现状及导引研究
18.Research on the System of the Resignation for Blame of Leading Cadres in China;我国领导干部“引咎辞职”制度研究

induction institution入职引导制度
1.According to the factors, a situational induction institution has been established for Chicago new teachers,involved induction programs,mentoring,and other support from the headmaster and other colleagues.根据这些因素,芝加哥制定了一套情境化的入职引导制度,包括各种入职引导方案、教学指导、校长和同事的支持等。
1.A Study on American New Teacher Induction;美国初任教师入职指导研究

入朝曲 ( 一作鼓吹入朝曲 )【诗文】:金陵控海浦,渌水带吴京。铙歌列骑吹,飒沓引公卿。槌钟速严妆,伐鼓启重城。天子凭玉几,剑履若云行。日出照万户,簪裾烂明星。朝罢沐浴闲,遨游阆风亭。济济双阙下,欢娱乐恩荣。【注释】:【出处】:全唐诗:卷164_16