1.Edutainment Technology and Its Application in the Instruction of Information Technology Curriculum in Middle Schools娱教技术及其在中学信息技术课程教学中运用的初探
2.The Edutainment theory which based on "admit and respect the learners current life-value" provides an entirely new viewpoint for this problem.当前数字娱乐产业成爆炸式趋势增长,数字娱乐对教育的影响和冲击日益明显,以“承认并尊重学习者当前的生活价值”为基础的娱教技术理论的提出,为我们看待和解决此类问题提供了一个全新视角。

1.The emerging of theory of edutainment initiates a new field of educational technology, the development of the practice of edutainment needs more support in abundant forms.娱教理论的提出开创了教育技术的新领地,娱教实践的开展期待着丰富形式的支持。
2.The Mechanisms of Game Addiction and Their Applications in Edutainment Design;游戏成瘾机理及其在娱教设计中的应用
3.The New Perspective of Educational technology--A Researchon Technological Instructional Model Based on the Online Amusement Teaching;教育技术新方向——基于在线娱教技术教学模式研究
4.Edutainment Technology and Its Application in the Instruction of Information Technology Curriculum in Middle Schools娱教技术及其在中学信息技术课程教学中运用的初探
5.MLE:Microsoft Learning and Entertainment微软教学与娱乐公司
6.Education, however, have manage to stagger on in spite of these pleasant diversion不过,娱乐归娱乐,教育还是照样进行不误
7.Some films combine education with recreation.有些影片把教育同娱乐融合在一起。
8.Edugame:A Practice to Combine Education and Entertainment;Edugame:让教育与娱乐走向融合的实践
9.The Construction of Amusement Teaching of Track and Field under the New Course Standard;新课程标准下构建娱乐化的田径教学
10.On building the entertaining teaching mode of high-school athletics论高校田径休闲娱乐教学模式的构建
11.Application of the Amusive Teaching Method in the Skating Course in Universities;娱乐式教学方法在高校冰上课教学中的应用
12.A comparison of the effects between recreational teaching method and traditional methods in track and field;田径娱乐化教学方法与传统教学方法效果比较
13.and that the rights of the disabled to rehabilitation, education, labor, entertainment and welfare should be protected.保障残疾人康复、教育、劳动、娱乐、福利等权益。
14.In ancient Rome they combined religious duty with pleasure.在古罗马,他们却把信教和娱乐混而为一。
15.High art must teach, delight and move.高雅艺术应具有教育、娱乐和感人的作用。
16.Back to the Nature & Self-Amusement──Introduction of the Curriculum of Early Education in Northern Ireland返本归真 自娱自乐——北爱尔兰早期教育课程简介
17.Media literacy education for university students under the background of mass media entertainment;大众传媒娱乐化背景下的大学生媒介素养教育
18.Research on the General Situation of Sport,Leisure and Recreational Education in USA P.E. Colleges;美国高等体育院系体育休闲娱乐教育概况研究

entertainment education娱乐教育
1.On the other hand, the emerging and development of entertainment education has once again drawn the educators attention to computer games.而近几年来,娱乐教育的提出和发展,使教育工作者们的目光又聚焦到电脑游戏之上。
3)Toys and articles of learning use娱教用品
4)Entertainment teaching thought娱教思想
5)Edutainment Technology娱教技术
1.Edutainment Technology and Its Application in the Instruction of Information Technology Curriculum in Middle Schools娱教技术及其在中学信息技术课程教学中运用的初探
6)entertainment quality娱教性
1.One of the key points of this paper is the design of the video teaching material, which is divided into four aspects as the teaching quality, the science quality, the art quality and the entertainment quality.主要从教学性、科学性、艺术性、娱教性几个方面展开:在教学性设计中,重点分析了教科书的知识类型、学生的已有认知结构、立项的需要性、现有资源情况等四个方面;在科学性和艺术性设计的分析中,运用了辩证的观点,正确地处理科学性和艺术性的主导地位在一定的条件下的相互转化,注重传播知识的同时,进行艺术的熏陶;在娱教性的设计中,将娱教的观念与手段融入到了设计中。
