1.The paper started from the network language and its formation features to study how to correctly view and standardize the use of the network language in depth.本文拟从网络语言及其构词特点入手,对如何正确看待并规范使用网络语言问题进行了比较深入地探讨。
2.It is believed in this paper that such a problem should be viewed from the perspectives of culture,history and the development of Chinese characters themselves.本文认为,应从文化的、历史的和文字本身发展的角度看待这一问题。

1.On Proper Opinion Toward SOE Reform;正确地看待和对待国有企业“改制”
2.Considerotions on"be kind to peasant"from"three questions about agricultwre,countryside and peasant;从“三农问题”看待“善待农民”之呼声
3.What do you consider a just salary?你如何看待公平的工资?
4.Look at the matter purely from the scientific point of view.用科学眼光看待事物。
5.Don't treat me as a child.不要把我当作孩子看待
6.Not regarding me as a child.不要把我当作孩子看待
7.Don't treat me like a child.不要把我当小孩看待
8.He treats the dog as a member of his family.他把这只狗当家人看待
9.He never regarded the farmhands as human beings.他从不把雇工当人看待
10.How will history view him?历史会如何看待他呢?
11.view an issue from a historical perspective用历史的观点看待问题
12.It appeared to me that they regarded him with something of my own feeling.我觉得他们看待他,也有点和我看待他那样。
13.To regard or treat with haughty contempt;despise.鄙视、鄙弃以高傲的鄙视来看待或对待;轻视
14.The letter was a feeler to see how he would look upon such a movement.这封信是一种试探,看看他如何看待这种运动。
15.The materialistic dialectics views the world historically and regards everything as" a process".唯物辩证法强调把事物当作“过程”来看待,历史地看待问题。
16.Interviewer: Do you see these poems in a similar light to your riddles and games poems?你用看待你谜语诗和打油诗的态度看待这些诗吗?
17.Marx s Three-formation Theory and his Methodology about Human Being s Development;从“三形态说”看马克思看待人的发展的方法论
18.They didn't stay to see the play out.他们没待下把戏看完。

objectively looking upon客观看待
3)a rational perspective理性看待
1.Facing this phenomena, we should not only analyze under-grounding cause, but also we need to take a rational perspective.中国加入WTO后,中外贸易摩擦不断增多,面对这一现象要不仅分析其深层原因,更要理性看待,而且还要尽可能削弱贸易摩擦对我国经济的不良影响。
4)Viewing historically历史看待
5)deal with them in a dialectical way辩证看待
6)correct evaluation正确看待
