1.To be a man is the growing target of a son and also the hope of the father for the son.成为男子汉是儿子的成长目标,也是父亲对儿子的希望。

1.A person characterized by or exhibiting machismo.男子汉男子汉气概为特征或显示男子汉气概的人
2.The quality or condition of being masculine.男子汉,刚毅作为男子的品质或条件
3.One characterized by excessive concern for machismo.男子汉具有极度的男子气概的人
4.They acquitted themselves like men.他们表现得像男子汉.
5.masculine looks, attitudes男子汉的容貌、 姿态
6.Brace up, and make a man of yourself.振作起来,做个男子汉吧。
7.Experience has made him a man.经历把他磨练成男子汉
8.Don' t cry. be a man !不要哭。要像个男子汉
9.It is what a man must do.男子汉就应该这样。
10.A strong, virile man.富有男性魅力的人强壮而有男子汉气概的男子
11.When a Boy reaches manhood, he should Behave like a man.男孩成年后其行为应象个男子汉
12.He is a manly little boy.他是个有男子汉气概的小男孩。
13.A male human being endowed with qualities, such as strength, considered characteristic of manhood.男子汉一个被认为具有男性特征的男子,如具有力量的男人
14.He a man! Hell! He was a hollow sham他是男子汉?见鬼!他是个虚伪的骗子
15.in a manful manner; with qualities thought to befit a man.以有男子汉气概的方式;有被认为是属于男子汉的品质的方式。
16.Suggestive or characteristic of a man;mannish.男性化的显示或具有男子汉精力充沛的
17.How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man?一个男人要走过多少路,你才能称他爲男子汉?
18.My lord is all day making an exhibition of his manly strength.我的男主人公整天显示着他男子汉的力气。

a broth of a boy好汉;男子汉
4)man's qualities男子汉性格
5)Seeking the man寻找男子汉
6)masculine literature"男子汉"文学

男子汉1.指成年的男子。 2.犹大丈夫。有作为有志气的男子。