1.The discussion about the image of "Zhenren and Jiren" in Zhuangzi;《庄子》中的“真人”和“畸人”形象

1.theatre fact(写真人真事的)活报剧
2.Sighing with Feeling the True Person--Brief Analysis of Tao Xingzhi s Goal Theory of Education on True Person;感喟真人——析陶行知“真人”教育目标论
3.Experiencing Dao and the Cultivation of Personality;体道与成人——《庄子》视域中的真人与真知
4.The play be a dramatic representation of a real event这出话剧改编自真人真事
5.a meaty, factual story一件有血有肉的真人真事
6.Fire proves gold, adversity proves men.-- L.A.Seneca烈火炼真金,逆境识真人。——塞涅卡
7.wow, it's packed. /it is crowded.哇,人真多,真拥挤。
8.Such people are shameless!这些人真无耻,真不要脸!
9.The new employees are really naive, are not they ?新进人员真纯真,不是吗?
10.Santa Claus is real.圣诞老人是真的。”
11.Her laziness is quite maddening.她很懒惰, 真气人.
12.factual writing(某人的)手笔, 真迹
13.a pucka pukka ] sahib谑]真正的欧洲人;
14.a pucka [ pukka ] sahib[谑]真正的欧洲人;
15.An innocent or naive person.天真幼稚的人单纯或天真的人
16.It's very nice [colorful, smart-looking, fancy, impressive, exotic].非常好。[色彩真鲜艳。真精神。真有趣。真能打动人。真有情调。
17.What traffic and what crowds!真是人山人海,车水马龙!
18.He's such a wet blanket.他真是个令人扫兴的人。

The characters are real, and the story is true真人真事
3)Sage and Zhenren圣人与真人
4)artificial dermis人工真皮
1.The study on making the artificial dermis from bovine collagen gel;以牛胶原凝胶为支架构建人工真皮的研究
2.Objective To compare the ability of forming artificial dermis between type I and extracellular matrix(EM) membranes, and select a more beneficial frame material for the construction of artificial dermis.比较Ⅰ型胶原与胞外基质(extracellularmatrix,EM)提取物冻干后形成的膜(EM膜)在体外构建人工真皮的能力,以选择一种更有利于人工真皮形成的支架材料。
5)Ergonomics simulation人机仿真
6)crowd simulation人群仿真
1.Based on a multi-player game engine, the system is capable of synchronized simulation and rendering of crowd scenes on each rendering node of a PC cluster with a crowd simulation module and an improved simulation process.该系统基于一个多人网络游戏引擎,通过增加人群仿真模块和改进仿真流程,实现了在PC集群各个渲染节点上的同步人群场景仿真和渲染。

真人【真人】 (术语)总称阿罗汉,亦称佛。以是为证真理之人故也。无量寿经下曰:“杀真人斗乱众僧。”法华文句一曰:“瑞应云真人。”同疏记曰:“真是所证,证真之人,故曰真人。”玄应音义九曰:“真人是阿罗汉也,或言阿罗诃。经中或言应真,或言应仪,亦言无著果,皆是一也。”中本起经上曰:“方身丈六,华色紫金,明曜于世。(中略)身正修德,履道忽荣弃利,义曰真人。凡有千二百五十人俱。”