1.In perceiving the environment,affordance is very important.通过三个实验考察了读者在语篇理解中对动允性(affordance)信息的提取状况,以及动允性在阅读理解中的意义。
2)allowable vibration允许振动
1.The vibration impact on instrument and equipment is discussed;and the significance of allowable vibration and influential factors are described in det.为此,笔者探讨地铁振动对精密仪器和设备影响的表现,详细介绍仪器和设备允许振动的含义及影响因素等,建议采用综合减振措施,并提出综合治理及减振措施设计原则,为减振措施的选取和设计提供了参考,同时还指出了该领域中还需进一步研究的几个问题。
2.Theoretically analyses the relation between the allowable vibration of a precise instrument and its response character to the vibration when the supporting is excited.从理论上分析了支承受激扰时精密仪器对振动的响应特性与允许振动之间的关系,从而可以根据精密仪器的允许振动,采取相应的防振措施。

1.In a similar manner, Earth will continue to heat up as the molecular rotation increases over time, allowing for a heightened vibration.以类似方式,地球将继续增温,因为分子旋转随时间增加而允许振动的提高。
2.Tri tones allow for even a higher vibrational energy flow allowing for continued ascension.三音可允许更高的振动能量流来继续提升。
3.The sun will elevate the vibrations enough to allow this to be so.太阳将充分提高矿石的振动以允许它实现。
4.Beyond this a fourth note is added to the three allowing for yet a higher vibrational rotation known as“ Quad Tones”.超过此阶段,第四个音调被加入来允许更高的振动提升,被称为“四音”。
5.Mechanical vibration - Balance quality requirement of rigid rotors - part 1: Determination of permissible residual unbalance??机械振动--刚性转子的平衡质量要求--第一部分:允许剩余失衡的测定
6.Research on Allowable Peak Particle Vibration Velocity for Transport Adit in Blasting in Open-Pit Mine露天爆破运输平硐允许峰值质点振动速度的研究
7.The act of admitting or entering.允许进入允许或进入的动作
8.The patient was allowed to ambulate in his room.病人被允许在屋里走动。
9.allowances for exchange fluctuatio外汇牌价允许波动范围
10.Sterling should be allowed to float.应当允许英镑浮动。
11.drive axle allowable input torque驱动桥允许输入扭矩
12.drive axle allowable output torque驱动桥允许输出扭矩
13.The act of admitting or allowing to enter.准许进入,加入承认或允许进入的动作
14.Novel dual-polarizing prism optics improve the quality of polarization and permit access to broader bandwidths.新型双偏振棱镜提高了偏振质量,可允许更宽的光谱带宽。
15.The roller supports at A and B prevent transition in the vertical direction but allow rotation.A和b处的辊轴支承不允许沿竖直方向平动,但允许转动。
16.A bill of sale allows an owner of personal property to give a mortgage over that property.允许动产所有人在其动产上设定抵押。
17.permitting movement or travel in one direction only.只允许按一个方向运动或者行驶。
18.In general, movement of robots by humans is not acceptable.一般情况下不允许队员移动机器人。

allowable vibration允许振动
1.The vibration impact on instrument and equipment is discussed;and the significance of allowable vibration and influential factors are described in det.为此,笔者探讨地铁振动对精密仪器和设备影响的表现,详细介绍仪器和设备允许振动的含义及影响因素等,建议采用综合减振措施,并提出综合治理及减振措施设计原则,为减振措施的选取和设计提供了参考,同时还指出了该领域中还需进一步研究的几个问题。
2.Theoretically analyses the relation between the allowable vibration of a precise instrument and its response character to the vibration when the supporting is excited.从理论上分析了支承受激扰时精密仪器对振动的响应特性与允许振动之间的关系,从而可以根据精密仪器的允许振动,采取相应的防振措施。
1.Analysis of admissibility for general periodically time-varying descriptor systems;一般广义周期时变系统的允许性分析
1.In this paper a point of view is expressed that the fairness of accounting measurement in anti-dumping holds a vital status.认为会计计量公允性在反倾销中具有十分重要的地位。
2.It suggests the ways to secure the fairness and fitness.该文阐述了会计政策选择及其存在原因,说明了会计政策选择与不同利益相关者的利益关系,分析并提出了保证会计政策选择公允性、恰当性的具体措施。
3.Materiality level for financial statements is the standard to judge the fairness of financial statements.公允性是指会计报表没有重要的错报,或者说会计报表不存在引起报表使用有误解而作出错误决策的错报;会计报表层的重要性水平是判断会计报表公允与否的标准;我国会计报表审计的目的应该选择公允性,同时应修改《独立审计准则》中发表无保留意见的条件。
5)load,permissilbe dynamic ~允许动负荷

家族性阵发性运动诱发性舞蹈手足徐动症家族性阵发性运动诱发性舞蹈手足徐动症  亦称“周期性肌张力不全”。系阵发性肌张力不全性舞蹈手足徐动症的一种类型。可为散发,或显性遗传。儿童期起病,青春期加频。临床特点是由主动运动而诱发肌张力不全、舞蹈手足徐动、强直。每日可出现数次,无意识障碍,脑电图正常。用小剂量抗癫痫药有较好效果;也有的用左旋多巴有效。