1.Part two analyses views about teacher of intellectualism.在近代外国教师理论研究方面,本文以外国中小学教师理论研究为出发点,侧重于本阶段具有代表性的主知主义、自然主义以及“全人教育”等三大教育流派来讨论其教师观。

1.A Comparative Research into Intellectualism and Volitionalism;西方教育史上主知主义和主意主义教育思潮之比较研究
2.The Wrong Cognition of Chinese Liberalism to Nationalism;中国自由主义对民族主义的错误认知
3.Comparing and evaluating the knowledge opinion of cognitivism and constructivism;认知主义与建构主义知识观的比较和评价
4.They do not know the difference either between communism and the Three People's Principles or between the new Three People's Principles and the old.他们既不知道共产主义和三民主义的区别,也不知道新三民主义和旧三民主义的区别。
5.Hence these are the only genuine Three People's Principles and all others are spurious.就可知只有这种三民主义,才是真三民主义,其他都是伪三民主义。
6.From Global Feminism to Transnational Feminism--Concurrently on the Knowledge Output of Transnational Feminism;从全球女性主义到跨国女性主义——兼论跨国女性主义的知识生产
7.Exploring the Theories of Vocabulary Teaching Under the Guidance of Behavior Doctrine,Cognition Doctrine,construction doctrine行为主义、认知主义、建构主义理论指导下的英语词汇教学理论探索
8.As everybody knows, imperialism is one target and feudalism the other.大家知道,一个是帝国主义,一个是封建主义。
9.I know that you are an anti-Communist, while I am a Communist.我知道你是反对共产主义的,而我是共产主义者。
10.Epistemological Contextualism:A Solution to the Skeptical Puzzle;知识论语境主义对怀疑主义难题的解答
11.The Comparison research in the education ideas between the Constructionism and the cognition;建构主义与认知主义教育思想的比较研究
12.The Internalism /Externalism Controversy;试论当代知识论中内在主义与外在主义之争
13.Propertism or instrumentialism:probe into A Philosophy of Intellectual Property;独占主义抑或工具主义——《知识产权哲学》探微
14.A Critique of the Relativist View of Knowledge in Sociology of Scientific Knowledge;科学知识社会学相对主义知识观批判
15.The Change of Knowledge View from Cognitivism to Congnitivism and the Revolution of Future Learning;从认知主义到建构主义的知识观转变与未来学习的变革
16.On the Cognitive and Semantic Foundations of Sentence-initial Subjectin the Subject-Predicate Structure;论主谓结构中句首主语的认知语义基础
17.A Probe into the Epistemological Base of Subjectivism in Western Educational Administration;西方主观主义教育管理理论的知识论基础探析
18.On Basicalism as the Popular Concept of Western Epistemology;论作为西方知识论主流性观念的基础主义

1.In view of the "fickle affection" in research on learning theories at present,this paper makes a comparative analysis of the advantage and disadvantage of behaviorism,cognitivism and constructivism learning theories.鉴于目前学习理论的研究普遍存在"喜新厌旧"现象,文章比较分析了行为主义、认知主义、建构主义学习理论的合理与不足之处,提出学习理论也应当进行整合。
2.The temporary philosophy of science is developing towards cognitivism.当代西方科学哲学正在朝着认知主义发展 ,它们在理解科学本质时仍存在内在论与外在论、自然化与社会化的争论。
3.Knowledge View of Cognitivism emphasizes the objectivity and determinacy of knowledge.认知主义知识观强调知识的客观性和确定性,在认知主义知识观的影响下,学生往往采用被动的、封闭的学习方式。
1.The learning theories of behaviorism, cognitionism, and humanism are of vital significance to the construction of the study - support service system.行为主义学习理论、认知主义学习理论和人本主义学习理论,对学习支持服务系统的构建有着重要指导意义。
1.But Hegel’s philosophy becomes the representation of modern Gnosticism, and not only deviates from the original meaning of Christianity, but also deviates from the original meaning of philosophy.但在这种思辨综合中黑格尔哲学却成为现代灵知主义的代表,既背离了基督教的原初意义,也背离了哲学的原初意义。
2.Therefore, according to the connotation of modernity, the Gnosticism is not any academic argument opposing Christian doctrine, which Marcion developed from the antagonism between the New Testament and the Old Testament, Hellenism and Christianism, Gnosis and divine illumination etc.但根据现代性的含义 ,马克安在新约与旧约、古希腊与基督教、善与恶、认识与神性光照的对立中所开启出来的灵知主义其实并非异教反对基督信仰的学理根据 ,而是圣徒保罗思想的激进表达 ,是一种“革命的灵知” ,因此才为韦伯、布洛赫、哈纳克、蒂利希、本雅明等现代思想家所激赏。
5)the rule of notice通知主义
1.the establishment of contract,notice and registry,among which the rule of notice should be accepted in Chinese civil law.确定被让与债权之归属的优先规则,包括合同成立主义、通知主义和登记注册主义,我国民法在解释上应当采纳通知主义。
