
1.On Female College Teachers Psychological Health and Self-protection;论高校女教师的心理健康及自我维护
2.On the Self-protection and Promotion of Teachers Psychological Health;浅谈教师心理健康的自我维护与促进
3.A Discussion on the Cause of Psychological Symptoms for Teachers and Its Self-maintenance;教师心理健康问题的成因分析和自我维护
4.The Causes of Formation in Teachers Mental Pressure and its Healthy Mental Self-uphold;教师心理压力成因及健康心理的自我维护
5.They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.他们是我们维护自由的唯一可靠保证。
6.We will continue to uphold academic and media freedom.此外,我们会继续维护学术和新闻自由。
7.How should my friend safeguard the rights and interests of oneself?我的朋友该如何维护自身的权益呢?
8.Ours is the cause of human dignity: freedom guided by conscience, and guarded by peace.我们的使命就是维护人的尊严,维护良知引导与和平守卫的自由。
9.We would like to devote our lives to maintaining territorial integrity.为了维护领土完整,我们甘愿献出自己的生命。
10.I resisted the proposal with obstinacy; and now I began to arm myself with arguments.我顽强地反对他的提议,用许多道理来维护自己。
11.In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat.有时为了维护自尊心,我们有必要撒谎和欺骗。
12.SELF ADJUSTING MECHANICAL DRUM BRAKES. Require less maintenance.自我调节机械鼓式制动器:几乎不需维护。
13.Cultivating Positive Self-concept,Protecting and Improving Mental Health;培养积极的自我概念,维护与促进心理健康
14.Self-psychological Construction,the Main Way to Maintain Teachers' Mental Health自我心理建设是教师维护心理健康的主要途径
15.If we do not maintain justice, justice will not maintain us.我们不维护正义,正义就不会维护我们。
16.We won%26 rsquo; t let our parents separate us from each other. We have decided to stick up for our rights.(译文:我们不会让父母把我们彼此分开,我们要维护自己的权利。
17.Libertarianism is a doctrine which seeks to preserve the sense or sen-connor wnich is reqired ron moral responsibility.意志自由论是一种旨在维护道德责任所需的自我控制感的学说。
18.automatic fault finding and maintenance自动故障探测和维护

1.How to take self-protection by means of law for nursing personnel;护理人员如何用法律进行自我保护
2.Discussion on Self-protection for Technicians in Evidence Collecting;浅谈痕检技术人员的自我保护
3.So I believe that the pre - realization of the governors of the safe processes are the bases and the realization of the safe process are the self-protections.对事故原因的再思索,认为:操作者的行为受管理制度约束,表现在生产过程就是自我保护,而管理制度又取决于生产管理者的超前意识,进而提出安全生产管理的超前意识是基础,实现安全生产的保证是自我保护。
3)Self Care自我护理
1.Aim To examine the relationship between self care agency and quality of life among patients with MI.目的对心肌梗死患者的生活质量和自我护理能力进行调查,探讨生活质量和自我护理能力之间的关系。
1.The Health Guidance of Self-nursing in Patients with Continent Bladder S toma for a Long-term;长期留置膀胱造瘘管患者自我护理的健康指导
2.More training of the relative knowledge on childbirth was given to the observation group while the routine guidance on hospitalization was given to the control group;the rate of hysterotokotomy,the data of total breast feeding and self-nursing 24 hours after childbirth.方法将300例产妇随机分为观察组和对照组,对观察组产妇进行分娩相关知识强化培训,增强产妇自然分娩及自我护理信念,对照组只进行一般入院宣教,比较两组剖宫产率、纯母乳喂养、产后24小时自护率等指标。
3.Self-nursing of Chronic Nephritis Patients;这里所谓的调护有环境、情志、饮食和自我护理。
1.Investigation on chemotherapeutic self-protection knowledge among nurses;护士化疗自我防护知识掌握情况的调查与分析
2.A survey of self-protection awareness of nurses contacting with cytotoxic drugs;护士接触细胞毒药物自我防护意识的调查
3.Self-protection Sense and Preventive Measure among Doctors and Nurses:A Survey;医护人员自我防护意识调查及对策
1.A study on development of theory and practice of self-care;自我护理理论与实践的发展研究
2.Study on the correlation of self-care agency and healthy behaviors in patients with colostomy;结肠造口患者自我护理能力与健康行为的相关性研究
3.The Effect of Self-care on the Renal Transplantation Outcomes;自我护理对肾移植转归的影响

材料保护 :电化学保护 通过改变极性或移动金属的阳极极化电位达到钝态区来抑制或降低金属结构腐蚀的材料保护技术。从伽法尼电池的两个金属电极来观察﹐腐蚀总是发生在阳极上。阴极保护就是在潮湿的土壤或含有电解质(如盐等)的水液等电解液中﹐利用牺牲阳极(如锌﹑铝等)或外加电流的惰性阳极﹐使被保护的钢铁结构成为这种人为的伽法尼电池中的阴极。在同一腐蚀环境中﹐活性较大的是阳极﹐较小的是阴极﹐例如在海水中﹐锌与低碳钢间如构成电解电池﹐锌就是阳极﹐钢就是阴极﹔但如果钢与不锈钢形成电解电池时﹐钢又变为阳极﹐不锈钢是阴极。所谓阴极﹐实际上是使电解液中的阳离子获得电子而还原的一个电极。因此﹐利用外加直流电源使它获得电子补充﹐也属於阴极保护方法。在不同的腐蚀介质中所需的保护电流密度不一。钢在土壤内﹐约为 0.0001~0.005安/分米3﹐在流动海水中约为0.0003~0.0015安/分米3﹐而在流动淡水中为0.005安/分米3 。阴极保护广泛用於保护地下管道﹑通信或电力电缆﹑闸门﹑船舶和海上平台等以及与土壤或海水等接触面积很大的工件﹐电化学保护与涂装结合则更为经济。城市和大型工厂的地下金属设备可採用这种保护方法﹐但需要注意杂散电流不致影响邻近地下金属设施的加速腐蚀。阳极保护主要用於保护钢﹑不锈钢和鈦等在浓硫酸和磷酸等强介质中的腐蚀。活性-钝性金属在阳极极化时﹐即电流导入而產生电位变化时﹐其极化曲线中有显著的活化﹑钝化和过钝化区(见图 阳极保护原理的极化曲线 )﹐对於这种情况﹐可利用稳压电源将电位控制在钝化区间﹐使腐蚀电流值降到最低限度。