1.The Concept and Measure of Media Credibility——With Reference to Meyer s Measure System of Media Credibility;传媒公信力的概念及测量——兼论梅耶的传媒公信力测量体系

1.Meijer transform梅耶变换 M梅西叶星团星云符号
2.Judith Myers: Please stop! Please Michael! I love you!茱迪丝·梅耶斯:不要这样!迈克尔!我爱你!
3.The Criticism on Meyerhold and Chinese Contemporary New Drama Movement;梅耶荷德和中国当代新戏剧运动批判
4.P> 640 Pardon me. Are you Ralph Meyers from National Fixtures?对不起,请问你是从国家装置公司来的雷夫·梅耶史先生吗?
5.But the fight for justice in Argentina goes on and the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo keep marching.但阿根廷将继续为正义而战,而梅耶广场妈妈也将继续走下去。
6.Michael Myers - Child: [to Baby Laurie] Happy Halloween, Boo!迈克尔·梅耶斯(对还是婴儿的劳丽说):万圣节快乐!嘘!
7.The Concept and Measure of Media Credibility--With Reference to Meyer s Measure System of Media Credibility;传媒公信力的概念及测量——兼论梅耶的传媒公信力测量体系
8.A Study on the Factors of Cognitive Psychology with Multimedia Learning --Study and Practice from Mayer;多媒体学习中的认知心理学因素考察——来自梅耶(Mayer)的研究和实践
9.Mutually Complementary Stanislavski and Meyerhold互为镜像、彼此映照的斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基与梅耶荷德
10.How Technology Should Be Committed to the Promotion of Learning:Mayer's View on Multimedia Learning and Teaching Designing技术应如何致力于促进学习?——梅耶论多媒体学习与教学设计的原则
11.But he died before he could complete it, and the sages were composed by his pupil Sussmayer.但是他却没能完成这部作品就溘然而逝,最后的几段是由他的学生苏士梅耶尔作的。
12.German composer of French operas, notably Les Huguenots(1836).梅耶贝尔,贾科莫1791-1864德国法语歌剧作曲家,主要作有胡格诺派教徒(1836年)
13.A musician one day asked Beethoven whether it was true that Sussmayer- not Mozart- had composed the Requiem.有一天,一位音乐家问贝多芬,这部安魂曲是否真的是苏士梅耶尔而不是莫扎特所作的。
14.The Paradigm Shift from Cognitive to Constructivism--R.M.Gagne s and R.E.Mayer s Information Processing Pattern Comparison;从认知主义到建构主义的范式转换——加涅与梅耶的信息加工模式对比
15.Union of Educational Psychology and Educational Technology:To Facilitate the Process of Cognitive Change in Learners--An Interview with Professor Richard E.Mayer;教育心理学与教育技术学联盟:促进学习者认知变化——与理查德·梅耶教授访谈
16.Types of Learning, Cognitive Processing and Instructional Outcomes A Brief Glimpse of R. Mayers Perspective of Learning;学习类型、认知加工和教学结果——当代著名教育心理学家理查德·梅耶的学习观一瞥
17.Danach folgen dicht aufeinander Halle, Ilmenau, Jena, Rostock und Leipzig.紧随其后的是哈勒、伊尔梅瑙、耶拿、罗斯托克和莱比锡。
18.Hebron The Islamic Principal,Fathiyeh Qawasmeh,39/six children西伯伦,伊斯兰学校校长,法特希耶·夸沃斯梅,39岁,有6个孩子。

Antoine Meillet (1866~1936)梅耶,A.
1.The Criticism on Meyerhold and Chinese Contemporary New Drama Movement;梅耶荷德和中国当代新戏剧运动批判
2.Mutually Complementary Stanislavski and Meyerhold互为镜像、彼此映照的斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基与梅耶荷德
3.Meyerhold and Vahtankov are ever disciples when they start their vocation,and as rebels in the history of theatre.俄国著名导演斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基创立的斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基演剧体系对整个 2 0世纪的剧场史具有深远的影响 ,而他的学生梅耶荷德和瓦赫坦戈夫则是以反叛者的姿态为世人所瞩目。
4)Mayer problem梅耶问题
5)Messier catalog (M)梅西耶星表
6)Richard E.Mayer理查德·梅耶
